Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1078: Start first!

Seeing Chu Lie's expression, the young man's complexion darkened, and he said coldly, "Don't tell this son, Chu Yunmeng is also dead. If she is also dead, there is no need for your place to exist!"

Chu Lie suddenly felt a strong aura oppressing him. This aura reminded him of the aura of the alien wars and the alien masters. He is only the fifth immortal emperor, and he can't resist it at all. Kneeling down on the ground, his throat was sweet, and the bones all over his body seemed to be torn apart.

Chu Liesheng swallowed the blood from his throat, and said in a very quick tone: "Chu Yunmeng is in Star City!"

"Take us to Star City!" The youth ordered directly.

"Yes!" Chu Lie did not dare to object.

Only a handful of people knew about Chu Yunmeng leaving the fairyland, and the outside world always thought she was in Star City.

Xiao Chen looked at the direction the youth was moving forward, with a gloomy expression. If the youth found out that Chu Yunmeng was not in the immortal domain, the youth might not give up, and if he dared to beat his wife, it was enough to make Xiao Chen kill the youth. heart.

Since you want to kill, you must first act first!

Xiao Chen contacted Qinglin, Xiaobai, Xiaohei, and Xiaoqing, ready to fight at any time.

The young people were riding on the Xuanyuan’s Fei Ling boat, and as soon as they left the Chu’s house, there was a violent tremor from the boat!

"Where is this place?" The young man frowned as he looked at the low abyss.

"The Abyss of the God of War?" Chu Lie said in shock, "How could we suddenly appear in the Abyss of the God of War?"

"It's such a powerful rule. I'm afraid there have been battles between those who are above the mid-term titled Immortal Emperor." Xuanyuan Yun frowned.

"This place was formed after the ten great war gods of Star City blew up. It is said that the ten great war gods are all powerhouses surpassing the immortal emperor." Chu Lie looked at the surrounding abyss and said with a little fear.

"But, why are we here?" Chi Youran frowned and asked.

"I brought you here."

As a voice fell, the Sonny appeared thousands of feet away from the spacecraft, Xiao Chen stood on the bow and said lightly.

"Who are you?" The young man looked at Xiao Chen coldly. After seeing Xiao Chen's cultivation level clearly, a strange look appeared on his face.

"My lord, he is Xiao Chen, the lord of the Star City!" After seeing Xiao Chen, Chu Lie flashed a panic in his eyes, but he glanced at the young man beside him and said.

After hearing the Star City, the youth's face suddenly appeared cold, and he looked at Xiao Chen and said coldly, "Where is Chu Yunmeng?"

"Where is my wife, why should I tell you?"

Xiao Chen slanted the young man with a wicked smile.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, the youth's face instantly filled with murderous intent, but Xuanyuanyun and Chi Youran's expressions changed drastically, and then a trace of pity flashed in their eyes.

It is really desperate to grab a woman with the people of Tianwu Immortal Palace. Don't talk about him, I'm afraid this abandoned land will soon become a dead place.


The young man's eyes were gloomy and indifferent: "Xuanyuanyun, don't you regard this place as a place of experience? Then start hunting, not one above the immortal sovereign!"

The youth's words were full of indifference and ruthlessness. Upon hearing this, Xiao Chen's eyes also burst out with a strong killing intent.

"Messenger, our Chi You family is also willing to help!" Chi Youran licked his lips, eyes full of cruelty. Although the fruit of the Dao Dao had no relationship with him, if he could establish a relationship with Tianwu Immortal Palace, everything would be worth it.

"Go!" the young man said lightly.

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