Chapter 344 Adventure Once

  Su Ruan was a little surprised that a person as immortal as the third brother had such big ambitions.

   And as the third brother Zerg, he actually wants to rule the human race?

   If it wasn't for her third brother, she would be the first person to object to this matter.

   But since there are three of his own, Su Ruan will more or less favor him.

   "The third brother should not do that." Su Ruan helped Cheng Qingye to speak, "I guess he is also interested in the companion beasts of the empire."

  This is completely different from the federal system, and any federal person will probably be interested in it.

  Cheng Qingye is a Zerg, but after all, he has lived in the Federation for a period of time, and his thinking mode is still relatively federal.

   It is normal to be interested in the companion beasts of the Empire.

  Su Ruan chatted with Lu Shinian, and their figures gradually disappeared into the depths of the forest.

   Looking for the way they came, the two quickly reached the place where the star gate opened.

   It doesn't look any different from the surrounding area.

  Only when the wind blows gently, will some different ripples appear.

  Su Ruan stood in front of the star gate, tentatively approaching the star gate with her fingertips.

   The expected suction did not come.

  Su Ruan frowned slightly and looked at Lu Shinian subconsciously.

   "There seems to be something wrong." She whispered.

  Lu Shinian probed into the star gate, but there was no inhalation, which was completely different from when he came.

   "Want to go in?" Su Ruan asked in a low voice.

   After all, they don't know much about Stargate, although Black Hawk once said that Stargate has never had a problem over the years.

   As long as you get close to the star gate before it closes, the body can be sucked into the star gate and return to Mutao.

   But now, they are very close to the star gate, and they have even entered a hand, but the expected suction has not come.

  It was nothing like what they knew.

  Su Ruan's idea was exactly what Lu Shinian thought.

   He put his hands down, his eyes drooping slightly.

   "If the opposite of the star gate is not Mu Tao, where is it?" he asked in a low voice.

  If it wasn’t Mutao, but a planet that was completely unfamiliar and even unknown to other people, would he and his little wife be able to leave everything now and live together forever?

   Only he and her live together forever.

  Lu Shinian's throat moved slightly, after all, he raised his eyes to look at Su Ruan, "Does Ruan Ruan want to take an adventure with me?"

   He stretched out his right hand, his eyes burning.

  Su Ruan froze for a moment, then smiled lightly.

   The little hand rested on Lu Shinian's right hand, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, his eyes were bright and his teeth were beautiful.

   "As long as I can be with you."

   Her voice was soft, but her tone was firmer than ever.

   Her missing love has been filled by his.

   His love for her is controlling and paranoid, so why is she not?

   is just an explicit one, a recessive one.

  Su Ruan's small hand on Lu Shinian's right hand clenched slowly, tilted his head, and the smile on his face deepened.

   "Let's go and see?"

   She didn't feel the danger behind the star gate, maybe they could discover a new planet.

  Lu Shinian took Su Ruan into his arms and hugged him tightly.

   hugged her and stepped into the star gate.

  Invisible ripples rippling.

  Everything seems to have not changed, the wind is clear and the grass is green, and there are faint sounds of insects and birds.

   Peaceful and peaceful.

   Only the shallow footprints indicate that someone has come here.

   Within three seconds after Su Ruan stepped into the star gate, she felt that Lu Shinian's body was getting hot.

   It's a bit sloppy, I'll update it for the time being, come and see it tomorrow QAQ



   (end of this chapter)

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