Chapter 380 What past life?

  Su Ruan tugged at the clothes on Lu Shinian's chest, motioning him to lighten his steps.

   Lu Shinian received the will of his little wife, lightened his steps, and walked to the crib.

  Su Ruan was held by Lu Shinian in his arms, looking at the baby sleeping soundly in the crib, his heart suddenly softened.

  When she saw the baby, she had a real sense of being a mother.

  Su Ruan patted Lu Shinian on the chest and said softly, "Put me down."

  Lu Shinian glanced at the baby and seemed to know Su Ruan's plan, so he gently put her down.

As soon as    stood on the ground, Su Ruan moved closer to the baby.

  The baby is white and tender, with a little red face, looking very cute.

   "Like me?" Su Ruan turned to look at Lu Shinian and asked in a low voice.

   "Well." Lu Shinian replied in a low voice.

   Su Hanjing next to him smiled and immediately realized that he couldn't disturb the baby, so he took Su Ruan's hand and whispered, "Let's go out and talk."

After    finished speaking, she turned to look at Cheng Yushu and said, "Yushu, stay here and watch the baby."

  Cheng Yushu nodded, his eyes followed Su Hanjing's figure, and he didn't withdraw his gaze until the three of them went out.

   He looked at the sleeping baby and tilted his head.

  The tentacles of the Zerg popped out from the top of the head, shaking it gently.

   He stretched out his hand and touched the top of the baby's head lightly, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

  Baby doesn't seem to have Zerg genes.

   But this is really strange.

   Ruan Ruan has Zerg genes, and Lu Shinian's spiritual sea has also been integrated with the Zerg Queen's insect crystal.

   Whether it is the body itself or the spiritual sea, they have left the mark of the Zerg on their bodies.

   But the babies born have no Zerg genes at all, which is really strange.

   Or, just not showing it now, may show it later?

   Cheng Yushu withdrew his hand and temporarily kept this doubt in his heart.

   He plans to discuss it with his wife after he goes back.

   As Cheng Yushu withdrew his hand, the tentacles above his head also withdrew.

  The room was silent, no sound.

   Outside the door, Su Ruan couldn't wait to ask her mother, "Is the baby well-behaved these two days?"

   "Very good." Su Hanjing said with a smile, "Just as good as you were when you were a child, you don't cry or make trouble."

   "Did the baby find his mother?" Su Ruan asked again.

  Su Hanjing laughed, "The child is so young, how did he know he was looking for his mother?"

   "Aren't you going to ask your mother for milk?" Su Ruan asked.

   "That's true, but Zhiya has prepared artificially made milk, and the baby can drink it without any problem."

   Bringing this up, Su Hanjing said a few more words.

   "Ruan Ruan, do you want to feed yourself?"

  Su Ruan really had no experience in this area, so he asked, "What do you think, mother?"

   "Breastfeed for a month first, then drink the rest." Su Hanjing replied, "Zhiya has already made preparations, you don't have to worry about Ruan Ruan."

  Su Ruan nodded, "Okay, let's do that."

   The two chatted, without any scruples about Lu Shinian next to him.

  Lu Shinian also quietly stood in front of his background board, and only agreed when the time was right.

   While there was a warm and harmonious exchange on this side, on the other side, Lu Zhiya looked at the evil beast lying on the ground, and the corner of her mouth twitched.

   "I've already sent people to adjust food from other planets."

   "Just wait a little longer."

   The evil beast waved its limbs, with a look of "I won't get up if I can't eat it now".

   Lingling next to him looked at the evil beast curiously, and said in a milky voice, "Evil, you look so small."

   The evil beast called "Evil" didn't react at first, and it didn't realize that it was calling itself until no one spoke.

   It sat up all of a sudden, looked at the small light group floating in the air, and said viciously, "Who is evil?"

   "I am the noble beast!"

  Don't think that it doesn't know that humans are respected as "adults!", as long as these humans don't beat it, it is the most arrogant one!

   "Evil, why did you follow Ruan Ruan?" Lingling ignored the evil beast's words, but asked directly.

   "Ruan Ruan, who?" The evil beast was also led away by Lingling, "Who is Lingling?"

   "It's the Su Ruan you brought back." Lingling said aside.

   "You mean time?" The beast suddenly realized, "Oh, yes, I'm here for revenge!"

   The evil beast that finally remembered the business stood up suddenly, but it was too small, with a big slap, standing on the ground, you had to look carefully to notice it.

   But the evil beast did not feel that it was very small at all. It has never been divided into big and small, but it still felt that it was more convenient for it to move in this way.

   It jumped lightly and slammed onto the table.

   "Where is she?" the beast asked, "I am the beast who wants revenge!"

  Lu Zhiya watched quietly, and suddenly said, "Aren't you afraid of Xiao Nian?"

   "Xiao Nian?" The beast looked puzzled, "Who is Xiao Nian?"

   "It's Lu Shinian who is holding Ruan Ruan." Lingling said from the side.

  The evil beast recalled, holding the time...


   is the one that slaps it on the ground!

   woo woo, human beings are really scary.

  The evil beast wilted at once, "Destruction, terrible, painful."

   As a beast that is afraid of pain, it means that it does not want to fight with destruction at all!

  Although it doesn't necessarily lose, it will definitely be super painful!

  Lu Zhiya's eyes flickered slightly, with a hint of sharpness in her eyebrows, and she asked, "Why is it called destruction?"

  The evil beast gave her a strange look, "Because it masters the law of destruction."

   After a pause, it muttered again: "Although only a little."

   But it also hurts!

   "The power of destruction..." Lu Zhiya repeated, muttering to himself, "Why..."

   The evil beast thought she was asking about it, and replied, "Maybe it has something to do with the destruction of the source world in his previous life."

  Lu Zhiya's pupils shrank suddenly.

   "Past life?" She took a step forward and asked, "What past life?"

   "The previous life was..." The evil beast didn't know how to explain it. It really didn't know how to speak human language, so it simply clicked Lu Zhiya's eyebrows.

   In the next second, Lu Zhiya saw "the life of the evil beast".

   The picture that Su Ruan saw was the same, but when someone else looked at it, what he saw was different.

  Lu Zhiya saw the predicament of the empire, and it was a ridiculous misunderstanding.

   Not far from Su Ruan, who was finally burned by the firelight, she was a corner of the federal throne that she was familiar with.

   Destiny is ridiculous.

  Lu Zhiya slowly opened her eyes, her voice became hoarse.

   "He knew about it?"

   "Who are you talking about?" The evil beast asked curiously, and then asked and answered himself, "Anyway, she said it was a misunderstanding when she knew the time."

   (end of this chapter)

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