Crazy Criticism of Little Jiaojiao In the Arms of the Paranoid Commander

Chapter 340: Companion Beast: A small black cat the size of a slap

   Chapter 340 Companion Beast: A Little Black Cat the Size of a Palm

  Su Ruan is really curious about the companion beast.

   Hearing what Lu Shinian said, she couldn't help but ask curiously, "I also have a companion beast?"

   She grabbed his big hand, raised her head slightly, and looked at him with some anticipation.

   "Let's go back to the room and talk."

   She stood up and dragged him inside.

After    turned on the private mode of the room, Su Ruan continued to ask: "But I am from the Federation, how can there be a companion beast?"

  Lu Shinian has a companion beast, she can understand, but why does she also have it?

  If so, why hasn't she discovered it for so many years?

  Lu Shinian took Su Ruan into his arms, and did not directly answer her doubts, but said: "It is recorded in the history of the empire that two thousand years ago, due to the deterioration of the environment of the mother planet, human beings had to start the Ark Project."

   "One thousand nine hundred years ago, our ancestors encountered a cosmic storm, two arks were forced to separate, and one landed on a barren star, which is the current empire."

   "And the other one should have landed in the Federation."

  Su Ruan nodded clearly.

   Sure enough, thousands of years ago, the Empire and the Federation were one family, and they were all humans who escaped from their home planet.

  Lu Shinian continued to speak.

   "In order to survive, the human beings in the Empire have done a lot of research to combine the genes of humans and the aborigines on the primitive planet, that is, some beasts."

   "As it happens, the Commonwealth human ancestors did the same thing."

   However, the same thing has evolved into different endings under the influence of various factors.

  Imperial humans have evolved to be more perfect, they can freely convert between human and animal forms, and there are companion beasts that can enhance their abilities.

   The federal humans can only rely on the spiritual power born in the research. Maybe something went wrong. The federal humans have not achieved the perfect transformation between human form and animal form.

   Even now, the federation humans will have a throwback period with animal-like features on their bodies.

   From a certain point of view, atavism is actually a semi-finished product of evolution.

  The real evolutionary success is that of the imperial human beings.

   But whether it is an empire or a federation, the essence is the same. The associated beasts generated by relying on spiritual power, only need certain conditions, and the federation humans can truly complete the evolution.

   When Lu Shinian talked about the history of the Empire and the Federation, his tone was very calm.

   He is more like a bystander, telling about the changes and blood and tears over the thousands of years.

  Su Ruan's ability to empathize is stronger. When she listened to this, the efforts made by the humans of the Empire and the Federation to survive in this harsh cosmic environment appeared in her mind.

   That may be the sacrifice of many generations, blood and tears mixed into everything today.

   She felt a little stuffy in her heart, her little hand grabbed the clothes on Lu Shinian's chest, and said softly, "The ancestors are great."

   "Well." Lu Shinian raised his hand and rubbed Su Ruan's head, "One of the reasons why the Federation is at the throwback period is because of the impurities in the power stones, our genes are destined to be unable to digest the impurities in those power stones."

   "The other is because it's a question left over from thousands of years of evolution."

   "But I guess, those with mental power above 3S can summon their own companion beasts."

  Lu Shinian lowered his eyes slightly, and Su Ruan's appearance was reflected in his dark pupils.

   Invisible mental power fluctuated, and in the void, something seemed to slowly come out.

   It seems like a long time, but it is actually just a moment.

   In this space, a snow wolf appeared out of thin air.

  Xuelang squatted in midair, tilted his head and looked at Su Ruan.

  Su Ruan's eyes widened, clutching the clothes on Lu Shinian's chest tightly.

   "This is your companion beast?" she asked.

  Lu Shinian replied in a low voice: "Well."

  Su Ruan looked at the snow wolf in surprise.

   "I've seen it before." Her tone gradually became firmer, "Before we... um, at that time, I vaguely saw this snow wolf."

   She originally thought that it was just an illusion under the extreme pleasure, but when she really saw this snow wolf, she suddenly realized that it was not an illusion.

   That really exists.

   When she and Lu Shinian's mental powers were entangled, and the body and spirit reached a high degree of integration, the snow wolf, Lu Shinian did not summon, even without his knowledge, appeared.

  Lu Shinian recalled what Su Ruan said, "Is it the most recent time?"

  Su Ruan nodded, "That time on the spaceship."

   "Ruan Ruan, entangle yourself with your mental power, eh?"

  Su Ruan nodded obediently, stretched out his spiritual power, and was entangled with the spiritual power overflowing from Lu Shinian.

   The Snow Wolf, who had been squatting in the air, suddenly lay down on his back, and a happy expression appeared on his originally cute face.

   It seemed to be extremely comfortable, and its big furry head arched in the void.

   "It looks very comfortable." Su Ruan said in surprise.

   Their mental powers are intertwined, and Lu Shinian's companion beast shows a clear sense of comfort. Does this mean that her mental power is useful to Lu Shinian's companion beast?

  Thinking of this, Su Ruan held her breath and kept compressing her mental power, and then delivered it to Lu Shinian little by little.

  The space seemed to be distorted for a moment.

  Su Ruan suddenly felt that something came out of his spiritual sea.

   She blinked her eyes subconsciously, and when she opened her eyes again, she saw a little black cat squatting in the air and licking her paws.

  The little black cat is also the size of a palm, and it looks like a small ball, very cute.

  Su Ruan was slightly startled, looked at Lu Shinian subconsciously and asked, "Is this my companion beast?"

  Lu Shinian stared at the little black cat the size of his palm, his eyes flashing slightly, "It should be."

  Su Ruan:…

   After knowing that there was such a thing as a companion beast, Su Ruan actually imagined what her companion beast would be like.

   For example, it may be a majestic tiger, or a leopard with strong skills. No matter how bad it is, it will be a beautiful sika deer, right?

   She never thought that her companion beast turned out to be a little black cat the size of a slap. It was not imposing at all, it looked like it was stunted.

   The joy of having a companion beast was washed away by a small mass in front of him, and Su Ruan sighed softly.

   "So small, is it malnutrition?"

   She feels that her mental power is very strong. Although she has not tested it, she estimates that her mental power should be 3S. Logically speaking, the little black cat should not be such a small group.

   The companion beast of Lu Shinian, who is also 3S, looks so majestic, how come to her, it's a pitiful little black cat?

   When Lu Shinian heard this, he laughed softly, raised his hand and rubbed Su Ruan's head.

   "Small, as cute as Ruan Ruan."

   (end of this chapter)

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