Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1018: War books!

"Hurry up and break these vines!" Baijing youth drank, and the foreign powerhouses around him kept attacking the green vines, some used attacks, and some directly used foreign physical power to attack.

"How could it be that the owners of these vines are also titled immortal emperor powerhouses?" After Bai Jing youth realized that his attack could not break the vines, a look of panic appeared on his face.

"Brother Xiao Chen, are you okay!" Xiao Rou asked worriedly looking at Xiao Chen and others who appeared next to her.

"I'm fine!" Xiao Chen shook his head. When he came to the ancient city of the Chen family, Xiao Ruan and Chang Qianqian also came to the ancient city of the Chen family.


When Xiao Chen was about to speak, he suddenly looked up and saw a familiar figure appearing above the prison of heaven and earth, with a faint smile on his face.

"Wang Kun!" Xiao Chen's eyes sank, and he spit out two words coldly.

Wang Kun glanced at Xiao Chen, but he was not in the regular meeting. He punched the vines under his feet. The vines were like tiles. All the vines were smashed instantly. Seeing this, Chang Qianqian's eyes flashed Shocked, he put away the measuring ruler, came to Xiao Chen's side, and stared at Wang Kun cautiously.

"Thank you Lord for your rescue!" The young Bai Jing and a few foreign races came to Wang Kun and said respectfully.

Wang Kun ignored them, but looked at Xiao Chen faintly, with a gentle smile on his face: "Xiao Chen, long time no see!"

"Long time no see, your strength has been fully restored?" Xiao Chen looked at Wang Kun and smiled.

"Forget it, but it's you, you only have the realm of Immortal Emperor, which makes me a little disappointed."

Wang Kun smiled, as before, with only a faint smile on his face.

"You are a monster, I'm just an ordinary person, how can I compare with you?" Xiao Chen smiled. He is improving his strength step by step, while Wang Kun is directly recovering his strength, so naturally there is no way to compare it.

"Hehe, you are also a monster." Wang Kun smiled.

"Are you here to kill me today?" Xiao Chen changed the subject.

"Although I want to, it's just a clone of me who came here. I can't kill you under the hands of two middle-level powerhouses in the early stage of the titled immortal emperor."

"Clone?" Xiao Chen's heart sank. It was just a clone. It was actually the mid-level strength of the titled Immortal Emperor, so how high is his deity's current strength.

"By the way, this is for you!"

A plain and unremarkable battle book appeared in Wang Kun's hand, lightly falling in front of Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen took it with his own hands, and frowned slightly as he looked at the words Zhan Shu.

"What do you mean?"

"Zhanshu, five days later, in front of the Ten Thousand Ghost Cave, the high-levels of the two sides will fight, dare you?"

Wang Kun smiled lightly.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and there was a huge open space in front of Ten Thousand Ghosts Cave.

If the high-levels of the two sides fight a battle, many casualties can indeed be avoided.

"Zhanshu, I'll take it!" Xiao Chen said.

"Good!" Wang Kun smiled, "Then we will see you in five days."

After speaking, Wang Kun left all the alien races, and at the same time, before the ancient cities, the alien races had already retreated.

"His strength is very strong!" Xiao Rou said, her expression a little solemn.

"We still have a chance." Xiao Chen nodded, "Let's go back to Star City!"

"it is good!"

Star City, the residence of Xiao Chen.

"Stupid master, do you feel that there is not enough time!" Xiao Hei appeared in front of Xiao Chen.

"Master, we have a way to help you!" Xiaobai said.

"What can you two do?" Xiao Chen's eyes lit up.

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