Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1042: Binghua World!

The old man stared at Chu Yunmeng stubbornly, his eyes flashing with deep fear.

"who are you?"

He knew the icy breath just now. If he had been frozen in the ice just now, he might end up here.

Chu Yunmeng did not speak, but pointed to the youth, and silently said, "Ice Flower World!"

As Chu Yunmeng's voice fell, countless ice flowers suddenly appeared beside the youth.

The seemingly magnificent ice flower fell straight to the youth in the next moment.


The screams came out suddenly after Binghua fell on the youth.

The young man’s voice was extremely painful, as if he was suffering from great pain at this moment.

When the old and middle-aged people heard the screams of the youth, their pupils suddenly shrank. The ice flowers seemed to be sharp blades, and the young people were riddled with scars, blood was flowing, and the ice flowers were also dyed red.

The screams didn't last long, and the youth had already fallen and lost the breath of life.

At the same time, a reminder sounded in Xiao Chen's mind: "Ding, congratulations to player Xiao Chen for gaining the power of the avenue!"

"The power of the avenue, what is it?"

Xiao Chen checked it, and apart from knowing a name, everything else was unavailable.

"So that's it!" Tian Xing'er in Xiao Chen's arms suddenly said, and then pointed to a place in the city and said: "Let's go there!"

"Okay!" Chu Yunmeng opened the way before Tian Shuheng hurriedly followed. The old and middle-aged people did not stop, because they didn't dare.

The woman in front of them felt too dangerous for them. The young man was cut to death with almost no resistance. Their cultivation level was similar to that of the young man. Even if they tried to block it, they might not escape death.

"Go and inform the other elders." The old man said in a deep voice.

"Good." The middle-aged man hurried back.

The four of Xiao Chen landed in the center of the city. Just now, many people saw the scene in front of the city. They all looked at Chu Yunmeng in horror and let them come to a building in the center of the city.

Three characters are engraved on the building, Tianji Pavilion.

"What do they want to do? Do they want to enter my heavenly forbidden land!"

"Only ten elders of my heavenly family can enter the forbidden land of the heavenly family. How can we allow outsiders to enter and stop them quickly."

"Block them? How to block, the elders are not opponents, how do we block?"

"What do you mean by the few people who came to my Tianji Pavilion?" Suddenly an old voice sounded, and eight figures fell in front of Tianji Pavilion, including the middle-aged man. He sighed in relief when he saw the old man behind Xiao Chen and stood hurriedly. By their side.

"The titled immortal emperor's mid-level junior." Chu Yunmeng looked at the white-haired and white-robed old man who looked a little immortal, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Old man, the elder of the heavenly family, the son of heaven, who is your excellency? What is the so-called coming to my Tianji Pavilion?"

The Son of Heaven glanced at Chu Yunmeng with jealousy and could see his strength at a glance, indicating that the woman in front of him had a higher cultivation base than him.

This made him a little unbelievable, and he couldn't understand when there were more such masters in Xianyu.

"Get out of the way!" Chu Yunmeng said coldly.

"Your Excellency, the Tianji Pavilion is a forbidden place in my heaven. Outsiders are not allowed to enter. I hope you don't make it difficult for the old man.

The voice of the **** child became a little cold.

"Ice Flower World!" Chu Yunmeng didn't talk nonsense. Several ice flowers appeared directly around the goddess. Seeing the ice flowers, the middle-aged and old man took a step back subconsciously, and fear flashed in his eyes.

Xiao Chen also summoned Xiaoqing, and as soon as Xiaoqing came out, the horrible aura made the goddess of heaven and the others behold.

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