Crazy Criticism of Little Jiaojiao In the Arms of the Paranoid Commander

Chapter 376: Interstellar evil beast, wronged Chaptera

   Chapter 376 Interstellar evil beast, wronged Baba

  Su Ruan took a step back, turned his head, and put his hand in front of him.

   "Excuse me, can you stay away from me?"

   "Or, are you smaller?"

   She had just given birth, when she was at her weakest and most squeamish. Although her reason reminded her not to fight with this interstellar beast, her emotional and physical discomfort made her unable to control her words.

  Su Ruan was even ready to be attacked, but he didn't expect the interstellar beast in front of him to hear her words, tilt his head, and his body gradually became smaller.

   It didn't stop until he became almost as tall as Su Ruan.

  Su Ruan looked at it in surprise, as if he did not expect this legendary interstellar beast to speak so well.

  The interstellar evil beast didn't speak after it became smaller, and just looked at Su Ruan with those scarlet eyes.

  Su Ruan saw that it didn't speak, so he asked tentatively, "What are you doing here with me?"

  The interstellar evil beast slapped, sat down, and said slowly, as if learning to speak human: "Retaliate..."

  Su Ruan: ? ? ?

  Su Ruan recalled it in his mind and made sure that he had not offended this interstellar evil beast.

   In fact, if it hadn't been mentioned by Lu Xingzhu and the others, she would not have known that such creatures existed.

   "I didn't offend you, did I?" Seeing that the star was so easy to talk, Su Ruan relaxed a little, but did not remove the mental power attached to her body.

   She just stared straight at the interstellar beast, waiting for its answer.

   "It hurts." The interstellar beast continued to say slowly, "It hurts."

  Su Ruan:…

   "Where does it hurt?" she asked.

"It all hurts." The interstellar evil beast looked at Su Ruan with an ugly face that couldn't tell her emotions, but for some reason, Su Ruan actually saw it from this ugly and cute face at this time... Wronged?

  Su Ruan shuddered violently and shook his head quickly.

   How could she feel wronged by an interstellar evil beast? This is a vicious beast that can devour countless planets in one go, and even passing by can contaminate the interstellar core!

  Su Ruan took a deep breath and raised her vigilance again.

   "Maybe I can guess what you mean?"

   "Has a human like me hurt you and hurt you?"

  Although Su Ruan thinks this guess is ridiculous, the universe is really too big, what if there is a very powerful human gathering place that she doesn't know about and really hurt this interstellar evil beast?

   Or other races, transformed into a human and hurt this interstellar beast?

  Su Ruan thinks the latter is more likely.

  The interstellar evil beast tried to digest the words in Su Ruan's mouth, and it took two minutes before he nodded slowly.

  Su Ruan suddenly realized, "So you asked me for revenge?"

   "You've got the wrong object of revenge."

   "I haven't hurt you, you should find the human who hurt you."

  The interstellar beast continued to slowly understand Su Ruan's words.

  Su Ruan continued to say, "There is a saying in human beings that there is an injustice and a debt to the owner."

   "It means that whoever hurts you, you should go to him instead of taking anger."

   Ten minutes later, the interstellar evil beast replied slowly: "Oh."

  Su Ruan saw that it should come down and thought it understood, so he asked tentatively: "So can you let me go back?"

  The interstellar beast stared at her without speaking.

  Su Ruan was stared at by such a pair of scarlet eyes, and his heart trembled slightly.

   She recalled what happened in these two lives again, and was quite sure that she had not offended this interstellar beast.

After    half a sound, the interstellar evil beast said slowly: "The power of the law."

   It came close and sniffed.

   "You have the power of the law."

   It strives to use human pronunciation.

   These words made Su Ruan stunned, "The power of the law?"

   "How could I have that kind of thing on me."

   "Did you read it wrong?"

   She is just an ordinary human being, how could she have that kind of thing?

  The evil beast pulled its tail with its claws, pulled its tail in front of him, scratched it, and said slowly, "It hurts."

  Su Ruan:…

   "Humans are really bad." The beast said slowly again, "I hate humans the most."

   The vicious beast's tone became more and more aggrieved.


  Su Ruan:…

   She was suddenly less afraid of this vicious beast who was said to be covered in poison.

   "Why do you hate humans? What's wrong with humans?" Su Ruan asked.

  Although some people are pretty bad, most people are good.

   The evil beast tilted its head to look at her, and the scarlet pupils seemed to have a picture surging.

   Almost instantly, Su Ruan only felt that she was being pulled into a certain space, and the scene in front of her immediately changed.

  In the dark universe, there is an evil beast born in the dark.

  Its favorite thing to do is sleep, and occasionally when it feels hungry, it swallows the meteorite or planet next to it.

  It eats almost everything, eats whatever is around, sleeps when full, and eats when hungry.

   After so many years, the beast woke up from hunger again.

   It is still ready to swallow the food next to it as before, but it is unlucky this time, and there is not even a meteorite next to it.

   It can only find food on its own.

During the    period, he passed by Wanling Star, Winter Star and other human planets. It wanted to swallow the planet where humans lived, but those humans didn't know what to use to hit it.

  It was afraid of pain and flew away quickly.

   may be flying too fast, and the black egg that had been in his arms didn't know where it fell.

   That is the child of the evil beast.

  Reproduction is the instinct of all living things, and evil beasts are no exception.

   But unlike most creatures, evil beasts can lay eggs on their own.

   It laid an egg many years ago, and it was dark, just like the blackness of this universe. It loves it and hugs it every time I sleep.

   But the egg was lost.

The    evil beast originally wanted to find it, but was afraid of the pain, so aggrieved and swallowed some meteorites, and then fell into a deep sleep again.

   It didn't know how long it had slept until a strong burning pain hit it and woke it up.

  The fire all over the sky exploded in the dark universe. It was a splendid splendor that the evil beast had never seen in his life.

   But at the same time, it was the pain that even the flesh and blood was burnt clean that the evil beast had never encountered in his life.

The    flame seemed to burn in its soul, and the pain was so painful that the whole beast was rolling.

   It used the last trace of strength to trace back to the center of the explosion, capturing the figure of Su Ruan floating in the air.

  The fire burns everything.

   In the end, the picture is in darkness.

  Su Ruan's long eyelashes trembled slightly, looking at the interstellar evil beast sitting in front of him even a head shorter than him, the corners of his mouth twitched.

  To a certain extent, this evil beast really found the right person.

   Those pictures should be from the previous life.

   (end of this chapter)

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