Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1049: Nether Lake!

"I didn't expect that most of the sects of the Demon God Sect were created by the original strongmen of the Demon God Sect."

Xiao Chen smiled. Now Xiao Chen is a little disgusted with the value of pit immortality, but every time he conquers a sect, he can obtain a large amount of demon spirit power. The body of the demon **** and the strength of the black bear play a big role.

"Have you heard of Nether Lake?"

Xiao Chen asked again, besides conquering the major sects, he came to Demon Shenzhou for another purpose, that is, to find Qinglin.

"Could the Sect Master also come for the blue light of Nether Lake?"

"Cyan light? What cyan light?"

Xiao Chen was taken aback for a moment and asked.

"Um... Sect Master doesn't know?" Xuanyuan Hai was startled.

Xiao Chen shook his head.

Then Xuanyuanhai told Xiao Chen exactly what she knew.

Netherworld Pond has always existed in the Demon God State, but Netherworld Pond is even more weird than Falling Demon Sea. The sky above Netherworld Pond is like a vacuum. No matter what it is, it will fall down as long as it passes through the sky.

Not only that, but if you touch the water in the Nether Lake, the skin of a strong person of any level will ulcerate, even if it is a strong person.

However, more than a year ago, Nether Lake suddenly emitted a blue light, and no one noticed it at first, but later some people undoubtedly discovered that these blue light can temper the physical body and also improve the cultivation level.

It even had an effect on the strong emperor realm. Xuanyuan Hai went to secretly once, only to improve the cultivation base of the strong immortal emperor, and had no effect on the titled immortal emperor, so she did not pay much attention to it.

But for the powerhouse of the Demon God State, it is great news. Therefore, the four major sects and their affiliated sects fought dimly. In the end, in order to avoid major damage, the four major sects decided to guard one side. Practice with the help of cyan light.

I don’t know why. Every other month, Qingguang will have a three-day period of great prosperity. There are also many powerhouses in the imperial realm of the Demon God State. It is impossible for the four major sects to occupy all of them. During the period, the quota will be distributed and the affiliated forces will compete for it.

Ning Tianhao's purpose in coming to Da Luozong was to secretly subdue Da Luozong, and then arrange their people to compete for the quota released by the Demon King Sect.

"Didn't the Sect Master want to use the Nether Lake to cultivate?" Xuanyuan Hai asked. Naturally, she could see that Xiao Chen had only the immortal emperor's cultivation base, so she asked.

Xiao Chen shook his head and asked, "When is this time when the subordinate forces are competing?"

"Three days later." Xuanyuanhai said.

"In other words, the four major sects and most of the schools will be there, right?"

"Yes, the affiliated sects value this quota very much, so most of them are the sect masters with the strong inside the sect!"

"This saves a lot of things. We went to Nether Lake, and after three days, we will wipe out all the sects." Xiao Chen said, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.


The Netherworld Lake is located in the middle of the mountain range in the center of the Demon Shenzhou, which can be said to be the most central location of the Demon Shenzhou.

On this day, a large number of figures appeared in the four directions, southeast, southeast, northwest, and they looked at each other, but they all said nothing.

At this time, Netherworld Lake was like a pool of stagnant water, without any cyan light, but they all knew that this was a prelude to the prosperity of cyan light.

They silently waited for the appearance of the blue light, and at this moment, a flying spirit ship arrived not far from the Nether Pond. The moment the flying spirit ship appeared, everyone looked over.

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