Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1055: Brothers cannibalize!

"The prince of the Southern Heavenly Empire?" Xiao Chen frowned. The two were considered brothers, indicating that Zhang Xingyi was also a prince before. For the imperial power, it is normal for the brothers to smash each other, but this prince does not have the blood of the **** of war. That is to say, the blood of the God of War on Zhang Xingyi's body is likely to come from his mother.

"I remember, it's no wonder that Zhang Xingyi's name is a bit familiar. He was the prince of the Tiannan Empire." Xiao Tong said suddenly.

"Later, Zhang Xingyi's matrilineal family tried to rebel, and was noticed by the Emperor of the Tiannan Empire and uprooted Zhang Xingyi's matrilineal family. Only Zhang Xingyi, who was the prince at the time, got the news in advance and escaped. He did not expect that the demon king Zhang Xingyi was actually the prince then. "

Xiao Tong said a little sadly.

"Zhang Xingyi, Zhang Xingyi, don't worry, your mother and concubine's family is still alive, you will be like them, watching how tortured each other, saying you have been running for five years, Zizi, five years!" Zhang Qizi Zi laughed, his face was full of joking.

"Zhang Qi, you must not die!" Zhang Xingyi roared grimly, five years, which means that his family has been tortured for five years.

This is more painful than killing them directly!

"If you have done Zhang Xingyi, you can't blame others. If you could kill Zhang Ru according to the emperor's instructions, you would not fall to this end!"

Zhang Qi sneered, his face full of coldness.

"Hahaha, hahaha!" Zhang Xingyi laughed wantonly after hearing the words, "It's sad, sad!"

"what's so funny?"

"Isn't it funny? Just because my daughter's talent is better than me, and I am afraid that I will surpass myself in the future, he said that his daughter will become a big demon through practice, and let his own son kill his own sister. , Is such a person a human? Is such a person qualified to be an emperor?"

Zhang Xingyi's laughter is full of sadness, helplessness, and anger!

"Hey, boy, who are you? Who asked you to come up and talk, don't you want to live?" Suddenly Zhang Qi yelled at the people in front of him, his face full of badness.

Zhang Xingyi was taken aback, and then realized that it was not Zhang Qi who had just asked himself, but Xiao Chen.

"It's you?"

"It seems that you know each other." Zhang Qi showed a cold look on his face and said, looking at Xiao Chen: "Come here, arrest this group of rebels, and the rebels will be killed on the spot!"

It seems that this is not the first time that Zhang Qi directly ordered the arrest of people without asking questions.

Xiao Chen turned his head and glanced at Zhang Qi, and then ignored him, a long sword appeared in his hand, cutting the chain on Zhang Xingyi's body.

"Are you interested in messing with me?"

Xiao Chen said lightly.

"The juniors are willing to follow the predecessors and do their best for the predecessors!" Zhang Xingyi's eyes flashed with surprise, and he knelt on one knee and said excitedly.

He had already decided that the person in front of him must be a senior from other places, and he might be able to help him.

"Get up."

Then Xiao Chen pointed at Fatty and Xiao Tong and said, "My name is Xiao Chen, and you will call me Young Master from now on. Like the two of them, I belong to the Xiao family army!"

"It's the young master!" Zhang Xingyi stood up and said respectfully, and then said to Xiao Tong and the little fat man: "I have seen brother, sister."

"You will be my brother from now on. If you have something to eat in the future, you must respect the brother, you know?" The little fat man patted Zhang Xingyi on the shoulder and said warmly.

"I know brother." Zhang Xingyi said hurriedly.

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