Chapter 363 What Is It Like?

  Su Ruan's long eyelashes trembled, and she smiled slowly.

   "If I said no, would you believe it?"

   Ye Zirou looked up at Su Ruan and nodded firmly.

"I believe."

   "Because you are the first and only pregnant person in the Empire in ten years."

   "So I trust you."

   She spoke with certainty and naturalness, without the slightest pretence.

  Su Ruan lowered her eyes slowly, her voice soft but firm.

   "Co-scheduling does not determine pregnancy."

   "Maybe there is a relationship."

   “But definitely not the key factor.”

  Su Ruan didn't say too much, she just said these words with what she could recognize.

   "Do you have someone you like?" she asked.

   Ye Zirou looked at her more and more confused, "What is liking?"

   "What is liking..." Su Ruan raised her eyes and looked at Lu Shinian not far away.

   He stood there upright, his eyes full of her.

   She smiled slowly, "Probably she will think of him in everything she does."

   Having said that, she turned to look at Ye Zirou again.

   "Everyone has a different definition of liking."

   "I can't tell you the standard answer, and I can't tell you what it is."

   "But I think, if one day, you will make a decision that is not in line with your temperament because of showing a different appearance in front of someone, or because of him, I think it is like it."

   Ye Zirou nodded understandingly.

   "I envy you very much." She pursed her lips, "Not only envy you being pregnant, but envy you knowing what you want."

   She could see that although Su Ruan was happy because of her pregnancy, her enthusiasm and joy due to the arrival of the new born were not as much as those of the strangers.

   As for what she thought about the child, she couldn't tell.

   Maybe this is the difference between people.

  Su Ruan heard this and chuckled, "I didn't know what I wanted before."

   "After meeting him, I slowly came to know."

   I want to be with him all the time, and I want to be reunited as a family.

   is nothing more than two simple little wishes.

   And now, she has been working hard in this direction.

   Ye Zirou looked at Su Ruan blankly.

  It was already late at night, and there was no moonlight on this planet, only the faint lights on both sides barely illuminated the path. Obviously...people wouldn't shine.

   But Ye Zirou just felt that Su Ruan in front of him seemed to be glowing.

   Softer than the artificial moonlight of the previous days, and more... Shocking.

   Ye Zirou raised her hand and stroked her heart, where it was slightly hot and beating violently, it was a completely different feeling.

   "You seem to be..." she said in a daze, "glowing."

  Su Ruan didn't quite hear what Ye Zirou said, because at the same time she spoke, Lu Shinian came towards them.

   All her attention was on Lu Shinian.

   She slowly got up, and before she could stand up completely, she was supported by Lu Shinian who stepped forward.

   "Why didn't you wait for me to help you?"

  Lu Shinian frowned in disapproval, "I'll do this kind of trivial thing in the future, eh?"

  Su Ruan chuckled, "I'm not that delicate yet."

   "But I'm still worried." Lu Shinian lowered his head and coaxed softly, "Ruan Ruan just takes pity on me, okay?"

   "Don't worry about me, eh?"

  Su Ruan snorted softly and reluctantly responded.

   Ye Zirou watched the interaction between the two, and her expression gradually became complicated.

   (end of this chapter)

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