Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1037: Chuan the fairyland!

"Everyone is pushing Xianyuan with all their strength!" Chu Yunmeng stood in the forefront, shouting loudly.

The two Sirius, the eighth deputy chief, and the four Xuanyuan Yang, all the surviving emperor realm powerhouses shot together, even the immortal emperor powerhouses in the city all shot.

Boom boom boom!

The force of terror kept bombarding the barrier, making violent noises, and it might be broken at any time.

The explosion lasted for five minutes, then cracks appeared in the barrier, and when despair appeared on everyone's faces, the explosion outside stopped.

After a long time, everyone was relieved.

"This is probably because ten Gods of War blew themselves up to make such a huge movement." Xuanyuan Yang said solemnly.

"All of you rest on the spot to heal your injuries, I'll go and see!" Chu Yunmeng left with the Sirius Saintess.

Everyone stood silent in Star City.


One day later, Chu Yunmeng returned, and she brought back an amazing news.

The Ten Thousand Ghost Caves were half destroyed, and the Eight Ancient Cities were almost completely destroyed, and between Ten Thousand Ghost Caves and the Eight Ancient Cities became a huge abyss.

The abyss exudes the power of the rules of various attributes, and the strong below the title Immortal Emperor will undoubtedly die, even if it is in the sky, it is impossible to fly over, and the entire abyss can only be safely passed by the mid-term power of the title Immortal Emperor.

Foreign races, all the orcs who participated in the war died in the explosion. The two races suffered heavy losses and the masters died.

And this abyss has also become a natural barrier between Ten Thousand Ghost Caves and human territory.

The masters of the alien orc races were killed and wounded, and the strength of the two races combined was not as strong as that of humans. The external crisis of mankind was relieved. All these were obtained by the gods of the Ten Great Wars at the expense of themselves.

The strong immortal emperor headed by the Eastern Golden Dragon will extol the deeds of the ten war gods and make all humans in the immortal domain sing praises!


Qingzhou, Qingniu Town, Xujia.

Xu Zizai, the eldest lady, Xu Xiaojun's grandfather, looked at Xu Xiaojun's statue, with different expressions on his face. A trace of sorrow flashed across his face, followed by full of pride. Her granddaughter is a human hero.

Qingzhou, Qingniucheng, Yuejia, Gaojia, Yueqingshan looked at Xu Xiaoyun’s statue with a regretful look on her face. Yueqingshan’s daughter Yue Lian looked at Xu Xiaoyun and muttered: "Sister, brother-in-law, have you seen it? , Your daughter is a hero of mankind!"

The Patriarch of the Gao family looked at the statue of Gao Fumei with tears in his eyes, and muttered: "You have finally become the strongest person in Xianyu."

Qingzhou, Hengshan Pirates.

Standing in Hengshan Pirates, Yu Qianli murmured: "Qianjue, your growth really surprised me. Mountain bandits can also appear as heroes!"

Qingzhou, Suzaku Sect!

There are both cheers and sorrows in the Suzaku Sect. The cheers are that a top powerhouse in the fairyland has appeared in Suzaku Sect. The sad thing is that this powerhouse has already died.

Zhu Xiaoque murmured, "Accepting you as a disciple is the luckiest thing I have done in my life!"

Beizhou, Jin Wuzong!

The statue of Zhan Taihuo stood in front of the sect. Everyone looked at him with respect. Zhan Taiyu murmured with tears: "Brother, you have fulfilled your promise. You have protected your family and your sister." !"

Beizhou, Tianyang League, when they learned about Shang Qiuyu and Ran Xiaoqi's deeds, all of them were stupid. They couldn't believe that they both came from the Tianyang League.

Zhongzhou, Tiansheng City, Luo Family!

When Luo Qingwu was arrested and the emperor’s death, the Luo family became the object of the Heaven’s family to vent, and was suppressed by all kinds of suppression. With the news that Luo Qingwu was Luo’s daughter, the Luo family became the most fascinating in the Heavenly Holy City. Admired family.

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