Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1051: Cyan light appeared!

"What are you still thinking about? With all the adults here, we can definitely restore the power of the Demon God Sect that day, and do you think you can be an opponent of the titled Immortal Emperor powerhouse?" The Demon King said while looking at the other four sect masters. .

"The subordinates are willing to lead the Demon Immortal Sect and all affiliated forces back to the Demon God Sect!" The old man of the Demon Immortal Sect was the first to say, and he had experienced the power of the titled Immortal Emperor. Hand-made.

"You group are useless, it is impossible for the immortal domain to have the titled immortal emperor strong, maybe they just exude the aura of the titled immortal emperor through special methods."

Sect Master Demon Saint said gloomily, and then looked at Xiao Chen and said, "And he is just a third immortal emperor. With him, how could there be a titled immortal emperor to follow, I think we were all deceived!"

Listening to the words of the Saint King, the Sect Master of the Heavenly Demon Sect among the four major sects moved slightly, and the next moment, a little bit below his feet, facing Xiao Rou above him, a handful of animal bones appeared in his hand, and the nine-fold aura of the Immortal Emperor burst out. Smash it at Xiao Rou!

It's just that he hadn't reached Xiao Rou's body yet, but when he saw the other party lightly squeeze, a vine appeared out of thin air, trapping him in mid-air.

"The mere nine-fold immortal emperor dare to do something to me. I really think I have a good temper?" Xiao Rou said indifferently. She was no longer the girl next door in the Lower Realm Continent. She killed so many foreign races in the fairyland and had already exercised. Her heart.

"Brother Xiao Chen, do you want to kill?"

Xiao Rou looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"Kill it!" Xiao Chen said indifferently.

"it is good!"

"Wait, I'm willing to surrender..." It's just that his voice hasn't fallen yet, Xiao Rou gently pinched the palm of her hand, and the vine climbed to her neck, strangling it directly.

Afterwards, his head hung down, completely lost his breath.

The face of the Saint King changed drastically, and the other strong men were even more terrified. The nine-fold strong immortal emperor, who had been entrenched in the Demon God State for so many years, was actually killed in this way.

"Are you also going to try whether they are titled immortal emperor powerhouses?" Xiao Chen looked at the holy king lightly.

The Saint King's face changed drastically, he hurriedly knelt down, and begged for mercy: "The subordinates are willing to lead the Demon Saint Sect and affiliated forces to return to the Demon God Sect, and ask the master to forgive him."

"Ning Haotian is your son, right?" Xiao Chen asked suddenly.

"Yes!" Saint King was taken aback, then said.

"He is dead!"

The Saint King's expression changed. He was very clear about his son's temperament. He suddenly thought of something, and squatted his head hurriedly: "The child ran into a few seniors, and there is more than a guilty death, and I ask the seniors to forgive me."

"You don't have to complain!" Xiao Chen cast a glance at the Saint King.

Saint King hurriedly said: "Don't dare!"

He does not have only one son. Naturally, it is impossible for him to act irrationally because of his dead son.

"Listen, this sect will not ask you about your affairs, how or what did you do before, but you have to remember that now you are all members of the Demon God Sect."

Xiao Chen said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Sovereign!"

Everyone responded in unison.

At this moment, a gleam of blue light suddenly appeared in Netherworld Lake, and everyone's eyes tightened. They knew that the blue light of Netherworld Lake was about to appear.

"The blue light is about to appear, just do what you did before." Xiao Chen said calmly, and then flew to the shore of the Netherworld Lake.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, everyone was overjoyed. Xiao Chen did not interfere with their affairs too much. Not only did they seem to have no loss, but they also seemed to have a strong background.

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