Chapter 342 Meeting with Parents

   With Lu Shinian's words, Su Ruan instantly felt calm.

   She nodded and replied softly, "Hmm."

   As time goes by, someone is approaching.

   At this moment, the old butler knocked on the door and said respectfully, "Mr. Lu, Ms. Su, the star master is invited."

  Su Ruan's heart tightened slightly, subconsciously glanced at Lu Shinian, and at the same time replied: "Okay."

   She pulled Lu Shi Nian out and led the old housekeeper to the council hall.

  The main door of the conference hall was wide open, Lu Zhiya was sitting in the main seat, and two people stood opposite her.

   One man and one woman, with their backs to Su Ruan and Lu Shinian.

  Su Ruan stared at the backs of the two people, her heartbeat was getting faster and faster, as if she would jump out of her chest at any moment.

   The two of them also seemed to hear something and turned around at the same time.

   is right in front of Su Ruan’s eyes.

   Su Ruan burst into tears, swirling in her eyes, but stubbornly refused to fall.

   She pursed her lips tightly, and the originally pink lips faintly showed a pallor.

  Su Hanjing looked at his little daughter who was standing not far away and didn't know how to speak for a while.

   She didn't spend much time with her. When she was very young, she and Cheng Yushu left her. In her impression, they probably didn't exist.

  Su Hanjing's eyes flashed slightly and his lips moved, but he didn't make a sound for a long time.

   She had been arrogant and indulgent all her life, but at such a time, she became hesitant.

   Cheng Yushu, who was standing beside her, glanced at his wife, then looked at Su Ruan opposite, and took the initiative to say, "Hello Ruan Ruan, I'm your father Cheng Yushu."

   He took Su Hanjing's hand and said again, "This is your mother Su Hanjing."

   "Nice to meet you here."

  Su Ruan let out a small whimper.

  Although she had guessed that her parents were back before she came here, but when she really saw and heard these words from her parents, Su Ruan couldn't help but feel a deep sense of grievance in her heart.

   In the past and present, this was the first time she saw her parents.

   She had imagined what her parents would be like countless times, and even before getting here, she had simulated in her mind what it would be like when they met.

   But all simulations and fantasies are in vain in the face of real reality.

   She stared blankly at her parents not far away, and a tear fell from the corner of her eyes.

   was gently wiped away by a pair of gentle big hands.

   "Ruan Ruan." Lu Shinian's familiar voice sounded in her ear, "Don't cry."

  Su Ruan bit her lip and said stubbornly and bravely, "I didn't cry."

   His eyes were sorely sore, and an unknown liquid surged in his eye sockets, as if it were going to come out at any time.

   Obviously looks like a pitiful aggrieved person who wants to cry, but he just pretends to be brave.

  Lu Shinian sighed silently in his heart.

   His little wife is always so brave.

   He took the person into his arms, raised his eyes to look at Cheng Yushu opposite, and said lightly, "I'm Lu Shinian, Ruan Ruan's husband."

  Cheng Yushu nodded at him, holding Su Hanjing's big hand slightly, motioning her to speak.

   He put the initiative to speak to her again.

  Su Hanjing quickly recovered and said with a smile, "I know, Zhiya's son."

   "At the beginning we said we would order dolls for you."

   "But after so many things happened, I thought this doll couldn't be kissed, but I didn't expect you to be together."

   When Lu Shinian heard this, his eyes darkened and he corrected: "I'm with Ruan Ruan, not because of the baby kiss."

   "We fell in love, and it happened to be a baby kiss."

  Su Hanjing was stunned for a moment, although she felt the same, after all, the results were the same, but his friend's son said so, it should be different in his heart, right?

   She didn't refute Lu Shinian's words, she just nodded in response, then looked at Su Ruan and said, "Ruan Ruan, can we talk alone?"

  Su Ruan clenched Lu Shinian's hand, and then slowly said, "Okay."

  Lu Zhiya arranged a separate room for them.

  Su Ruan and Su Hanjing sat down face to face.

  Su Hanjing was the first to ask: "Ruan Ruan, do you hate us?"

   "Do you want to hear the truth?" Su Ruan asked.

   "Of course." Su Hanjing smiled heartily and said with a smile, "I only listen to the truth."

   "I used to hate." Su Ruan lowered her eyes gently, countless memories flashing across her mind.

   Her parents left her early in her previous life and entrusted her to her three older brothers.

  Although the three brothers treat her very well, they cannot make up for the love of their parents.

   In addition, when she was very young, all three brothers left for their own reasons, put her on Tianhe, and let her grow up alone.

   There are actually many orphans in Tianhe Xing, and there are not many who live alone like her.

   But when she was young, she just didn't understand why she had a family, but she was still like an orphan.

  The large-scale lack of family affection since childhood made her have an almost magical obsession with family affection. This is also why in her previous life, even if she knew that Shen's father and mother did not like her, she was still willing to swallow her anger and do something she didn't like.

   She was so eager to be loved and so eager to be affectionate that she did a lot of wrong things.

   It is a lie to say that she does not hate, but after being reborn, so many things happened, she has gradually stopped hating.

  Everyone has a time when they can't help themselves. She also knows that her parents left to save her, and the three brothers left her to save herself.

   They are all thinking of her and loving her.

   Of course, the most important thing is…

   Someone who filled all the missing love in her heart.

   Lu Shinian's figure flashed across his mind quickly, and Su Ruan laughed softly.

   "But don't hate it now."

   She seemed to relax all of a sudden and raised a smile.

   "Mother, how have you been all these years?"

  Su Hanjing saw Su Ruan's changes in his eyes, and when he heard her question again, his eyes suddenly became sour, "We have a good time."

   "It's just a little troublesome and I can't solve it for the time being."

   "It will take a long time to fight."

  Su Ruan nodded in understanding.

   The higher the position, the more involuntary.

   "As long as you have a good life." Su Ruan said, "As for those troubles, as long as you find a way to solve them, you can always solve them."

  Su Hanjing quickly rubbed his eyes, put his hands down again, blinked his eyes quickly, as if to hide something, laughed and said, "It can definitely be solved, you have to believe in your mother's strength."

   "Tell me how you came here all these years?"

  Su Ruan replied softly "Okay".

   The two chatted back and forth like this, and the atmosphere was warm and harmonious.

   In the conference hall, the atmosphere was a little frozen, or rather, a little embarrassing.

   (end of this chapter)

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