Chapter 366 Su Hanjing's questioning


   Lu Shinian spit out these two words.

  Although he didn't like Lu Zhiya, he had to admit that the environment of Wanlingxing was much better than that of Winter Winter and Luoxia.

  Su Ruan is at the critical moment of pregnancy, so she naturally needs to stay in a good environment.

   This answer is of course everyone’s delight.

  Su Hanjing soon greeted someone to help Su Ruan pack up, while Lu Zhiya negotiated with the city owner of Luoxia Star.

  Su Ruan looked at the busy crowd, silently walked to Lu Shinian's side, and held his big hand.

   "Is that okay?" she asked in a low voice.

  Lu Shinian looked down at the hands they held together, and a little smile appeared from the bottom of his eyes.

   "What nonsense is Ruan Ruan talking about?"

   "What's the matter?"

   He bent down slightly and kissed Su Ruan's forehead lightly with his lips.

   "Ruan Ruan is the most important thing, and the rest are not a big deal."

   is just going to Wanlingxing to raise a baby. As for Lu Zhiya, it has nothing to do with him.

  Su Ruan still looked at Lu Shinian with some worry.

   She always knew that Lu Shinian had a hatred for Lu Zhiya, and the hatred has not dissipated until now.

   She has no intention of commenting or changing anything, as long as Lu Shinian is not happy.

   But going to Wanlingxing will inevitably lead to contact with Lu Zhiya, he will not be happy then, right?

   "But..." She wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lu Shinian.

   "Ruan Ruan, nothing is more important than you."

  Lu Shinian gently hugged the person in his arms, "Don't worry about anything else."

   "Wan Lingxing is indeed the best choice now."

  Su Ruan leaned against Lu Shinian's heart, listened to his steady and powerful heartbeat, and replied softly, "um".

  Su Hanjing and the others moved quickly, but within two hours, everything was packed up.

  Lu Shinian couldn't leave with Su Hanjing and the others for the time being because he had to deal with the underground battle field.

   So Su Ruan left with Su Hanjing and the others first.

   With Su Hanjing by his side, he doesn't have to worry too much.

  Su Ruan and Lu Shinian separated first.

   The rare separation made Su Ruan a little uncomfortable. She clearly wanted to escape far away in her previous life, but now she has become very attached to him, and she doesn't want to be separated from him for a moment.

   can only say that things are unpredictable.

   went to Wanlingxing's starship, Su Hanjing followed her every step of the way to take care of Su Ruan.

  Su Hanjing is very good at taking care of people. After all, she often takes care of Cheng Yushu, so taking care of Su Ruanlai is also handy.

  Su Ruan has never been alone with her mother, let alone taking care of her, so she was a little uncomfortable at first.

   But Su Hanjing is very gentle, not at all as carefree as she shows.

   Under the care of Su Hanjing, Su Ruan gradually relaxed and asked, "Mother, what about father?"

   "He is in Winter Star." Su Hanjing replied with a smile, "When you feel better, I will take you to Winter Star to find him."

  Su Ruan was also a little curious about this Zerg father, so he asked a few more questions.

  Su Hanjing answered one by one, and at the end, she also asked: "You inherited the gene of Yushu, will you have a special period like the Zerg?"

   Su Ruan was taken aback by this question.

   She thought about it and said, "It doesn't seem to have been there recently."

  Su Hanjing understood her implication, "So it was there before?"

   She frowned and asked, "Is there anything unusual at that time?"

   (end of this chapter)

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