Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1026: Beastmaster, ghost boy!

The five members of the Eastern family were directly transformed into chimpanzees, fighting with the aliens who restored their bodies. This was a battle between beasts and beasts. The fierce collision grabbed the hearts of all human beings, especially the Eastern Golden Dragon. It was full of tension.

However, the first duel ended in the prosperity of the Eastern Family. It was originally a physical duel. No one would have imagined that the wild apes suddenly spit out an ice spear from his mouth, freezing the flesh of the alien race, and crushing the soul.

With the return of the five people, the human side uttered a shocking cheer. Although it was only a victory, the morale was greatly improved.

The five members of the Dongfang family enjoyed the joy of surviving and winning, and they looked at Xiao Chen gratefully. If it weren't for Xiao Chen, perhaps they wouldn't even have the qualifications to participate in the war.

"It's stupid for a weak human being to not only win a match, but to be so happy."

There was a sneer in the eyes of the strong foreign race. The five immortal emperors of the foreign race who had just died were only the weakest among them. It was so stupid to kill a few weak ones to be so excited.

"Human waste, get out and die!"

In the direction of the alien race, three immortal emperors came out again.

Soon there will be a strong human being greeted, and the two sides stand together.

After a few games, there were victories and losses, but the atmosphere on the human alliance was a bit heavy. After all, the overall strength of the human race was much different. If one died, it would be a huge loss to the human alliance.

"Huh?" Suddenly Xiao Chen received a message from Star City. The orc army was attacking Star City and was blocked by Gao Yang's formation, but the strong orc came in their direction.

After receiving this news, Xiao Chen sank slightly. There were more than twenty powerful immortal emperors in the foreign race army. If they were besieged by orcs, they would be completely finished.

But without waiting for Xiao Chen to think, there was a scream in the distance, a bird that covered the sky and the sun appeared in everyone's sight. On the bird, there were densely packed beastheads and human monsters, the number of which was no less than that of a foreign race.

A terrifying breath came, and everyone instantly felt a cruel and domineering breath, which attracted the attention of the two forces.

"Orc!" The Human Alliance was shocked.

"These idiots are finally here." Qianmeng real person sneered.

The bird came to the sky above the crowd. Above the bird's head, stood a guy with a very short head, a small head and a big body, and a bald head.

When he saw this guy, Xiao Chen couldn't help but his pupils shrank and his expression was solemn. In Qi Tianyu's memory, the boy-like person in front of him was the leader of their power, known as the ghost boy, who was the titled fairy emperor during his lifetime. The strong.

The orc is a fairy beast that has absorbed the blood of the strong man in the original war and evolved. I am afraid that this guy in front of him evolved from the blood of the ghost boy, and even his own appearance has become a ghost boy.

When Xiao Chen and the others noticed the orc, Guitong also looked at the human race, but he just swept away, his eyes filled with disdain, and finally turned his gaze on the alien race, glanced at the real person Qianmeng, locked Wang Kun.

"You are the lord of the disgusting alien race?"

"You are the Beastmaster of the Stupid Orcs?"

Wang Kun asked indifferently to the condescending question of the ghost boy.

The ugly face of Guitong suddenly sank.

He sneered, "It's just some disgusting guys who dare to talk to this king like this. It seems that today is the time to let the entire fairyland know the fierce power of this king ghost boy."

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