Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1044: Sad gods grow old!

"It's very simple, because they don't know how to use it." Tian Xing'er explained: "Moreover, because of the power of the Great Dao, they cannot leave this secret realm. Once they leave the secret realm, the power of the Great Dao will flow out of their bodies and return here. , And they will be exhausted and killed."

Tian Shu Heng was stunned for a moment: "No wonder that every time the Tianjia in the secret territory communicates with him, it only takes a few minutes or two."

Xiao Chen also moved his gaze, "It's no wonder that the Heavenly Family has such a powerful strength, but they don't control the fairyland. It turns out that they can't get out at all."

Xiao Chen suddenly felt that they were very sad. They had the strength, but they could only spend their lives in the secret realm. How boring it was.

Tian Xing'er held the dragon ball and came to Xiao Chen's side and said, "Daddy Xiao Chen, give me the power of the great power in your body."

"it is good."

Xiao Chen handed the ten light clusters in the warehouse to Tian Xing'er, and Tian Xing'er took the light clusters, and then all drove them into the dragon ball.

"I want to collect all the power of the great road in the secret realm here!"

Tian Xing'er holds the dragon ball, and emits countless star points on his body, floating towards the secret realm everywhere, while speaking indifferently.

"After the power of the great avenue leaves the human body, they will die. These star points can sustain everyone's life for ten hours, take the humans in the secret realm out, and let them practice in the outside world. After the spiritual energy of the sun and earth circulates in their bodies, Liveable."

Hearing what Tian Xing'er said, Xiao Chen directly ordered Tian Shuheng to do it. The ten elders of the Tian Clan were dead, and the others were not afraid.

At the same time, the people outside the Tianji Pavilion felt weak and weak, as if something had been taken away from the body.

Not only that, there are Star Carriers from everywhere in the secret realm.

The whole secret territory was full of anxiety, until Tian Shuheng's voice sounded and everyone fell silent. Hearing Tian Shuheng's words, some people believed, some did not.

However, with a sudden loud noise from the sky in the distance, they had no choice but to believe it, because they felt that the sky in the distance was collapsing.

After five hours, the ancestral temple of the Tian Family, the tablet carved with the gods broke, and the entire secret realm of the Tian Family has completely collapsed.

The strong people who came out of the secret realm of the Heavenly Family were all nervous cultivators, and some children were also called by Tian Shuheng to use the spiritual energy to temper their bodies.

After leaving Heavenly Holy City, Xiao Chen and Chu Yunmeng returned to Heavenly Star City again, and found Xuanyuan Yang, and under his leadership the group went to Demon Shenzhou again.

But this time there were a little more people, and the eight deputy suzerains would all go together. Fortunately, Xuanyuan Yang had a fairy artifact in his hand, which was a flying spirit ship.

The flying spirit ship is a more advanced means of transportation than the spirit ship. It was purchased by Xuanyuan Yang when he was in the immortal world. It is not only fast, but also has a powerful formation on it, and it is full of various facilities.

Xuanyuan Yang controlled the flying spirit ship to set off from Star City.

Demon Shenzhou is located in the depths of the Fallen Devil Sea, which is adjacent to Xizhou of the four continents.


Xizhou, on the edge of the Falling Devil Sea, there is a desert called the Devil's Desert!

Two embarrassed figures flashed from the end of the horizon, running wildly in the desert at a speed that was almost galloping.

Because the Devil’s Desert is close to the Devil’s Falling Sea, it is no longer possible to fly here and can only be used for running. It is also because of the Falling Devil’s Sea that no clouds will appear over this desert.

These two embarrassed figures, one fat and the other thin.

"Tong'er, this is the Devil's Desert. Even if the Devil is arrogant, they dare not enter."

Said the fat man out of breath.

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