Crazy Criticism of Little Jiaojiao In the Arms of the Paranoid Commander

Chapter 318: He is jealous that the wind can easily move the skirt of the girl

   Chapter 318 He is jealous that the wind can easily move the skirt of the girl

   After Su Ruan finished talking about their current situation, he squeezed his meat pad again.

   "So you can't run around."

   She coaxed softly, "Stay with me all the time."

   Lu Shinian didn't know if he understood what she said, so he just used his head to arch Su Ruan's neck.

   sniffed her sweetness.

  Su Ruan just thought he agreed, raised his hand and rubbed his big furry head, and began to think about how to get along with the alien beasts of this wooden peach star.

   Time flies, and in a blink of an eye it is night.

   The night was silent, without a sound.

  The strange fragrance spread in the small wooden house of Su Ruan, making the already sleepy Su Ruan's head sink.

   Her fingertips moved with difficulty and touched the light brain screen.

  Guangnao's screen has two obvious scratches, and the entire Guangnao is almost in a semi-scrapped state.

   But Su Ruan's light brain is different from ordinary light brain after all, or more accurately, because of the existence of Xiaoqitangtang.

   Even if the light brain has almost been scrapped, Tangtang can still capture a little instruction in this limited situation.

   With Tangtang's assistance, Su Ruan used her last strength to turn on the video recording mode.

   Then, darkness swallowed her consciousness.

   She fell into a deep sleep.

  The wind blew into this small wooden house, and it rolled up a chill.

   Big Snow Wolf took Su Ruan into his arms and passed his warmth to her.

   But along with this cold wind, not only the coolness, but also a figure.

   It was a unicorn, elegant and noble, as if it had a warm light on its body.

   No beast can resist this warm light.

   Even the Snow Wolf.

  Xuelang let go of Su Ruan and walked towards the unicorn.

   Unicorn saw that he was following, and turned around and walked out.

   It stopped only after walking one kilometer away from the chalet.

   Snow Wolf also stopped.

   In addition to the unicorn, there is also a rabbit, an eagle, a lion and a peacock.

   Five exotic beasts, all of which look unusual.

  Xuelang's whole body was tense, the muscles hidden under the hair were tense, and the eyes looking at these alien beasts were also full of vigilance.

  Unicorn was surprised to see Snow Wolf break free from his special abilities so quickly.

  Yes, unicorns also have a special ability.

  It calls this ability "bewitching", and when it activates this ability, no one or exotic beast can refuse it.

  It bewitches all things in this world with an elegant attitude, seemingly noble, but in fact degenerate.

   But unicorns never think so, the premise of these adjectives, whether good or dirty, is to be alive.

  Tonight, the unicorn bewitched the snow wolf here, and it was for this purpose.

   "I think your wife should have introduced us to you."

  The unicorn said slowly.

   In this quiet night, his voice is like a piano playing, elegant and beautiful, making people involuntarily relax.

Xuelang's body did relax for a moment, but it was only for a moment, the muscles that were relaxed tightened instantly, and he even looked at the unicorn more vigilantly. In those emerald green pupils, there was a little more hidden. Killing intent.

   "We specifically called you out to ask you if you would like to cooperate with us."

  The unicorn said slowly again.

  The cold wind blew past, making the leaves rustled.

   After a short silence, a deep voice sounded here.

   "What cooperation?"

   This is the voice of Snow Wolf.

  Compared to these alien beasts, Snow Wolf's voice is obviously much younger, roughly estimated to be no more than thirty years old.

   At only 30 years old, he has completely degenerated into a complete beast, which is enough to see how powerful this snow wolf is when he is a human.

   And they just need a strong partner to deal with the opening of the star gate two months later.

  Unicorn slowly explained the current situation of Mu Taoxing and the situation of Stargate.

  Xuelang listened quietly, but his body never relaxed.

   He stood there with the wolf's tail raised high behind him, proud and confident.

   The seemingly slender but explosive limbs are tensed and never let up for a second.

  The unicorn just finished talking about their predicament, looked at Xuelang again, and asked slowly, "How about joining us?"

   "Conditions." Xuelang spit out these two words hard.

   "We can't move your wife," replied the unicorn.

  Xuelang has no memory of "wife", but he knows that "wife" in Unicorn's mouth refers to the girl.

   That girl who seemed to grow on the tip of his heart everywhere.

   For her, he is willing to seek skin with the tiger.

   Although, he was never a good wolf.

"I promise you."

  Xuelang withdrew its front paws, the sharp claws cut through the blades of grass, and the grass juice splashed on the claws, turning the snow-white hair into a filthy black.

  The flame lion watched, and rarely said, "Be careful, all the plants here are poisonous."

   "Tell your little wife to pay attention, you can't eat any plants."

   "Also, we have no nutritional supplements to provide you."

  Although the partnership has been established, they will not be so generous in giving them the nutrients they have worked so hard to grab for no reason.

   As for how the Snow Wolf and the girl will survive in this harsh environment, this is not their concern.

   After all, from the very beginning, all they promised was not moving girls.

   As for rescue or even help a girl, that is definitely impossible.

   Listening to the words of the flaming lion, Xuelang said nothing, turned around and left.

   He has to go back to accompany the girl, lest the cold wind invade the girl.

   He couldn't see these invisible and intangible winds easily tugging at the hem of the girl's clothes, or even stroking the girl's hair.

   Everything about the girl should be his.

The departure of   Xuelang made the forest quiet again.

   The figures of several alien beasts have faded away at some point.

  The forest was so quiet that there were no birdsong, only the wind was blowing the leaves and rustling.

In the    wooden house, Snow Wolf wrapped the girl in his arms, leaving almost no gap.

  Only when the girl felt a little difficult to breathe, the Snow Wolf would loosen up a little and let the girl take two breaths of fresh air.

   Then, he hugged her tightly again, as if he wanted to rub her into the depths of his bones, so that the girl would belong to him completely and completely.

   The night was getting darker, only the light brain on Su Ruan's wrist exuded a faint light, and the little camera hidden in the darkness recorded all this honestly.

   Although it seemed, nothing happened.

   Until the sky broke, a ray of light shone into the cabin, and the fragrance lingering in the cabin gradually dissipated.

   After ten minutes, Su Ruan's long eyelashes trembled, her consciousness gradually returned to her cage, and she slowly opened her eyes.

  The air is slightly cold, but the place where your fingertips touch is hot.

   (end of this chapter)

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