Chapter 378 I'm going to kill it

   After the kiss ended, Lu Shinian's mood calmed down a little.

   But only a little bit.

   He hugged Su Ruan, didn't even look at Lu Zhiya who was standing beside him, and left with her.

   And Lu Zhiya stayed to clean up the mess.

   In just half a day, Xiao Nian almost demolished her manor, but fortunately Ruan Ruan came back safely.

   That kind of madness made Lu Zhiya a little scared.

   She faintly realized how much she had done wrong in the past.

  Unfortunately, it cannot be recovered now.

  Lu Zhiya walked over to the wall and frowned slightly as she looked at the ugly looking little thing that was paralyzed on the ground and couldn't tell of any kind.

  Lingling floated out from behind her and said in surprise, "It's an interstellar beast!"

   "How did you become so small?"

  Lingling is still just a child. Although she is afraid of the poison on the beast, she still maintains the curiosity of a child.

  The evil beast saw that it was destroyed and left, so he sat up at ease.

  It was the size of a slap, but it was akimbo, and said fiercely: "Hurry up and hand over your human food!"

   At that time, he said that he wanted to give it a taste of human food, but she didn't expect that she would follow the destruction!

   Damn! Humans will deceive evil beasts!

  If the evil beast maintains the prototype and said this, it must be very deterrent, but only the evil beast with the big slap said such a sentence, not only has no deterrence, but also a bit ugly and cute.

  Lu Zhiya chuckled lightly and followed his intention.

"it is good."

  Although she didn't know how this interstellar beast became like this, she still had to stabilize the beast before Su Ruan came out.

  Lu Zhiya instructed the kitchen to make a lot of human delicacies, all of which were made of pure natural ingredients. A table full of them cost tens of millions of imperial coins outside.

   But this table is placed in front of the evil beast, and it is not enough for it to jam its teeth.

  I saw a gust of wind and clouds, and there were only empty dishes left on the table, and the dishes were cleaner than those washed by robots.


   There is no time and destruction here, the evil beast is the most powerful master here, with the natural arrogance in his bones, and released without any scruples.

  Lu Zhiya was also good-natured, she instructed the kitchen to continue cooking until the beast was satisfied.

  Lingling looked at the evil beast curiously.

   Back then, the cores of several of their planets were polluted by the poison from evil beasts, and it has not recovered until now, especially when Lingling was just born when Lingzhi encountered such a thing. In his bones, he was actually afraid of evil beasts.

   But the evil beast in front of him didn't know why, but it didn't have any poisonous intent. The whole beast stood on the table, and the table didn't rot or corrode.

   This made Lingling look at the beast curiously.

The    evil beast noticed Lingling's scrutiny next to him, but as time said, human food tastes really good.

   Food has opened up a new world for it. It never knew that these things could be so delicious, much better than the meteorites it has eaten.

  It was busy filling its stomach and enjoying the food, and naturally didn't care about Lingling next to it.

   Anyway, I can't beat it, hee hee hee.

   There is Lu Zhiya in the town, and the atmosphere is quite warm, while on the other side, Lu Shinian, who was carrying Su Ruan back to the room, clasped his hands tightly and refused to let go at all.

   His companion beast floated in mid-air, and turned over the stimulated Su Ruan's companion beast to see if it was injured.

The half-slap-sized little black cat had no resistance under the snow wolf's claws, which were many times larger than her, but after being played with it a few times, the little black cat seemed to be a little annoyed, and slapped the snow wolf's face with a paw. superior.

  Xuelang just let the little black cat pat, and took the initiative to put his face up and stick it.

  Su Ruan laughed when she saw the interaction between the two companion animals.

"So cute."

  Lu Shinian stared at Su Ruan closely, his voice hoarse, "Not as cute as Ruan Ruan."

  Su Ruan looked at him with a smile, "Of course."

   "In Brother Lu's heart, I'm the cutest, right?"

  Lu Shinian hugged Su Ruan on his lap and replied in a low voice, "Well, Ruan Ruan is the cutest."

  Su Ruan took the initiative to lean forward and kissed Lu Shinian's lips.

   He used a soothing kiss to heal the cracks in Lu Shinian's heart.

After a while, Su Ruan said softly, "Where's the baby?"

   "Su Hanjing is taking care." Lu Shinian said solemnly.

  Su Ruan pinched the muscles of Lu Shinian's waist, "How do you call my mother?"

  Lu Shinian's eyes flashed slightly, and he changed his tone, "Our mother is taking care."

  Su Ruan snorted softly, "It's almost the same."

   "How is your baby now? Does he look like me or you?" Su Ruan asked again.

   "She has a very good body and looks like Ruan Ruan." Lu Shinian's voice was low, his eyes full of affection, "It's a girl who looks like Ruan Ruan."

   "Then she will be very cute in the future." Su Ruan said with a chuckle.

  Lu Shinian echoed her words, "Well."

   paused, then said, "But it's definitely not as cute as Ruan Ruan."

   "In my heart, Ruan Ruan is the cutest."

   Knowing that his man had 180 layers of filters for him, Su Ruan did not refute his words.

   She leaned against his arms, her small face rubbed against his heart, her voice was soft, and she had no strength.


   After giving birth, it was when she was weak, and she was kidnapped by interstellar beasts again. After tossing for so long, she was highly concentrated, and now she was relaxed, and her sleepiness suddenly came up.

   Nestled in Lu Shinian's arms, she gradually fell asleep.

  Lu Shinian adjusted her posture to make her sleep more comfortable.

   He looked down at Su Ruan's sleeping face, his eyes depicting her face little by little.

   In the end, as if she could not hold it anymore, she dropped a light kiss on her forehead.


  Su Ruan slept until the next night.

   As soon as she woke up, she saw Lu Zhiya sitting not far away with a rare and indescribable expression.

  Lu Zhiya saw that she was awake, and the first sentence was:

   "That evil beast is too edible."

   In just one day, almost all the natural vegetables and fruits currently stored by Wanlingxing have been eaten.

  That's it, the evil beast patted his stomach and said, "Three full."

  If Su Ruan didn't wake up again, Lu Zhiya would have to prepare food from the satellite planet.

  Su Ruan was reminded by her, and then she remembered the evil beast.

   She glanced at Lu Shinian who had been by her side, and said in a low voice, "That interstellar evil beast took me away."

  Lu Shinian's eyes darkened, "I'll kill it."

   "Wait." Su Ruan quickly grabbed Lu Shinian, "There is some misunderstanding here."

   She leaned closer, leaned into Lu Shinian's ear, and whispered, "It has memories from the past."

Both of them knew exactly what    meant before.

   Lu Shinian's figure paused, and fell silent under Lu Zhiya's surprised eyes.

   (end of this chapter)

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