Chapter 373 Maybe everything is destined

   Pregnancy is inconvenient, all previous plans have been shattered by the arrival of the baby.

   Counting the days, the federal school should have started, right?

  No, it should be said that the semester is almost over.

  Her department transfer plan must have failed, and I don't know if the teacher will expel her.

   There are also eldest brother and second brother, and now I don’t know how it is in the Federation.

   It seems that everything has come to a standstill for the time being with the arrival of the baby.

   "I want to go back to the Federation." Su Ruan said in a low voice.

  Lu Shinian held her little hand and said seriously: "I have already sent someone to look for the star gate, and we will go back when we find the star gate."

   "What if we can't find the Stargate?" Su Ruan asked back, "Are we going to stay here forever?"

   She is not familiar with the Empire. Although her mother is also here, she still prefers the environment of the Federation.

"Nuan Ruan, don't worry." Lu Shinian's palm was warm, and he passed his temperature to Su Ruan, "I have already discussed cooperation with Ling, if we haven't found the star gate after the baby is born, we will take the sporadic star gate. Ship to the Insect Territory."

   "When the time comes, let Cheng Qingye send us back."

  Lu Shinian had already arranged all this properly, which made Su Ruan reluctantly feel relieved.

   "Got it." Her voice was soft, "I want to sleep for a while."

   "Okay." Lu Shinian rubbed her hair, "Then Ruan Ruan sleeps for a while, I'll wait for Ruan Ruan to fall asleep."

  Su Ruan replied, lay down and soon fell asleep.

  Lu Shinian watched quietly from the side, until after confirming that she was asleep, he got up and left quietly.

   But what he didn't know was that not long after he left, the person who was sleeping suddenly woke up.

  She sat up blankly, looked around, didn't seem to see the person she wanted to see, propped herself up, sat up, and walked out.

  Lu Zhiya's manor is very big, if you don't pay attention, you will get lost.

  Su Ruan usually only stayed in her room, and went to the garden as far as possible, so she could easily get lost in this big manor.

   By the time she reacted, it was already a little late.

  Su Ruan looked at the unfamiliar environment in front of her and blinked suspiciously.


  Why is there no such place in her impression?

   There is a small pond in front of you, and there are two lotus flowers in the pond, with some dewdrops hanging on them, which are full of vitality.

   There was a door behind the pond. What surprised Su Ruan was that there was no lock or handle on the door. If you didn't look carefully, you would think that the door was a wall.

   At this time, the door was ajar, tempting people to spy on it.

   But the only way to that door was this pond full of water, and there was no other way.

   In other words, it's almost a dead end.

  Su Ruan stared at the door, her heart beating inexplicably faster.

   A voice seemed to say "Go in and take a look" "Go in and take a look".

  Su Ruan stepped forward, and before she knew it, she walked to the edge of the pond.

   And she was still moving forward.

  Half of his foot was already stretched out, and he was about to step into the water when a female voice suddenly came from behind him.

   "Nguyen Nguyen."

  Su Ruan's body froze and turned to look at Lu Zhiya who was hurried towards him.

   "Master Lu Xing." She called out and retracted her feet.

After   Lu Zhiya approached, she asked worriedly, "Ruan Ruan, why don't you rest so late?"

  Su Ruan looked back at the other side of the pond, where the door disappeared.

   Her eyes flashed slightly, she looked back, shook her head and said, "I woke up, so I came out for a walk."

  Lu Zhiya followed Su Ruan's line of sight and glanced back, and found nothing special, her brows furrowed even tighter.

   "Ruan Ruan, don't come here in the future."

  Su Ruan looked at her and asked curiously, "Is there any problem here?"

   "Well." Lu Zhiya didn't mean to hide, "This is the restricted area of ​​the entire Wanlingxing."

   "Restricted area?" Su Ruan took two steps forward, away from the pond, and then continued to ask, "Why is it a restricted area?"

  Lu Zhiya shook his head, "I don't know, this place was a restricted area before I became the star master."

  Su Ruan nodded thoughtfully, "It seems to be a very old restricted area."

   "Aren't you curious, Master Lu Xing? Why is this a restricted area?"

   Anyway, she was a little curious.

   "I've been curious." Lu Zhiya's eyes fell on the small pond, "If I didn't find the answer, I wouldn't be curious anymore."

  Su Ruan followed her line of sight, the water surface of the pond was smooth, only two lotus flowers were quietly blooming in the center.

   Dewdrops are still on the round leaves lining the lotus, and they fall firmly in the center.

  Everything is static, although it looks alive, there is no sense of movement.

   As if... as if it were frozen.

   "Did you see that door?" Su Ruan asked suddenly.

   "Door?" This time, Lu Zhiya was surprised, she shook her head, "I didn't see any door."

   "Ruan Ruan, if you are curious, you should wait and explore later."

   she advised.

   "You are pregnant now, in case of any accident, I will hate me when I am young."

  Su Ruan nodded, for the safety of herself and the baby, she naturally wouldn't act so rashly now.

   But she still wrote it down and planned to explore it before leaving the empire.

   She always felt that the door was tempting her to explore.

  While the two of them were talking, another voice interjected.

   "Nguyen Nguyen!"

   anxious footsteps sounded in this space.

  Su Ruan looked back and saw that Lu Shinian had also found here at some point.

   He walked quickly to her side, took her into his arms, and looked at Lu Zhiya with vigilance and a bit of hostility.

   "I wonder why Lu Xingzhu is looking for my wife?"

  Lu Zhiya took a small half-step back, and withdrew from the safe distance between the two, and then said, "I just saw Ruan Ruan here by accident."

  Su Ruan also said, "Yeah, we just met by chance."

   She pulled the hem of Che Lu Shinian's clothes and motioned him to lower his head.

  Lu Shinian really lowered his head and moved his ears closer.

  Su Ruan put it to his ear and whispered, "Let's go back, I have something to tell you."

  Lu Shinian nodded, gave Lu Zhiya a warning look, and then left with his arms around Su Ruan.

  After they left, Lingling flew out behind Lu Zhiya, and said in a milky voice, "Yaya, that Ruan Ruan can see the door."

   "Well." After Lu Zhiya looked at the pond, there was a wall, and there was no door.

   "Maybe this is all destined." She sighed lowly, and her figure gradually disappeared into the darkness.

The    breeze blew, but there was no ripple on the water surface of the pond.

   The time and space there seems to be static.

   (end of this chapter)

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