Crazy Criticism of Little Jiaojiao In the Arms of the Paranoid Commander

Chapter 346: Honeymoon again, albeit with a little trouble

   Chapter 346 Honeymoon again, although a little troublesome

   After Cheng Qingye walked out of the manor, he let the light of the artificial sun cover himself.

   Light is rarely seen in wormlands.

  The wormlands have always been dark, as if their existence should belong to the darkness.

   But who wants to stay in the dark all the time?

   At least he didn't want to.

   That hidden under the light brown pupils, that is concealed by the natural coldness, is the ambition beyond anyone's imagination.

  No, it should be said that only one person saw through his ambitions.

   His mother's friend is also the star owner of this Wanling Star - Lu Zhiya.

   "It seems that something has been done recently." Cheng Qingye whispered, shuttled through the crowd, and soon disappeared.


   Meanwhile, on an unknown planet.

  Su Ruan slowly opened his eyes.

"woke up?"

   Lu Shinian's familiar low and **** voice sounded in Su Ruan's ear.

  Su Ruan's tense nerves relaxed for a while.

   She propped herself up and sat up, and said at the same time, "Where is this place?"

   As she spoke, she looked around and found that they were in a small house that looked a little run down.

   The room is only about ten square meters, except for a bed, there is only a set of table and chairs.

  The table looks dark and has a faint smell of shabby. It is estimated that it has been a long time.

   The quilt on this bed was also a bit shoddy, causing her skin to turn red.

  While she was observing, Lu Shinian also replied: "This is still an empire, but it belongs to a marginal star."

   "There is no star network here, but it is not popular. It is said that only the city owner has a star network."

   "We were rescued by a brother and sister picking up trash, and this is their room."

  Lu Shinian briefly explained the current situation.

   "It's still in the empire." Su Ruan said in a low voice, "It seems that the stargate is sent randomly within the empire."

  Lu Shinian replied in a low voice, "Well, it should be."

   "Then these two brothers and sisters know me..." Su Ruan touched her belly, where it bulged slightly and was giving birth to a small life.

   "They don't know." Lu Shinian took Su Ruan's words, "They have no brains and can't connect to the Star Network."

  Su Ruan breathed a sigh of relief.

   She doesn't want to be watched anymore.

   "Then we now..." Su Ruan paused and frowned slightly, "Do you know where Stargate is?"

  Lu Shinian shook his head.

   "After I woke up, I talked to the two brothers and sisters, and went to the garbage dump where they picked us up. There is no Stargate there."

   "I suspect it might be randomly distributed somewhere on the planet."

  Su Ruan grabbed Lu Shinian's wrist.

   "How long have I been asleep?"

   "One day and one night." Lu Shinian knew what Su Ruan wanted to say, and held her little hand, "The star gate has changed, and maybe the closing time has also changed."

   "Nuan Ruan, don't worry."

   "Let's look for it for the past few days. If we don't find the star gate, we will try to find a solution."

   He raised his hand and rubbed her head, "Anyway, I'm by your side."

   Under his comfort, Su Ruan slowly calmed down.

   "Then let's have a look these days."

   When Lu Shinian saw her calm down, he suddenly let out a low laugh.

   "Actually, it's fine now."

   "No one knows us here, and the information is blocked. Does it look like the paradise in the legend of the mother star?"

  No one knew them, and no one knew that his little wife was pregnant, which meant they didn't have to be sought after and watched.

   To the people of this planet, they are also ordinary people like them.

   He and she can also lead an ordinary life.

   At least these few days, he and she can live a normal life.

   "Although it's a little troublesome, it a honeymoon?" Lu Shinian said with a low smile.

  Su Ruan was stunned for a moment, as if he had guessed what Lu Shinian was thinking, and suddenly smiled.


   She put one hand around his neck and leaned forward slightly.

   "How can you not kiss and hug on your honeymoon?"

  As these words fell, she kissed his lips.

After the    kiss, Lu Shinian's breathing changed.

   The look in Su Ruan's eyes was also a little deep.

   But at this time, Su Ruan let go of Lu Shinian's hand, patted his stomach lightly, the corners of his mouth twitched, with a bit of cunning.

   "It's a pity I can only kiss and hug."

   said that it was a pity, but there was no pity on that face.

   What a pity for her, she just wanted to see his dissatisfaction.

  Lu Shinian guessed what Su Ruan was thinking, and laughed helplessly.

   "Ruan Ruan is really a little badass."

  Su Ruan blinked noncommittally.

   Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

  Lu Shinian calmly pinched the bottom of his thigh, adjusted his breathing again, and covered Su Ruan with a quilt before he said, "Come in."

  The door opened from the outside, and a girl in linen clothes walked in.

  The girl has two braids, her body is thin, and there is almost only a layer of skin on her exposed wrists.

   His skin was dark, but his eyes were bright.

   When seeing them, the girl said in surprise: "You finally woke up!"

  Su Ruan smiled, nodded and said, "Thank you for saving me."

   The girl waved her hand, glanced at Lu Shinian quickly, smiled embarrassedly, "I'll go and call my brother."

After    finished speaking, she ran away quickly.

  Su Ruan saw her leaving, turned to look at Lu Shinian and said, "Do you know their names?"

  Lu Shinian said while helping Su Ruan sort out his clothes, "My brother's name is Ye Ziwen, and my sister's name is Ye Zirou."

   As soon as the voice fell, Ye Zirou came back with Ye Ziwen.

  Su Ruan looked at the man behind the girl, saying that it was inaccurate, Ye Ziwen obviously looked like a teenager.

   He is a little taller than Ye Zirou, but he can see that he is very thin, his skin is also dark, and his exposed wrists are also pitifully thin.

   His cheeks were sunken on both sides, a little thin.

   Seeing the two brothers and sisters, Su Ruan was a little worried about the current living environment on this planet.

   "Hello, I'm Ye Ziwen." Ye Ziwen first stepped forward and introduced himself.

  Su Ruan nodded and introduced himself: "I'm Su Ruan."

   "I know." Ye Ziwen looked at Su Ruan with a burning heat she couldn't understand, "I heard this Mr. Lu mentioned your name."

   He grinned and tried to smile.

   "I'm sure we'll get along very well."

  Su Ruan: ? ? ?

  Su Ruan looked at Lu Shinian and saw that his expression was calm, so he could not help but stretch out his finger and poked his back.

  Lu Shinian sensed her little movement, and helplessly grabbed her little hand that was moving around, and then said solemnly: "Mr. Ye, I think I've said it many times, this is my wife."

   "But my total schedule with her is 80%." Ye Ziwen insisted.

  Lu Shinian:  …

   Yes, there is a little trouble living on this planet.

   That's the people here, who are particularly concerned about co-scheduling.

   (end of this chapter)

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