Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1080: Ready to fuse fairyland!

Xiao Chen's word for the weak made the youth extremely ugly: "Although you don't know how you got the battleship, you are only the third immortal emperor. As long as this son is willing, he can suppress you at any time!"

"If this is your last word, then you can go on the road." Xiao Chen's voice fell, directly blending into the void, Xiao Qing directly turned into a flame and killed him.

"It's gone, and I can't perceive a breath, how did he do it?" The young man frowned, just as he felt Xiao Chen's location.

Xiao Qing had already come to him, and the aura exuding from Xiao Qing's body also surprised the youth.

"Late Beginner, how can there be such a powerful alien beast in this abandoned land?"

A long sword appeared in the young man's hand and hurriedly greeted it.

The speed of the youth is also extraordinary, comparable to Xiaoqing. Xiao Chen blends into the void, and can only feel that a golden light and red light continue to collide with each other. The force of the terrifying rules constantly wipes out everything around him, and Xiao Chen has to hide. Far away.

Even if he could control the power of Heaven, he couldn't intervene in the battle of the two titled immortal emperors in the later stage.

Moreover, Xiao Chen discovered that the young man was constantly moving outside the fairyland. If he were to leave the fairyland, it would be even more difficult to find him.

When they were above the abyss, Xiao Chen was caught off guard before killing the two late stage powerhouses. Now that he wants to use the Sonny, it is impossible to kill the youth.

Suddenly, Xiao Chen frowned, and at the same time a voice rang from a distant place.

"Today's affairs are not over, prepare to bear the anger of my Tianwu Immortal Palace."

Xiao Chen could not perceive the youth's breath anymore, which means that the youth had already left the immortal realm. Xiao Chen wanted to recruit Xiaoqing back. It was very dangerous outside the immortal realm. A little carelessness would lead to life crisis. He didn't want Xiaoqing to take risks, so he recruited him back.

However, Xiao Chen frowned. The young man escaped, and he will definitely retaliate in the future. Moreover, the entire fairyland will be affected by the means of the young man.

If there is a senior or even consummated powerhouse in the late titled Immortal Emperor, even if he merges with Tiandao and adds the Sonny, he cannot be his opponent.

"Dad Xiao Chen, it's actually not impossible!" Tian Xing'er said.

"How to do it?" Xiao Chen asked.

"It's very simple, let the green scales and the colorful crystals of the Star Continent merge into one and integrate the entire fairyland into your Dantian!"

The words of Tian Xing shocked Xiao Chen directly, "Can this be done?"

"Your dantian is so mysterious, it's nothing to blend into a fairyland."

Xiao Chen's dantian was the nameless dantian given by a mysterious person in that dream.

"Okay!" Xiao Chen didn't think too much, anyway, there was already a Star Continent in the dantian, and there was no big deal in one more fairyland.

Next, Xiao Chen's consciousness sank into the soul sea. At the same time, Tian Xing'er and Qing Lin all appeared in the soul sea. Tian Xing'er and Qing Lin said something, Qing Lin nodded and came to the colorful crystal!

After that, Qinglin swallowed the colorful crystal in one bite, and then Xiao Chen discovered that he had come into the void again. At this moment, he seemed to be in the starry sky, and he could find that there were many sun-like light spots around him. There is weakness.

There is a light spot that is as large as a basketball in the nearest one, and there are densely packed light spots that are like rice grains around it.

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