Chapter 312 He was trapped in a dream

   But humans are different.

   They are greedy and lustful, arrogant and jealous, but at the same time they are generous and kind, humble and upright.

   These qualities and characters do not appear in a single person.

   They tend to focus on one person.

  The gangsters who often collect protection fees in the alleys will also fight for the small traders chased by the urban management.

   Internet celebrities who often show off their wealth on the star network will also secretly donate anonymously to people who are poor stars.

  Cowardly, greedy and selfish men will also come forward when their wives are kidnapped, and are willing to exchange their lives for theirs.


   During the years in the Federation, Cheng Qingye had seen too many such cases, but he still didn't understand why humans did that.

   If it were him, he would never be harassed by others, and he would never donate any money he made, let alone exchange his own life for the lives of other insects.

   Perhaps it is precisely because he does not understand that Cheng Qingye wants to become the king of mankind.

   Being able to control such a complex human being greatly satisfies his desire to control.

   He has been striving for this goal, and maybe, it will not be long before he succeeds.

  The corner of Cheng Qingye's mouth tickled, probably knowing that Lu Shinian was too mad and hesitated for a minute, so she missed the opportunity to come back to save her sister, and she planned to withdraw this whole dream.

   Anyway, his desire to control has been satisfied, and as for the rest, it is no longer important.

   Just when Cheng Qingye was about to withdraw his mental power to break up the dream, a sudden change occurred.

  The Zerg army suddenly appeared.

   There is a faint sweet smell in the air.

That is……

  Su Ruan's spiritual power.

  No insect can resist Su Ruan's spiritual power.

  Cheng Qingye is no exception.

   His body swayed down, and the spiritual sea subconsciously grabbed Su Ruan's spiritual power.

  The Zerg in the dream went crazy straight towards Su Ruan on the city wall.

  Lu Shinian's eyes narrowed, and he was about to kill the Zerg, but saw Su Ruan fall from the city wall, and was quickly engulfed by the Zerg.

  Lu Shinian reacted quickly to kill the Zerg, but in the end, he only got one of her corpses.

  He came.

   but nothing has changed.

The corpse in   's arms was cold, with no temperature at all.

   The clothes on his body are covered in blood, and the scratched skin can be faintly seen.

   Flesh and flesh burst open, ferocious and terrifying.

  Lu Shinian lowered his eyes, his black eyes had no focal length, not even emotion.

   He just held her so quietly, letting time pass.

   The sun rises and sets, and the sun sets and rises.

   Time goes incredibly fast.

   In midair, Su Ruan's body only had a phantom.

Next to    is the intoxicated Cheng Qingye.

   "Sister, you... um... put away your mental power." Cheng Qingye said with difficulty.

  Su Ruan did not withdraw his mental power, but just said: "Third brother, go out and rest."

   "I can control this dream."

   She has dreamed so many times, but it is not in vain.

  Cheng Qingye looked at Su Ruan resentfully, "Sister, are you blaming brother?"

   He has always known that his sister is very smart, but he did not expect that in just a few short times, her sister could actually control the dream.

  Father is right, humans are really smart creatures.

   The younger sister who fuses Zerg and human genes is even smarter.

   "No." Su Ruan shook her head, her eyes fell straight on Lu Shinian, "Isn't it the third brother that you can't stand my mental power?"

   "But if I want to maintain this dream, I must use mental power."

  Cheng Qingye said quietly: "I can also help you maintain it."

  Su Ruan shook his head, "I'll do it myself."

   "You don't know what happened next."

   "Huh?" Cheng Qingye barely supported himself, and asked while absorbing Su Ruan's mental power, "Could it be that something interesting happened later?"

   He arrived in the Federation six months after his sister's death. He didn't really know what happened in the past six months.

   He only knew that Lu Shinian killed a lot of Zerg and also killed a lot of humans.

   The worst thing was that Shen Shi, who was said to have been whipped many times.

   In just half a year, Lu Shinian also changed from the first commander whom everyone admired to the tyrant whom everyone feared.

  Cheng Qingye thought and said what he knew.

   Unexpectedly, Su Ruan said, "I know."

   "Huh? You know?" Cheng Qingye was taken aback, "How did you know?"

   "After my death in my previous life, my soul woke up half a month later, and I have been by his side since then."

  Su Ruan's eyes darkened as he looked at Lu Shinian, and his voice was very soft.

   "I saw all his madness."

  Cheng Qingye's expression became more and more surprised.

   "You actually followed him all the time."

   "But how is that possible?"

  Su Ruan did not answer Cheng Qingye.

  Cheng Qingye was really curious, not to mention, he didn't allow anything beyond his control and expectations, so he resisted the desire for Su Ruan's spiritual power and insisted.

  I don't know how many days and nights have passed in the dream, and Lu Shinian, who has not moved, finally moved.

   He took out a knife, sharp, with a touch of cold light.

   The tip of the knife stabbed straight into Su Ruan's heart.

   No blood spurted out, only the dry body was telling that this person was alive once.

  The blade melted away her flesh and blood, and there was a faint sound of stabbing and stabbing.

  Cheng Qingye frowned, "What is he doing? Why is he destroying your body?"

   Human beings care about the integrity of the remains. What is Lu Shinian doing?

  Su Ruan stared at Lu Shinian closely, but still didn't answer.

  Lu Shinian opened her heart and cut open the already rotten heart.

   revealed a crystal clear insect crystal inside.

  Yes, insect crystals.

  The insect crystal of the Zerg is actually on the head of the Zerg, but Su Ruan has both Zerg genes and human genes.

   So she is different from the Zerg.

  Her crystal, the source of all her power, is the crystal hidden in her heart.

  The insect crystal was taken out by Lu Shinian. It was crystal clear, with a touch of powder, and there was no stain at all. It was amazingly beautiful.

  Lu Shinian held the insect crystal in the palm of his hand, and his eyes gradually became firm.

   He waited for a long time, waiting for this terrifying dream to disappear by itself.

   But no, the dream still exists, he seems to be trapped in this dream.

   In this dream, he was the only one.

   Time seems to pass very fast, and it seems to be very slow.

   His longing for her gradually deepened. He wanted to wake up from this dream, hug her and kiss her, and tell her his crazy love.

   However, the dream doesn't seem to disappear.

   He didn't want to wait any longer.

  He wanted to find a way to break this dream by himself.

   He thought of when the previous dream collapsed, the insect crystal in his palm was so hot that it seemed to destroy everything.

   (end of this chapter)

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