Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1088: My grandma!

In a daze, Xiao Chen heard the system prompt, and the next moment, he bounced up suddenly.


Xiao Chen felt that he had hit something, and then a painful grunt sounded in his ear.

Only then did Xiao Chen realize that he was lying on a wooden bed with a young girl standing next to the bed, rubbing his forehead.

"You are made of stone, so hard!" the girl said dissatisfiedly.

"Are you?" Xiao Chen looked around. It was just a simple wooden house, then glanced at the girl and asked.

"I'm grandma."

"I'm asking for your name."

"Yes, I'm just grandma!" the girl said.

This girl, young, likes to take advantage of others so much.

At this moment, the door of the house was opened, and the high-cold woman walked in and said, "Auntie, everyone please come to you!"

"Oh, good!" The girl replied, and walked out without paying attention to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen was taken aback, then got out of bed and walked out the door.

The sky is already dark.

But Xiao Chen could still see that he was in an ancient village. There were old people and children in the village, looking like a paradise. At this time, everyone in the village was gathered in front of the wooden house.

"Hello everyone!" The girl smiled and waved!

"Hello grandma!" Everyone said hello to the girl.

Xiao Chen's mouth widened when she saw it. The young girl's age could not be wrong, she was sixteen or seventeen, but Xiao Chen saw that an old man with gray hair and looking very respected was also called grandma.

Could this girl really be grandma?

"Everyone has worked hard!"

"Serve grandma!"

"Puff!" Xiao Chen smiled directly when he heard these people's conversations.

This smile didn't matter, and everyone looked at him instantly.

Xiao Chen's face was instantly full of embarrassment, and he smiled awkwardly: "Go on!"

"This little friend, since you have come to the boundary of our Tianshen Village, you are considered to be destined, so come and visit grandma together."

The respected old man greeted Xiao Chen.

"Me?" Xiao Chen pointed at himself, and then hurriedly shook his head: "I'll forget it!"

He didn't want to call grandma to a seventeen-year-old girl.

"Since the little friend doesn't want to, then forget it, Huahua, send the little friend to the Great Barren Mountain!" The old man directly greeted the cold woman.

"The village chief, with his cultivation base, I am afraid that he can't make two steps in the great barren mountain. In any case, he also helped aunt and grandma. It is better for us to find some time and send him out of the great barren mountain!"

The cold woman said.

"I can't send him out. I have forgotten the ancestral training. The ancestral training said that if grandma can survive this disaster, she will definitely become the overlord of the immortal world, and the person who helped him through the disaster, or become grandson of grandma , Or kill it!"

The old man said, and then took a look at Xiao Chen. It was clear that Xiao Chen didn't feel any aura in the old man, but he was cold all over, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

The old man's voice fell, and everyone else's eyes fell on Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen felt like he was a sheep and surrounded by a group of hungry wolves. He only waited for an order to tear him apart!

Xiao Chen was agitated, and immediately came to the girl's side, bowed his head and said: "Good grandma!"

"Well, hello, yes, grandson, what is your name?" the girl asked innocently.

Xiao Chen's face twitched for a while, and finally replied, "Xiao Chen!"

"Everyone has a hard day. Let's start the dinner!" The girl nodded and then ordered.

"Yes, grandma!"

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