Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1082: Destruction!

Not far from Xianyu, Xiao Chen sat cross-legged on a floating rock, with Xuanyuanhai and Xuanyuan Yang standing behind him.

Xiao Chen closed her eyes tightly and her expression was calm, but Xuanyuanhai and Xuanyuan Yang were full of tension, especially Xuanyuanhai. She didn't understand why Xiao Chen stayed here.

Does he want to die with Xianyu, or does he have a way to withstand the revenge of Tianwu Immortal Palace?

At this time, Xiao Chen was completely immersed in Ling Tian, ​​the pit father artifact, Ling Tian had already reached the top magic weapon of the immortal domain, and he could completely advance to the rank of immortal artifact.

Xiao Chen also learned from the second population that magic weapons in the fairy world are collectively referred to as immortal artifacts, with the highest rank of nine and the lowest rank of one.

However, Ling Tian Jin-level immortal implements need a material called Luo Jingshi, but unfortunately they were not found in the Kengxian Value Mall. The system has said that it will only appear after the update.

Xiao Chen asked Xuanyuanhai and the others again, and learned that Luo Jingshi was an indispensable material for making immortal artifacts of Grade 5 or higher. It was extremely precious, like the Xuanyuan family, even a small piece could not be taken out.

Xiao Chen was very speechless. If it were as Xuanyuanhai and the others said, then Luo Jingshi would be very expensive, and it would be difficult for him to upgrade Ling Tian to an immortal weapon.

Xiao Chen originally wanted to improve his strength by upgrading Ling Tian, ​​but it seemed that he could only fail. At the same time, there were also warriors and soldiers returning to the world of Jin Yong's martial arts, and handing them the mainland crystal to Xiao Chen.

On this day, hundreds of millions of miles away from Xiao Chen, there was an uninhabited continent, which was deserted and devoid of vitality. On the edge of the continent, there was a figure standing with a look of shock on his face.

This figure was the young man who had escaped from the fairyland. Seeing the news from the fairy palace, there was shock and fear on his face.

"It turned out that Lord Tianluo made the shot himself. If Lord Tianluo came, wouldn't it mean that the **** would also come? It seems that the fruit of the great path has nothing to do with me, and I will be ridiculed by the bastard."

The young man said to himself with an ugly face, "Blame that **** kid, I must twitch his muscles and peel his skin to vent the humiliation I have suffered!"

Just as his voice fell, suddenly there was a loud noise in the starry sky.

Immediately afterwards, the breath like wild beasts teleported from the starry sky.

Afterwards, a battleship that looked like a huge sword slowly appeared in the sight of the youth. When he saw the battleship, the youth's pupils shrank sharply and lost his voice: "The Destruction was also brought, it seems Tian Luo The adults are bound to win the fruit of the great road!"

Destruction represents fear in the Immortal Realm. The reason why Destruction is called Destroy is because its power can destroy everything. It is the most proud of Tianwu Immortal Palace. It can overwhelm all power weapons, because it can directly destroy like the Immortal Realm. The mainland, even if the mainland’s rules of heaven are perfect.

Of course, the Tianwu Immortal Palace also has an unwritten rule, that is, it is not possible to destroy the entire continent of the Heavenly Dao at will, in that case, the immortal world will also be affected.

However, if the power of Heavenly Dao begins to decay like Xiao Chen is in the Immortal Territory, then it can be destroyed at will. For them, it will only accelerate the destruction of the heaven and earth here, and there is no burden in their hearts.

Soon, the battleship came to the front of the continent where the youth was located, and then a figure appeared on the battleship.

A young man who looked eighteen or nineteen years old, dressed in a blue robe and also embroidered with the word Tianwu, had an undisguised haughty smile on his face, and looked at the gray robe youth faintly.

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