Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1085: Kill the gray-robed disciple!

Looking at the six people who came over indifferently, Xiao Chen pointed at the six people and suddenly said: "Set! Set! Set!"

The next moment, the wind came and shot out suddenly, covering all six people in it.

"Sure enough, these guys have trump cards!" Looking at the six figures in the beam, Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes. The next moment, Wan pointed the magic weapon that had reached the emperor rank at the six.

"Ten thousand swords return to the clan!"

Ten thousand swords fell on six people at the same time.


Xiao Chen shouted decisively.

An explosion sounded around the six people. Ten thousand swords exploded at the same time. A terrifying explosion swept across the starry sky. At the same time, a reminder sounded in his mind.

"No way, the wind comes to the artillery, adding the sacred skill ten thousand swords to return to the sect, and adding ten thousand magic weapons to blew himself up, only to kill one person?"

Xiao Chen smacked a little.

Although only one person died, this guy was much richer than the Xuanyuan family's strong man. He obtained tens of thousands of pieces from the fairy crystal alone, five pieces of immortal artifacts, three immortal charms, and a few immortal pills.

"It deserves to be the strongest force in the immortal realm. If you kill anyone at random, you will kill all the powerhouses of Xuanyuan and Chiyou."

At the same time that Xiao Chen smacked his tongue, he was shocked in his heart. Then he looked at the five embarrassed figures, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and three fairy symbols appeared in his hand!

Suddenly, Xiaoqing appeared beside the five with three immortal charms in his mouth.

When the five of them saw the fairy talisman in Xiaoqing’s mouth, their eyebrows jumped wildly, and they lost their color in shock, "Second-rank fairy talisman, burst flame talisman!"

Several people immediately wanted to retreat, but it was too late.

An indifferent voice sounded in the distance: "Boom!"

When Xiao Chen's voice came, Xiao Qing instantly returned to the pet space. Three red fairy charms suddenly burned at the same time. An unspeakable and dangerous aura brewed in them, and the next moment, directly exploded!


There was a deafening explosion in the entire dark starry sky. The explosion was far more terrifying than the explosion of ten thousand swords. The explosion swept away, and the Sonny was also lifted far away by Yuwei.

Xiao Chen watched the horrible explosion and listened to the voice in his mind. He once again revealed a look of joy in his eyes, and a large number of good things were entered into the account.

"Interestingly, an immortal emperor can actually use external force to kill all six people!"

Tian Luo's lazy expression showed a hint of surprise, and said lightly: "Xu Zhen, you will do it yourself, catch him, remember, you want to live!"

"Yes, Master!" Xu Zhen stepped out of the battleship and walked towards the Sonny step by step.

Xiao Chen looked at Xu Zhen in the blue robe, and his heart was full of palpitations. This person's cultivation base was far stronger than those in the gray robe.

Xu Zhen walked slowly, with a faint smile on his face.

Seeing this, Xiao Chen's heart sank, and he urged nearly twenty immortal charms to come to Xu Zhen's path forward.

Xu Zhen looked at the fairy talismans, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he didn't care much.


Xiao Chen let out a low cry, and all the fairy talismans exploded at the same time, but Xu Zhen, who was in the explosion, had a circular barrier around him, and the terrifying explosion could not hurt him at all.

Xu Zhen walked slowly in the explosion, and Xiao Chen and Zhao Ze who watched at the same time cursed secretly in their hearts: "I can really pretend!"

At this moment, Qinglin recovered his body and came to Xiao Chen's dantian, and suddenly got into Xiao Chen's dantian, and the entire fairyland seemed to have shrunk countless times, turning into a single light spot and rushed into Xiao Chen's dantian.

There was a joy in Xiao Chen's eyes, and he directly connected Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai. In Xu Zhen's stunned expression, the space where the Sonny was used jumped and disappeared in place!

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