Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1034: Abnormal talent supernatural power!

Wang Kun watched Xiao Chen advancing instead of retreating, and was slightly taken aback, "Are you violent and giving up?"

"We have known each other for so long, do you think I will give up on myself?" Xiao Chen grinned, a bright red on the corner of his mouth, which looked extremely dazzling at this moment.

"No!" Wang Kun said seriously.

"So everything is over." The voice fell, and the ghost fire on the palm of Xiao Chen's right hand patted Wang Kun.

"It's useless!" Wang Kun said lightly, and his scales turned red again.

"Is it useful? You'll know after you try it!" Xiao Chen screamed, unabated, and suddenly patted Wang Kun's shoulder. At the same time, a red light flashed in his left eye, and all the swords of killing appeared out of thin air. Stabbed all at Wang Kun.

Thousands of killing swords were silent, and Xiao Chen used all the killing swords accumulated since the war at this moment.

At the moment when he felt the sword of Dao Slaughter appeared, Wang Kun's complexion changed slightly, and the red scales instantly turned black.

Xiao Chen had just collided with Wang Kun, and he already understood that the black scales were very powerful and defensive, but unfortunately, he had never touched the Slaughter Sword.

The Sword of Slaughter ignored the black scales, and instantly all fell on Wang Kun's body. In just an instant, countless blood holes appeared in Wang Kun's body, and the Nether Fire began to burn his body.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this? What kind of fire is this?" Wang Kun, whose body was slowly burned, had no sadness or anger in his eyes, only calmness.

"The name of the sword is the sword of killing, ignoring any defense, and the name of the flame is Netherfire, nothing else!"

Xiao Chen said lightly.

"We won, we won!" Dongfang Golden Dragon and other human powerhouses roared, flushing with excitement.

"How is it possible, how could the Lord lose? He is a royal family, how can he lose?" Qianmeng yelled in disbelief, even the insectivore showed an incredible expression.

The rest of the alien powerhouses looked at Wang Kun, whose body was gradually being burned out, and then glanced at the man who looked like a golden armored **** opposite him, and fear appeared in their hearts.

"Wang Kun, I won in the end." Xiao Chen looked at Wang Kun who had lost half of his body, and he was relieved.

"Perhaps." Wang Kun said lightly.

"Oh!" At the same time, Tian Xing'er's sigh sounded in his mind.

"Huh?" Xiao Chen was a little puzzled, one was because of Wang Kun's sentence, and the other was because of Tian Xing'er's sigh.

"The alien royal family is the most noble among the alien races. Each royal family has its own special talents and supernatural powers. The chameleon not only has the supernatural power of changing colors, but also has another supernatural power, that is, molting."


"That's right, a chameleon can shed its skin once every 10,000 years, which means that a chameleon can have one more life every year. If only the layer of skin that Wang Kun retreats is burned in front of him, then he will shed its skin and be born again!"

"This is cheating." Xiao Chen was completely stunned, Nether Fire burned Wang Kun's entire body, and the system did not sound the prompt.

This caused Xiao Chen to sink down completely. It was too pitted. He could even shed his skin and rebirth. He had already used the Slaughter Sword, and the only thing he could do to Wang Kunqi was Nether Fire.

"It seems that I still underestimate you, Xiao Chen!"

Sure enough, after the Nether Fire disappeared, Wang Kun's figure reappeared, still with a faint smile on his face.

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