Chapter 358 Moonlight Tonight

   "She has a husband and doesn't need your robots to take care of her."

  Lu Zhiya's tone was light, and she couldn't hear any emotions.

   This made Zero frown.

   "Can her husband be taken care of by our robot?"

   "We have several T's all-around nanny profiles!"

  Zero's tone was very indignant, "Is this what her husband can provide her?"

  Lu Zhiya's expression remained unchanged, and she said slowly, "Her husband can give her love, can you give it to her?"

   Zero was stunned this time.

  There is no such thing as "love" in the programs and codes of robots, or in the concepts common to imperial people.

  Acquaintance is because of co-scheduling, marriage is due to co-scheduling, and childbirth is also due to co-scheduling.

   They are dominated by "co-scheduling" and cannot escape.

   Or, they didn't realize the need to escape.

   This is an empire governed by co-discipline, and there is no such thing as "love".

  Zero searched the word "love" in his own database, and finally found its definition in a very small place.

  【Love: have deep feelings for people or things】

   But what is this feeling, Zero still doesn’t understand.

   It goes down the word "feeling".

  【Emotion: A strong reaction to external stimuli. 】

  Zero seems to understand a bit.

   He looked up at Lu Zhiya and said, "Are you saying that her husband will make her react strongly?"

   Without waiting for Lu Zhiya to reply, Zero said again: "If this is the case, then he can't take care of pregnant women."

   "Pregnant women should not be too emotional and need to be calm."

  Zero said solemnly.

  Lu Zhiya knew that Zero had misunderstood the meaning of the word "love" as soon as she heard this.

   But she didn't plan to explain, after all, she didn't even know what love was.

  Lu Zhiya's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and her voice became softer.

   "She just needs him."

   "I don't need your care for the time being."

  Zero frowned slightly, with a bit of incomprehensible embarrassment.

   He carefully observed Lu Zhiya's expression and saw nothing.

   After being silent for a long time, Zero spoke again: "Since this is the case, then I want to disturb Lu Xingzhu for a while."

  Zero one expression that I live here.

   "You are free." Lu Zhiya's expression did not change, "If you want to stay, I will ask the housekeeper to clean up a room and come out."

  Zero made up his mind that he must see the pregnant woman. He didn't analyze Lu Zhiya's proposal too much at all, and immediately responded.

   "Okay, I'll stay here."

   "Please, Lord Lu Xing, let the housekeeper clean up a room for me."

  Lu Zhiya raised her eyes and glanced at Zero, which seemed to have deep meaning.


  Luoxia Xing, nearly four months pregnant, Su Ruan's belly has begun to show her pregnancy.

   She is thin and thin, only her stomach bulges slightly, which looks very obvious.

   Outsiders may be pregnant at first sight, so since she was pregnant, Su Ruan has rarely gone outside.

   She didn't want to be watched. Although the eyes of those people were not malicious, she always felt a sense of discomfort.

  Lu Shinian naturally pets her, and spends most of the time with her.

   It's just that Su Ruan can't stand his temper occasionally and wants to go outside.

   Every time at this time, the two of them can only wait until the night, when the night is quiet, before Lu Shinian will protect Su Ruan to go out.

   This is the case today.

  Luoxia Xing's daughter, the star owner, has her birthday tonight. The star owner spent huge sums of money to rent an artificial moon to satisfy her daughter's wish to see the moonlight.

   So tonight, there is moonlight.

   (end of this chapter)

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