Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 1015: Ten war gods!

A huge Suzaku burns everything.

Three thunder lions roar at the same time, and the power of thunder rages across the audience.

The nine-headed golden snake formed a dense net, and all the alien races where it passed were strangled!

A hundred-foot-long black dragon, circling forward, one by one alien race was crushed!

"Peng Tun the world!" Li Yuanba appeared in front of an immortal emperor's eight-fold alien, with two hammers in his hands suddenly smashed down, and the alien was instantly turned into meatloaf.

"Xuanwu overbearing!" Qi Nishang yelled coldly, and strong earth fluctuations emerged from his body. A Xuanwu block stood in front of the city gate of Xuanbing City, blocking all foreign attacks!

"Kirin Royal Pearl!" Chu Yan'er kept blowing blisters in her hands, and the aliens were trapped in the blisters, and then the blisters squeezed, squeezing the aliens inside into a blood mist!

"So strong!" Chu Wantu watched the ten people show their power, even though his eyes flashed shock, at the same time he was full of regret.

If these ten people can be used by him, then how strong his Chu family will be.

But he can only think about it, the next moment, he will go to another city gate.

Half an hour later, due to the participation of ten people, all the alien races outside Xuanbing City were cleaned up, and there were cheers in Xuanbing City.

"God of War! God of War!"

This is their respect for the ten people, if it weren't for them, I'm afraid Xuanbing City would have been unable to resist it.

"withdraw troops!"

The Golden Armored youth said somberly that all the alien races retreated. Looking at the retreating alien race, there was a cheer in Xuanbing City, but Xiao Chen was not happy.

Because just now he received a message that the ancient city where the Chen family was located was breached, and all the strong men sent by the Leng family to the ancient city fled without a fight.

Nowadays, powerful foreigners are slaughtering in the ancient city of Chen family!

"Let's go to the ancient city of the Chen family!" Xiao Chen said solemnly, one is because he does not want to watch the innocent warriors in the ancient city of the Chen family be slaughtered, and the other is because there are insectivores in the alien army. If they are allowed to absorb a lot of energy, it will It is a huge trouble.

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen took eleven people, sat on Sirius, and set off again!

Above Xuanbing City, a few very inconspicuous small species flew past.

Behind the alien race, an alien leader said: "My lord, those ten people just left!"

A gloom flashed across the face of the golden armored youth: "Let's kill it!"


"Is that the immortal emperor senior powerhouse who suddenly appeared in Star City?" The three immortal emperor eight-fold powerhouses of the Chu family gathered around Chu Wantu, all of them relieved.

"It's them. Among them, there are two immortal emperor nine-fold powerhouses, and their overall strength is much stronger than that of my Chu family." Chu Wantu said, with a sigh in his tone.

"Yes!" several elders sighed. They even felt a sense of desolation. As one of the three ancient tribes of Xianyu, the Chu family has always been aloof. Now they have fallen to the point of being saved by others. Feeling embarrassed.

However, the Chu family was very grateful for the contributions made by Xiao Chen and others, otherwise the Chu family would not know how many people would die, and even their chances of surviving would be very slim.

At this moment, they seemed to perceive something, and at the same time, they were taken aback and stared, a dozen figures appeared in front of Xuanbing City.

Headed by the three immortal emperor nine-fold powerhouse, behind are all immortal emperor eight-fold powerhouse.

"How is it possible, how can there be so many strong people in the alien race!"

Chu Wantu and the others looked at the alien lineup with despair in their eyes. If Xiao Chen and the others hadn't left just now, they would still have a chance to fight, but now they are fighting again.

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