Chapter 369 A Strange Egg

  An egg?

  This egg is black throughout, especially in the flames.

  Cheng Qingye walked over and picked up the egg.

   is a bit heavy.

   The flames got thicker, Cheng Qingye didn't stop, just took the egg and left.

   The energy he perceives is emanating from this egg. Now that he has the egg, he naturally does not need to stay here any longer.

   Just as Cheng Qingye took the egg out of the Huozhiliao, Ye Yan, the star master, suddenly stood up in Huoguangxing's Star Master Mansion.

   "Come on!"

   He ordered hastily, "Go to the Fire House."

   How could that thing...

  Cheng Qingye didn't know what was going on in Ye Yan's side. As soon as he got the egg, he saw the message from his mother.

  Sister has been found.

  It is estimated that you can arrive at Wanlingxing in about a day.

  Cheng Qingye looked at the light in his hand and tossed it for a while.

   "In that case." He whispered, "I'll give you to my sister."

   He came to this empire to play, and it seemed unreasonable not to bring gifts to his sister.

   It happens that this egg is full of energy, maybe it will be able to replenish my sister’s body after cooking it.

  Thinking of this, Cheng Qingye stopped staying at Huoguangxing and went directly to Wanlingxing.

   A day later, Su Ruan arrived at Wanlingxing.

After    arrived, she took a photo with Lu Zhiya, of course, the face was blurred to a certain extent.

  Lu Zhiya posted the photo on her personal star website, saying that she had picked up the person, and will update Su Ruan's daily routine from time to time.

  Wan Lingxing, no, it should be said that people in the entire empire are very concerned about Su Ruan's pregnancy.

  Lu Zhiya posted on this blog, but within one minute, the number of retweets exceeded 100 million.

   And it's fermenting quickly.

   People were paying attention to Su Ruan, completely forgetting Lu Zhiya's previous "little mistakes".

  Su Ruan was arranged by Lu Zhiya in the best room and was temporarily recuperating.

   That night, Cheng Qingye also arrived at Wanlingxing.

   He took the egg, found Su Ruan directly, and handed it to her.

   "Sister, a present for you," he said.

  Su Ruan took the egg and asked curiously, "What is this?"

   "I don't know." Cheng Qingye replied, "I found it from Huoguangxing."

  Su Ruan didn't think much about it. He just thought that the third brother was a special product bought at Huoguangxing, so he took the egg into his arms and asked curiously, "Is Huoguangxing fun?"

   "It's all volcanoes." Cheng Qingye obviously doesn't like places with too much fire, "It's not fun, but volcanic eruptions are interesting."

   "Sister, if you like it, you can ask Lu Shinian to accompany you in the future."

   After a pause, he stared at Su Ruan's stomach again.

   "But don't go now."

   Pregnant women are more vulnerable, it is better not to go to such dangerous places.

   It was rare for Su Ruan to see his third brother look so serious, and he burst into a smile.

   "I know, I won't go now."

  Cheng Qingye responded with a "hmm" and looked around, but did not see Lu Shinian.

   "Where's Lu Shinian?"

   "He is still at Luoxia Xing, dealing with a few things." Su Ruan replied, "Maybe in two days."

   "Is Luoxia Xing fun?" Cheng Qingye asked.

   "It's okay." Su Ruan chuckled, "Third brother, you can go to some more planets to see."

   "Well." Cheng Qingye thought so too.

   "Then sister, you have a good rest, I will go to Luoxia Xing to see."

   "By the way, let Lu Shinian come to accompany you quickly."

   Pregnant women are the ones who need the most care.

   (end of this chapter)

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