Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1063: Chi You family!

"Huh, there are more than 30 people in my Chi You family. The leader is Elder Chi Youran. The cultivation base has reached the elementary stage of the titled immortal emperor's late stage. The titled immortal emperor is ten strong, and the rest are all immortal emperors. ."

A trace of triumph flashed in the young man's eyes: "Boy, do you know what a powerful immortal emperor is, you have abolished the cultivation base of this seat, and you are finished."

Xiao Chen's face changed slightly: "In the early stage, this level of cultivation is not weaker than the original Wang Kun."

Moreover, there are ten powerful immortal emperors, and I am afraid they are not weak. Why is such a strong lineup coming to Xianyu?

A dignified color flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes, and he grabbed the young man, turned his head and glanced at the emperor who had been overtaken by a few women.

"Let's go!"

"It's the young master!"

Xiao Chen took all the people back into the World of War Souls, took the youth, sat on Xiao Qing, and disappeared into the imperial capital in the blink of an eye.

"The emperor is dead!"

"The worship is also dead!"

"The legion commander is almost dead!"

The three news spread to the ears of various forces like a hurricane. After silence, the major forces were about to move, and the Tiannan Empire was surging.


After half a day, Xiao Chen returned to the flying spirit ship and talked about the youth.

"The Chi You family?" Xuanyuan Hai and Xuanyuan Yang both changed their faces and asked in shock after hearing the young man claiming to be the Chi You family.

"you know?"

"Brother, tell me." Xuanyuanhai and Xuanyuan Yang's faces were full of solemn expressions.

Xuanyuan Yang nodded, and said with a slight weight: "The Xuanyuan family and the Chi You family are very different in strength, and they are mortal enemies. Great wars often erupt. It can be said that they have reached an endless state of death. I am afraid that they are not good."

"Brother Xiao Chen, I have already asked." At this moment, Xiao Rou said, through the God Control Technique, the young man confessed everything he knew.

"What is their purpose in coming to Xianyu?" Xiao Chen asked.

"There are two purposes, one is to intercept and kill the powerhouse Xuanyuan family who came to the immortal domain to experience, and the other is to find an item, but his strength is relatively low, and he doesn't know what to look for." Xiao Rou said.

"To dispatch the titled immortal emperor to the junior level, it seems that the Chi You family wants to kill the entire Xuanyuan family, but I don't know what the Chi You family is looking for?"

Xiao Chen said to himself, Xuanyuan Yang said that every time the Xuanyuan family experienced the leader of the team, it was only the mid-term Dzogchen, and the Chi You family dispatched the early stage to destroy the entire team.

"I don't know if what they are looking for will conflict with us?" Chu Yunmeng said. Even if it is only a beginner, it is not something they can deal with.

"Regardless of what they are looking for, in order to avoid getting rid of the grass and startling snakes, they shouldn't do anything before the Xuanyuan family powerhouse arrives. In other words, we have less than five years. During this time, we must work hard to improve our strength. "Mu Qingxuan stepped forward and said.

"I have a way to help you improve, but I need a lot of resources." Xiao Chen said while looking at the eight girls.

"Brother Xiao Chen, but the mysterious space you used to help me improve my strength in the lower realm?" Xiao Rou asked, and Chang Qianqian also looked over. Both of them had used the wood spirit space and wind spirit space rented by Xiao Chen.

"Yes." Xiao Chen nodded. After the war, Xiao Chen's arrears had been paid off, and he still had hundreds of millions of immortal values, but now the strength of several women has reached the titled immortal emperor, Xiao Chen doesn't know how much. How long can the Yikeng cents value maintain the space?

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