Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1060: The killing has started!

The 18th empire legion, each legion has thousands of people, and the weakest has reached the immortal king, but facing the five people, it has no effect at all.

After opening the Wushuang armor, they didn't defend at all, they just killed the enemy desperately.

Boom boom boom!

The army continued to kill, watching the imperial sergeants fall, they were extremely angry, and they killed five people.

"Unparalleled giant soldiers, unparalleled combat soldiers!"

The five urged Wushuang magical powers, transformed into a giant of hundreds of feet, and huge weapons appeared in their hands. Every time they went down, a large number of sergeants died.

Xiao Tong and Little Fatty stood behind Xiao Chen, with some envy in their eyes, after all, the strength of the five people in front of them surpassed them.

Xiao Chen watched the five people show their power, with a smile in his eyes. The most important thing about the blood of the God of War is war.

"The powers below the high level of Xianzun retreat!" Suddenly a loud shout rang out, and then several high-level powers of the Xianzun came and besieged several people.

"It's the legion commander and the deputy legion commander!"

"How is it possible? The captain is not an opponent!"

The people watching the battle from a distance were shocked, their faces were shocked, and they looked at each other. They couldn't react for a while. After a dozen strong men went up, they all died in battle!

The commander of the legion is dead, it's absolutely earthshaking.

The news of the death of several legion chiefs swept across the entire imperial capital like a hurricane. The various forces in the imperial capital were shocked, saying that it was impossible, and there was still a glimmer of expectation that this group of people could go.

Furious in the palace, a horrible aura continued to spread, and then orders came out, and the palace was surging.


In front of the Yu family's gate, Yu Xiang and others had recovered their normal bodies, covered in blood, and the people around them dared not approach at all.

They quietly leaned on the door, restoring Xianyuan, waiting for the imperial sergeant to come, their main purpose was to kill the emperor.

It didn't take long for the five people to raise their heads in an instant, showing murderous intent, looking towards the end of the street, a black silhouette at the end, constantly moving, an overwhelming breath came, and everyone watching the battle from a distance backed away, a trace of fear flashed in their eyes.

"Finally here." Xiao Chen's eyes moved slightly.

Soon the figure appeared in front of everyone, behind was a group of black sergeants, and in front was a group of juniors, followed by four old men.

"The four immortal peaks, it seems that these four people are the four major consecrations of the Tiannan Empire!"

The junior in front is the prince of the empire, and the legion commander is by his side.

"Who killed the heads, get out and die!" a prince shouted sharply.

"Zhang Zhi, take my life, today I will use your head to pay homage to my sister!" Yu Nan shouted angrily, stepped forward, blinked to the prince, and slammed a punch against him.

"What a courage!" One of the worshippers yelled and showed murderous intent. The aura of Xianzun's peak suddenly burst, and he took a step, the same punch, and met Yu Nan's fist in the air.

And just as the two fists were about to meet, Yu Nan's breath suddenly changed, and a terrifying imperial coercion swept out.

"Xianhuang!" The face of the worshiper changed drastically. He had felt this kind of aura from the emperor, but he did not expect that the little girl in front of him was actually a strong immortal.

It is impossible for him to stop!


There was a loud bang, and everyone was stunned to see the enshrining arm being broken, and the whole person was blown off, not knowing where it went.

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