Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1053: Goodbye Qinglin!

"Dad Xiao Chen, what are you doing?" Tian Xing'er suddenly asked when Xiao Chen almost finished filling the golden liquid.

Xiao Chen looked up, the dragon head had disappeared, only the dragon ball remained.

"I plan to use it to temper my flesh."

Xiao Chen said, although he didn't know what Qinglongye was, since the system said it had so many uses, he would naturally not let it go.

"The dragons are all treasures, dragon scales, dragon tendons, dragon horns, dragon blood, dragon Qi, dragon saliva, and dragon fluid are all treasures, and dragon fluid can indeed temper the flesh, but father Xiao Chen, you are sure to use dragons. Liquid tempers the flesh?"

"Can't it be used?" Xiao Chen asked strangely.

"Yes, but Dad Xiao Chen, do you know what Dragon Ye is?"

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"Dragon liquid is the excrement of the dragon clan, Dad Xiao Chen, your taste is really strong."

When Tian Xing'er's voice fell, Xiao Chen froze in the same place. The next moment, his face turned black immediately, and his whole person was not well.

"Excrement?" Xiao Chen felt uncomfortable. He wanted to drink excrement? At the thought of this, Xiao Chen was angry.

"System, come out, I promise not to kill you, didn't you cheat me on purpose?"

The **** cheating system, even cheating him to drink excrement, is really unbearable for uncle, unbearable for aunt.

"This system is just doing its job." The system said proudly.

"Then why didn't you remind me that Qinglongye is Qinglong's excrement?" Xiao Chen was very angry and said angrily.

"This system has no obligations."

"Your sister, **** cheating system!" Xiao Chen was very depressed. Looking at the bottle in his hand, he couldn't wait to smash it to pieces, but the effect of the dragon liquid was real. Finally, after thinking about it, Xiao Chen still took it. Put away.

Xiao Chen was depressed and Tian Xing'er walked out of the stone room and walked towards the depths of the hall. When he reached the deepest point, a stone room appeared again, and there were only two stone rooms in the entire hall.

Xiao Chen violently broke through the stone gate again, and after entering the stone room, Xiao Chen immediately saw a figure sitting on the stone bed.

"Qinglin!" Xiao Chen exclaimed in surprise.

After hearing Xiao Chen's voice, the figure on the stone bed instantly turned his head. It was the violent little Lori Qinglin. When he saw Xiao Chen, Qinglin instantly threw himself into Xiao Chen's arms.

"Big brother, I'm so scared." Qing Lin cried with rain in an instant.

"Don't be afraid, there is a big brother." Xiao Chen hurriedly comforted.

Xiao Chen comforted for a long time, Qing Lin finally calmed down, and slowly began to talk.

She has been here since she was separated from Xiao Chen. She has used a variety of methods and can't get out at all. A person is scared and lonely. When she is hungry, she can only fill her hunger with fruit. She hasn't eaten meat for a long time. .

Next to the stone bed, there is a fruit tree with a dozen fruits growing on it, crystal clear.

"You are so extravagant." Xing'er glanced at Guo Guo and said.

Qinglin hurriedly picked a few fruits and handed them to Xing'er, "Little sister, here you are."

"I don't want it." Xing'er shook his head.

Qinglin was taken aback, then handed the fruit to Xiao Chen, saying: "Brother, you taste one, this fruit is sweet."

"He can't eat, he will burst into death if he eats!"

"Break and die?" Qing Lin was taken aback, then took a bite, and said, "It's okay!"

"Xing'er, do you know this kind of fruit?" Xiao Chen also asked.

"Fate is also fate." Tian Xing'er said indifferently, then put away all the fruits, and said: "We will go back to the Tian Xing Mountain Range first, and you will naturally know when that happens."

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