Chapter 316 Lu Shinian turned into a snow wolf

  Black Hawk didn't even look at the flame lion, and still replied slowly: "No fighting."

   "Struggling, hungry."

   They don’t have much food, so why waste their energy fighting?

   Fighting back and forth will not be able to win or lose, but also risk starvation.

   Now they can only drink one nutritional supplement a week, and one nutritional supplement can only guarantee fullness for one day, and they will be hungry for six days.

  Black Eagle will not do such a laborious and bad thing. If the flame lion wants to fight, it will lie down and let it fight.

   But when the flame lion heard what it said, his stomach groaned.

  It slumped down, "I'm so hungry."

   The blue sparrow came out from behind the bushes, and while combing his hair, he said, "Let you move less normally, are you hungry now?"

  Flaming Lion rolled his eyes at Qingque, "Aren't you hungry?"

   "I'm not hungry." Qingque replied.

   "gugu", someone's stomach growled.

   The flame lion looked down, making sure that his stomach was not screaming, and then looked at Qingque, who suddenly fell silent, and suddenly laughed.

   "Hahaha! Slap in the face! Smelly tits!"

  Blue Sparrow:  …

   Just as the two beasts were talking, it seemed that something was flying back towards them in the sky.

  Black Hawk looked at the little shadow and said in a low voice, "Come on."

   "What's coming?" asked the flame lion.

   As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a "bang", and the flame lion jumped up in fright, almost smashing a fireball out.

   "What the hell?"

  It looked intently and saw a tattered cocoon-like thing two meters away from him.

  The shadow had already flown down from the tree, and fiddled with the cocoon with its claws, "This is what I'm waiting for."

The   unicorn came out from behind and asked, "Is this what you said before that might change our status quo?"

   "Yeah." Black Hawk nodded.

   The flame lion also reacted at this moment, it came over quickly, and with a wave of its paws, the tattered protective compartment was so torn apart, revealing the contents inside.

   It was a snow wolf, and the snow wolf seemed to be holding something tightly.

  The flame lion tried to push the snow wolf away with its claws, but found that its strength was terrifying, and it didn't get it open for a long time.

After   , Qingque and it used force together to separate one of Xuelang's paws, revealing the appearance of the person it was hugging.

   That is a human girl.

   The girl's facial features are exquisite and amazingly beautiful. Every part seems to be made by God, with a thrilling charm, which made several beasts present stunned.

   In the end, Black Hawk was the first to react and said, "It's a federal human."

  The girls wear the unique army uniforms of the Federation. Although they have left the Federation for many years, they still have the blood of the Federation human beings in their bodies.

They yearn to return to the Federation all the time. Although this desire has been wiped out under the cruel reality, no, it should be said to be hidden, but once a flame is ignited, the desire will be like a raging fire, boiling in the body. .

   The flaming lion, who has always talked a lot, was also rarely silent.

   Finally, I don’t know who asked:

   "Will they come and take her home?"

  No Beast answered it.


  Su Ruan felt that his body was very heavy, as if something was pressing on him.

  She opened her eyes with great effort, and what caught her eye was the big hairy head.

   She was stunned for a moment and said tentatively, "Brother Lu?"

  No one answered her.

   She propped her body up and sat up, only to realize that it was a snow wolf on top of her.

  It was unconscious and had no consciousness, but it hugged her tightly.

   On it, she also felt a familiar breath.

   is Lu Shinian.

   But isn't his spiritual sea very stable? How can... become a complete animal form?

  Su Ruan bit his lip and hugged the big snow wolf in his arms.

   She looked around, and it turned out to be a wooden house.

   But there is nothing in the wooden house, not even a bed, and now she sleeps on the ground simply paved with dried grass blades.

   Did they come to a very poor planet because of the storm?

"you're awake?"

   A deep voice came from the door.

   Before Su Ruan could see the figure of the person who spoke, the figure quickly disappeared.

   She also heard the other party say: "That girl is awake! Come on beast!"

  Su Ruan: ? ? ?

  shou? People here call people shou? It should be some dialect.

  Su Ruan thought uncertainly, looked down at Xuelang who was still in a coma, and pursed her lips.

  Lu Shinian didn't know when she would wake up. Before that, she had to figure out the current situation.

   Ten minutes later, Su Ruan fell into silence as he watched the alien beasts sitting in front of him in rows.

   It turned out that the one just now was not a dialect, but a "beast".

   "Hello." Su Ruan said first, "I'm Su Ruan."

   The beasts looked at each other and began to introduce themselves.

   "Black Eagle." This is an eagle about one-third the height of a human.

   "I'm a flaming lion, the kind that breathes fire! Hey!" This is a lion three times bigger than a human.

   "Oh, it's a blue bird~" A peacock combing his hair.

   "Hello, I'm a unicorn." This is a noble and elegant unicorn that exists in legends.

   "Hello Ruan Ruan, I'm Wind Rabbit." This is a thin white rabbit.

  Su Ruan named them one by one in his heart, and said again, "Nice to meet you."

   "I don't know where this is?"

   The unicorn replied: "Here is the wood peach star."

  Unicorn's eyes fell on Xuelang in Su Ruan's arms, "Did you send it here?"

   is another full beast.

   A batch was sent ten years ago, and that batch was full of 10,000 animals.

   Now there is only one?

   Has the Federation made great progress in the study of atavism?

  The beasts guessed in their hearts, and their eyes looking at Su Ruan also had a faint scorching heat.

Su Ruan wanted to answer no, but considering that Mu Taoxing's current situation was unknown, and Lu Shinian was still in a coma, and the others were missing, he decided to hold his troops for the time being, and issued a barely audible "um". .

   "Then will they come to pick you up?" asked the unicorn again.

  Su Ruan shook his head.

   A look of disappointment flashed in the eyes of the beasts.

  No one came to pick her up, which meant they couldn't loot the food on the ship.

  When the desire for the Federation was replaced by hunger, these alien beasts just wanted to eat a full meal and live.

  Because they are very clear in their hearts, the Federation will not accept them as alien beasts that cannot be controlled.

   Silence spread in the center of the forest, and an invisible sense of depression lingered in everyone's mind.


  Xuelang, who had been in a coma the whole time, fluttered his long eyelashes and slowly opened his eyes.

   (end of this chapter)

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