Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1090: prophecy

Xiao Chen looked at the chattering village chief, and had the urge to beat people. Some gods were stronger than immortals. They were descendants of gods and stronger than immortals.

Then he said a lot of the glorious deeds of their ancestors.

After talking about it for a long time, the village chief finally talked about serious matters.

"When Grandma Auntie was born, our ancestors manifested their spirits and left a prophecy saying that Grandma Auntie will be the overlord of the immortal world in the future, but when Grandma Auntie is sixteen, there will be life and death."

The village chief said slowly: "And the ancestors also left a way to crack, that is, when grandma was sixteen years old, she was frozen. In the future, someone will help her through the catastrophe, and then that person will assist her. Become the overlord of the fairy world."

"Isn't the person the village chief said is me?" Xiao Chen was dumbfounded. The village chief was all tens of thousands of years old. At that time, he didn't know where he was?

The village chief did not answer Xiao Chen's words directly, but continued: "Just a few days ago, grandma aunt suddenly broke the ice and fell into a cliff when she was out to play. We thought grandma was dead, but she came back intact. And said that you saved her."

"Little friend, are you that person? The village chief asked with a smile on his face."

"It's a ghost!" Xiao Chen cursed secretly in his heart, and the girl almost beat him to death. If it weren't for his fate, maybe he would be a ghost for the dead.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence." Xiao Chen smiled helplessly.

"Whether it is a prophecy or a coincidence, you have saved your grandma's life. By the way, the ancestors also left you sixteen words. Would you like to listen?"

"Leave it to me?" Xiao Chen was taken aback again, and then said: "Which sixteen characters?"

"When encountering gods to kill gods, encountering Buddhas to kill Buddhas, immortals block and cut immortals, demon blocks and cut demons!"

The village chief said every word, his face full of seriousness.

"When encountering gods to kill gods, encountering Buddhas to kill Buddhas, immortals block immortals, demons block demons!" Xiao Chen muttered these sixteen words, and these sixteen words appeared in his mind at the same time. Overwhelming killing intent, burst out in Xiao Chen's soul sea, Xiao Chen's fairy soul trembled!

Endless killing intent constantly impacted Xiao Chen, trying to swallow his mind.

"I am Xiao Chen. I have the blood of the God of War, the **** of war, the **** of war, the **** of war, the war demon, the war demon, and the killing intent. I also want to fascinate my mind and break me!"

Xiao Chen's fairy soul suddenly opened his eyes, and the murderous aura in the soul sea dissipated like a tide, as if it had never appeared before.

Outsiders didn't even know what happened in Xiao Chen's soul sea, and the village chief just saw Xiao Chen stunned and recovered.

"What the **** is going on? With just sixteen words, such a terrifying killing intent appeared, and the Sword of Killing reached thousands."

Xiao Chen was shocked in his heart, but on the surface he was calm, just constantly asking about the prophecy.

Later, the girl also came over and took Xiao Chen a mouthful of a grandson. Xiao Chen was almost mad, but he finally knew the girl's real name, Lin Shuangshuang.

That tall cold beauty is called Lin Huahua.

Later, Lin Shuangshuang pulled Xiao Chen and continued to fight for wine. Xiao Chen also took the opportunity to make an agreement that if Xiao Chen could drink Lin Shuangshuang, he would not call her grandmother in the future.

Lin Shuangshuang promised that the wine they drank was called Baihuazui, which was brewed from hundreds of famous flowers, and even immortals could get drunk.

As long as a mortal takes a sip, he will immediately become drunk.

But they didn't expect that Xiao Chen was in a state of utter desolation, not drunk in a thousand glasses.

Finally, all the villagers in the village were drunk directly.

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