Crazy Criticism of Little Jiaojiao In the Arms of the Paranoid Commander

Chapter 393: Does this monster speak human words?

   Chapter 393 This monster can speak human words?

  【Master, do you need to expel? 】 Xiao Si asked thoughtfully.

  Su Heyuan waved his hand, 【No need. 】

  【I want to see what this little mouse wants to do. 】

  Su Heyuan ticked the corner of his mouth, and there was a hint of interest in his eyes.

   Soon, the black figure came outside the hall.

  Su Heyuan turned off the projection screen and said, "Come in."

  The door of the main hall was pushed open from the outside, and a figure came into view.

  Su Heyuan squinted his eyes, frowned slightly at the strange yet vaguely familiar face in front of him.


   He must have seen this woman somewhere.

   But where is it?

Su Heyuan didn't remember for a while that the woman opposite was Lu Zhiya, his mother's best friend back then. He just thought he had seen this woman somewhere. Although it looked familiar, Su Heyuan couldn't remember it either. I didn't think about it.

   He said directly: "Caught a little mouse."

  Lu Zhiya's face was pale under the hood. She rushed from the Empire to the Federation, and this kind of secret operation really took her a lot of effort.

   "Where is Qin Cheng?" She asked directly, without the slightest greeting.

   She came to the empire in a hurry only to find that the empire is now very chaotic.

   In the early years, the forces were split apart, and now the major planets are also dominated by their own, and they don't listen to His Majesty Qin Cheng at all.

   Qin Cheng has long existed in name only, and now he is imprisoned by this strange man in front of him, and his name does not even exist.

  Su Heyuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and said in rare surprise, "It's for Qin Cheng?"

   He looked Lu Zhiya up and down and asked, "Are you his illegitimate daughter outside?"

   "It has nothing to do with you." Lu Zhiya's voice was cold, and her face rarely lost that kind of gentle smile, "If you let Qin Cheng go, I can go around you."

  Su Heyuan laughed out loud as if he heard a joke.

   "Let me go?"

   He laughed, "Who gave you the guts to say such a thing?"

   "Lu Shinian doesn't dare to say such nonsense, is it up to you?"

  Lu Zhiya was stunned for a moment, then slightly restrained her coldness, "Do you know Xiao Nian?"

  Su Heyuan laughed, "Xiao Nian?"

   He looked at Lu Zhiya with a bit of suspicion, "Aren't you the little lover that Lu Shinian was looking for outside?"

   He knew that Lu Shinian was a bad guy, and his sister must not follow him!

Lu Zhiya's brows were furrowed, and she was somewhat displeased with Su Heyuan. This person was a "illegitimate daughter" and "little lover". He wanted to live in an extremely chaotic environment, and only grow wildly in a chaotic environment. These words can be said freely.

If someone like    becomes His Majesty, he might do something ridiculous.

   But Lu Zhiya didn't have any feelings for the Federation either. She came here just to take Qin Cheng away.

   As for the rest, she doesn't care.

   Ever since her avatar saw the picture in this hall that day, she tossed and turned, thought for a long time, and finally understood her heart.

   She didn't want Qin Cheng to remember her forever, she wanted him to stay by her side forever.

   She loves him like a dense net, she wants to catch his wolf too, so that he can't break free, and can only be surrounded by him forever.

   That's why she disregarded other things and used her ill health as an excuse to ask Su Hanjing to help her manage Wanlingxing temporarily, while she came to this federation not far away.

   Today, no matter what, she will take Qin Cheng away.

   "Where is Qin Cheng?" Lu Zhiya asked in a cold voice, ignoring Su Heyuan's remarks.

  Su Heyuan did not answer Lu Zhiya's words, but continued to ask: "Who are you from Lu Shinian?"

   The woman in front of her looked very young, even if she was older, she might only be a few years older than Lu Shi-year.

   Lu Shinian, maybe he likes someone older than him.

   He should have firmly opposed the two being together from the beginning. If my sister knew about this, she would definitely be sad.

  Su Heyuan had to ask clearly, and Lu Zhiya also resolutely wanted to know where Qin Cheng was.

   So neither of them answered the other's words, but kept asking the questions they wanted to know.

  I only heard that the main hall was full of completely incompatible dialogue.

   "Where is Qin Cheng?"

   "Who is Lu Shinian from you?"

   "Where is Qin Cheng now?"

   "Who is Lu Shinian to you now?"


   Both were stubborn, and neither of them answered each other's questions first.

   In the end, Xiao Si couldn't listen anymore.

   [Master, after big data analysis, the probability of this lady being Commander Lu Shinian's mother is 98%, and the probability of being Commander Lu Shinian's little lover is 0.000001%. 】

  Su Heyuan: ? ? ?


  This woman is Lu Shinian's mother?

   Isn't that the mother's friend Lu Zhiya?

   After Xiao Si's reminder, Su Heyuan vaguely remembered that Lu Shinian's mother really looked like this in his memory.

   It hasn't changed much for so many years, but he forgot it for a while.

   "Cough cough." Su Heyuan stood up, "It turned out to be Aunt Lu."

   "I am Su Heyuan, the second son of Su Hanjing."

   When he said this, Lu Zhiya also remembered.

  Hanjing's second son is indeed called Su Heyuan, but he looks a little different from the man in front of him, but if you look closely, you can still find Hanjing's shadow.

   "It turned out to be Hanjing's child." Lu Zhiya's tone also softened.

  The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

   The two who were still in tit-for-tat just now were forced to "recognize their relatives", and it would be embarrassing to change anyone.

  Fortunately, both of them are people who have seen great winds and waves, and they both tacitly agreed not to mention the matter just now, but Lu Zhiya thought of love and asked again, "Where is Qin Cheng?"

  Su Heyuan almost blurted out "Who are you from Lu Shinian", but fortunately he held it back in time.

   "He's in the Protector's Hall." Su Heyuan said in a deep voice, frowning slightly, "I remember you should have passed away."

   "Well, there is some misunderstanding." Lu Zhiya hurriedly explained, and quickly turned around and left to go out.

   When he was about to reach the door, Lu Zhiya paused, took something out of his pocket and threw it to Su Heyuan.

   "This thing, please take care of it first."

After    finished speaking, Lu Zhiya didn't even look at Su Heyuan, didn't wait for him to answer, and left quickly.

  Su Heyuan subconsciously caught the thing thrown over, looked down, and saw a very ugly monster that subverted his cognition and didn't know what it was looking at him with its ugly eyes.

   He shook his hand and threw it out.

   The vicious beast that was tossed around excitedly clapped its claws, with a very thin and sharp voice, and said excitedly: "It's fun!"

  Su Heyuan: ? ? ?

  This monster can speak human language?

   He knew that Lu Shinian's mother was not a normal person either!

   (end of this chapter)

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