Crazy Criticism of Little Jiaojiao In the Arms of the Paranoid Commander

Chapter 360: Thousands of parallel time and space, only I love you

   Chapter 360 Tens of thousands of parallel time and space, only I love you

  The universe is so big that humans have only explored one ten thousandth of it.

   The conjecture about parallel time and space was put forward by humans as early as thousands of years ago.

   But until today, thousands of years later, it has still not been confirmed.

   But just tonight, in this absurd dream, Lu Shinian felt as if he had glimpsed the existence of a parallel space.

   This dream was very long, and Lu Shinian thought that there was no camera in the dream.

   He has experienced all kinds of past lives, starting from possessing Su Ruan, watching her escape step by step, and then catching her back.

   Repeatedly, as if tireless, the uncontrollable impulse and possessiveness, even his own, was startled.

   He saw the fear and hatred in Su Ruan's eyes, and also saw the paranoia and madness in her eyes.

   He watched as he took out the crystal nucleus in Su Ruan's heart, and fused his spiritual power with that crystal nucleus.

   Until that last moment, he detonated the core, destroying the whole world.

   is madness and fate.

  Lu Shinian thought he would wake up after this dream.

   But in fact, after a long time of darkness, the picture jumped.

   This time, it was the unfamiliar and familiar Federation.

   He became a federal commander, but there was no Su Ruan around.

   He followed his dream self throughout his life, and Su Ruan never appeared beside him.

   Until the self in this dream died alone, there was still no Su Ruan.

   Then, it was darkness again.

  I don't know how long it took, but it was a brand new picture.

   This time he was in Federal University, and in his dream he met Su Ruan.

   He is the senior, and Su Ruan is his direct junior.

   They fought side by side, and in the long years, they became the famous twins of the Commonwealth.

   They are seniors and juniors who respect each other and love each other. They are also comrades-in-arms who can give their backs to each other. They are also close partners. They can be alone, not lovers.

   Until they died in battle, the love that might be hidden in their hearts was not revealed.

   After it was dark again, the picture jumped again.

   This time, he is the crown prince of the Federation, aloof and impersonal.

   He followed his dream self through that life, and after His Majesty died, he inherited his position and became an authoritarian Majesty.

   He managed the federation in such an orderly fashion that almost no one dared to disobey his words.

   But until he died of old age, he did not marry a wife, nor did he have a woman by his side.

   And he never met Su Ruan.

   Until the day when he died of old age in the dream, he heard the radio broadcast that Professor Su Ruan broke through the genetic defect of such and such and further solved the problem of atavism.

The words    just entered his ears, and then he died in the dream.

   Another long darkness.

  The screen jumps again and again.

  More and more pictures poured into Lu Shinian's mind.

   They seem to be actually happening, just in some parallel time and space.

   Every choice is different, it is possible to create a parallel space-time.

   Just like back then, if Su Ruan didn't choose to go to Muhexing, she would die in Tianhexing, and Lu Shinian, the commander, would never meet her in her whole life.

   And if the Shen family's parents "recognized" Su Ruan back then and treated her well, then she would have become a junior a few years younger than him, and later grew into a twin star who fought side by side with him.

   Or maybe he accepted the fact that his father didn't love his mother, forgave his father, recognized his ancestors, and became a high-ranking prince, then his life trajectory will also be on the road of "Your Majesty".

  The last intersection between him and her also stayed on the broadcast after the sunset that day.

  There are countless choices, countless parallel worlds, he and she, either do not meet and die alone, or meet but do not love each other, or have an intersection but never know.

   Those parallel worlds that they never knew had their lives.

  But Lu Shinian couldn't imagine how he who didn't meet her, who didn't love her, how to face this boring world.

   I don’t know how many times the picture jumped, and I don’t know how many times the darkness shrouded it.

  I don't know how long it took.

  Lu Shinian felt that his body was slowly sinking, and his self-consciousness seemed to be returning to his body.

   He moved his fingers tentatively.

   The sense of belonging to the body returned to his consciousness.

  Lu Shinian slowly opened his eyes and glanced outside.

  The moonlight has faded a lot.

   Su Ruan in his arms was still sound asleep.

   He glanced at the time, but only three hours had passed, but he felt as if he hadn't seen Ruan Ruan he loved for a long, long time.

   Yes, his beloved Ruan Ruan.

   It was not the Su Ruan who had never seen him in his life, nor the Su Ruan who fought alongside him on the battlefield, nor the Su Ruan who was regarded as a professor by the Federation and solved the incarnation period.

The person in   's arms is just that Ruan Ruan who can be angry, coquettish and wronged, but also strong and indestructible, soft-hearted but indestructible, and occasionally run away and willful, not so perfect Ruan Ruan.

   is the Ruan Ruan he loves.

   He dreamed of thousands of parallel time and space, but only this time and space, he and she love each other.

   She was even pregnant with his child, which was the crystallization of their love and the proof that he and her had gone through the first half of their lives.

  Lu Shinian gently hugged Su Ruan, who was sleeping soundly, into his arms, his heart was so soft.

   "Nguyen Nguyen."

   he whispered silently.


   is his Ruan Ruan, the Ruan Ruan he clearly recognizes in his heart.

   gently dropped a kiss, he dedicated all his fragility and tenderness to her.

  The night is getting deeper and the artificial moon is gradually disappearing.

  Luo Xing returned to darkness.

   But for Lu Shinian, where Su Ruan is there, there is no darkness at all.


   Time flies and it’s another two months.

  Su Ruan is almost six months pregnant, and the stargate has not been found yet, but with the help of Lu Shinian, Luoxiaxing has opened a trade channel with other planets in the past two months.

   The overall public security environment has also improved a lot. At least people can be seen outside around 7:00 pm.

   As Su Ruan's pregnancy became more and more obvious, she spent less and less time going out.

   But under such circumstances, news of her pregnancy spread like wildfire.

   I don't know where the news came from. Many people on Luoxia Xing knew that she was pregnant, and the news spread at a speed she couldn't imagine, and soon spread to Wanlingxing.

  Wan Lingxing, which was supposed to be the first planet to appear pregnant women, was questioned by the residents at this time.

  Why after so long, Su Ruan still refuses to show up, not even a single photo?

   And the sporadic Zero next door has been staying in the Star Lord Manor for almost two months, but he still hasn't seen Su Ruan. Why is this?

  Lu Zhiya, the star master, has been questioned like never before at this moment.

   (end of this chapter)

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