Chapter 382 You should go to hell

  Lu Zhiya observed Su Ruan's expression and replied, "Well, I know from it."

   After a pause, she said again, "Did Xiao Nian know that you were reborn?"

   Speaking of this, she also pointed it out directly and said the word "rebirth" directly.

  Su Ruan nodded, "He knows."

  Lu Zhiya's expression became complicated, "Then how did he react?"

   When it comes to rebirth, there is a lot to say.

   However, Su Ruan did not say those complicated things, but instead asked: "Why does Master Lu Xing care so much about this?"

  Lu Zhiya was silent for two seconds and sighed, "I saw an explosion in the memory of the evil beast."

  Su Ruan's expression straightened.

   The explosion she was talking about should be the one that destroyed the source world.

   That explosion led by Lu Shinian himself.

   "Yes." Su Ruan replied in a low voice.

   "You in the picture are floating in the air." Lu Zhiya looked at Su Ruan steadily, "You were already in a mental state at that time."

   Her tone was firm, obviously quite sure of this.

  Su Ruan looked back at Lu Zhiya's eyes.

   "Yes." She didn't hide it, "I was already dead at that time."

   "So the explosion wasn't caused by you." Lu Zhiya took her words.

   "I saw a corner of the throne in that picture, and the one sitting on it is Xiao Nian, right?"

  Su Ruan nodded again.

   After Lu Zhiya got a positive answer, her expression became more complicated.

   "So..." She could barely make a sound, her throat seemed to be blocked, and after a while, she said the last sentence, "The explosion was caused by Xiao Nian?"

   In other words, the person who destroyed the source world was Lu Shinian.

  Su Ruan saw that Lu Zhiya's expression was a bit wrong, and asked with a little worry, "Are you okay?"

  Lu Zhiya is Lu Shinian's mother after all. Although Lu Shinian doesn't recognize her now, she is also his mother no matter what.

   Although Su Ruan didn't get involved in Lu Zhiya's affairs, she couldn't do nothing when she saw her face was bad, not to mention, it was thanks to her for taking care of her during this period of time.

  Lu Zhiya's face was pale, the kind of pale white that was almost transparent.

   Under the light, you can almost see the faintly flowing blood vessels under the skin.

   "I'm fine." Lu Zhiya said with a smile, but how reluctant the smile was, "I just didn't expect that he would go that far."

   "Back then..." Lu Zhiya's voice was very low, almost inaudible.

   "I did a lot of wrong things back then."

   She spoke slowly about the past.

   This was the first time Su Ruan knew that Lu Shinian, who seemed to be invincible, had such a cruel past.

Back then, there was still a masochistic love affair between Lu Zhiya and Qin Cheng, although it was just a misunderstanding, or the young and frivolous Qin Cheng didn't know the difference between admiration and liking, and mistook his admiration for Su Hanjing as a misunderstanding. I like it, so I have Bai Yueguang and the so-called stand-in.

   At that time, Lu Zhiya didn't know what liking was. In other words, the word "like" did not exist in the hearts of the people of the empire.

   When she was young, Lu Zhiya only thought that Qin Cheng was very good, so she wanted to get him, both physically and mentally.

   But people's hearts are changeable, and she doesn't believe that "love can conquer everything" in the mouth of the federal people, so she played a lot of small tricks, which made Qin Cheng fall into deep guilt and remorse.

   After finding out that she was pregnant, Lu Zhiya left Qin Cheng and lived on another planet.

   But she couldn't forget Qin Cheng, she wanted him to remember him forever, so in the ears of young Lu Shinian, she always rambled about "Like is possession" and "Love is forced".

   Lu Shinian, who was still ignorant of personnel, kept these words in his heart.

   When Lu Shi was eight years old, Lu Zhiya was twenty-eight years old and received news from the empire that she needed to go back to the empire to inherit Wanlingxing and become the star master of Wanlingxing.

   But she hasn't got Qin Cheng's heart yet, so why is she willing to go back?

   So she used Lu Shinian.

   In that blood moon, she used her talent to split out a double.

  Nian's face turned into a blood mist when he landed and disappeared in front of him.

   She wanted him to remember how his mother "died", he would hate his father because of her mother's death, and when he grew up, he would also take revenge on his father.

   And his father, the man named Qin Cheng, would think of her whenever he saw Lu Shinian's face.

   Qin Cheng will always remember her, forever.

   Being so paranoid and crazy, cruel and unreasonable, he has ruined too many things that should have been beautiful.

  Su Ruan listened to Lu Zhiya's remarks, and suddenly thought of a sentence in ancient culture.

  【Some people are healed by childhood all their lives, while others are healed from childhood all their lives】

   Lu Shinian, who was brainwashed by Lu Zhiya, understood love as possessive compulsion, madness and paranoia in his bones.

   Seeing his mother die in front of him in such a cruel way with his own eyes made him unable to enjoy his father's love with peace of mind all his life.

  For a child, it is too cruel.

   Even if Lu Shinian is now able to be alone, these memories will always stay in his mind and will never be erased or let go.

  Su Ruan's long eyelashes trembled lightly, and for the first time she said harsh words to Lu Zhiya, whom she had always respected.

   "You deserve hell."

   She didn't look at her anymore, skipped her, and hurried out.

  Lu Zhiya looked at her back, a little blood oozing from her originally pale lips.

   The little light group floated out from behind her and said worriedly: "Yaya, your body..."

   "Why did Ruan Ruan say that to you? Yaya, you are obviously very good."

  Lu Zhiya smiled and shook her head, her voice so soft that it was almost inaudible.

   "I did too many things wrong."

   "You deserve to be punished."

  Perhaps, the core of these five main stars is polluted, but only the core of Wanling Star can only keep alive by sucking her blood, which is the punishment for her.

   "Lingling, I regret it a bit." She whispered, "I regret loving him."

   The word "love" is too heavy for her to bear.

  Lingling tilted his head, "Lingling doesn't understand, but I know Yaya is the best Yaya in the world."

  Lu Zhiya let out a low laugh and reached out to touch Lingling.

   When the fingertips were only one centimeter away from Lingling, darkness suddenly struck.

   Consciousness seems to be swallowed up by an unknown darkness, that darkness is like a ferocious beast that wants to eat her clean.

   At the last moment when consciousness disappeared, Lu Zhiya heard Lingling's worried voice in a trance.


   Then, the world was silent, and there was nothing left.

   (end of this chapter)

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