Article 310 Dreamland Made by Kiyono

   She is a gamer, a gamer teased by the fog.

   She couldn't find Shen Shi's killing intent towards her.

   Lu Shinian will definitely find it.

   He sensed Shen Shi's killing intent towards her, and also knew that she was coaxed back to the palace by Shen Shi, and perhaps also knew that some Zerg had invaded the palace.

   Although the situation is critical and unpredictable, if it is Lu Shinian, if it is Lu Shinian who loves her deeply, he will definitely find a way to rush back to save himself.

   He did come back in his previous life.

   Within five minutes of her death, she was full of murderous intent and blood.

   Just five minutes, just five minutes.

  Cheng Qingye looked at Su Ruan who suddenly sank, and said, "I asked him if there was any accident."

   "But he said, no accident."

   He rested his chin with one hand, with a hint of interest, "So do you know what he meant by that?"

  Su Ruan slowly raised her head and smiled.

The    face was smiling, but there were tears in his eyes.

   "I know." She said with a smile, "I think I know him better than he thinks."

   "What do you mean?" Cheng Qingye asked.

  Su Ruan looked at Cheng Qingye, but didn't seem to look at him, and said, "The common problem of the superiors is not only a strong desire to control, but they are also very conceited."

   "No, it can't be said to be conceit, but self-confidence, absolute confidence in one's own strength, and self-confidence in one's desire to control."

  Cheng Qingye agrees.

   He is also a manipulative and confident person himself, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong with that.

   As a leader, if you are not confident in your own choices, how can you lead others?

   "There's nothing wrong with that." Cheng Qingye replied with a little seriousness.

   "There's nothing wrong with that." Of course Su Ruan understood that people were different.

   Some people are born to be leaders, some people are born to be followers.

  These very different characters make the world interesting.

   She never felt that Lu Shinian's desire for control and absolute confidence was not good, but...

   "It's just that when these are mixed with love, every choice that evolves has irreversible consequences."

  Cheng Qingye frowned slightly and shook his head.

   "Too high."

"I don't understand."

   "Human emotions are so complicated."

  Su Ruan smiled.

   "Simply put, Lu Shinian really knew what I was doing."

   "He has all the dynamics of my life and the dynamics of everyone around me."

   "He knew that Shen Shi wanted to kill me, and that I had returned to the palace."

   "He is also confident that he can save me."

   "Saved at the last minute, what a classic hero saves beauty."

  Cheng Qingye simulated that scene in his mind and nodded, "It sounds good."

   "So there was still an accident? Otherwise, why didn't he save you?"

  Su Ruan shook his head, "No accident happened."

   "He just wanted to give me a punishment."

   "What punishment?" Cheng Qingye asked.

  Su Ruan didn't answer him, just muttered: "It's just that we didn't expect that it would evolve into that."

  Ching Qingye:…

   It’s a hassle to chat with humans.

  Why can't everyone be as simple as a worm?

   "Sister, speak a little simpler?" Cheng Qingye said.

  Su Ruan came back to his senses and blinked, "I made it very clear."

  Cheng Qingye: ? ? ?

   "Really?" he asked suspiciously.

   Then why didn't he understand?

   "Really." Su Ruan said affirmatively, the tears in his eyes had faded.

   "I don't believe you tell Lu Shinian these words, he must think I made it very clear."

  Cheng Qingye said "oh" and stood up, "Then I'll talk to him again."

   He went to Lu Shinian and relayed Su Ruan's words to him.

   At the end, he asked, "Do you understand?"

  Lu Shinian replied in a low voice: "Well."

  Cheng Qingye: ? ? ?

  Why didn't he understand?

   Is he an idiot?

  No, how could he be an idiot?

   He is not a big brother.

  It must be that the way humans speak is too complicated, or that his sister and Lu Shinian are playing some riddles, which is definitely not what they express on the surface, so he didn't understand.

   He asked Lu Shinian, "Are you secretly playing some riddles behind my back?"

   "No." Lu Shinian replied lightly, "Ruan Ruan has made it very clear."

  Ching Qingye:…

   In the end, Cheng Qingye did not get the answer he wanted from Lu Shinian.

   He seemed to be only half a step away from the truth, but he couldn't understand how this damned small step was.

Cheng Qingye naturally does not allow anything to be out of his control. Although this is a matter of his sister and Lu Shinian, his sister is his family. He cares about his family and knows what happened to his family. To understand the truth, there are problem?

Of course, no problem.

   In order to satisfy his desire for control, Cheng Qingye did an extremely bold thing.

   He created a dream again based on the information he had now, plus some things he had learned in his previous life.

   Then, he pulled Lu Shinian and Su Ruan into a dream at the same time.

   He wanted to see what happened to the two of them!


   In the splendid hall, Lu Shinian and Su Ruan had just had a violent quarrel.

   Just because Su Ruan glanced at the other men, Lu Shinian seemed to be crazy and punished the man severely in this hall.

  Su Ruan felt that Lu Shinian was like a lunatic, disrespected her, and insulted her in every possible way.

   She wanted to run away so that he would never find her.

   Above the main hall, Lu Shinian was sitting on the high throne, and Su Ruan stood under the main hall, his chest heaving up and down, as if he was very angry.

   In midair, Cheng Qingye's figure was like a phantom. He sat cross-legged, resting his chin with one hand, and looked at the two interacting below.

   In order to prevent some accidents, the dream he created specially restricted the behavior of the two.

   As far as he knew, his sister and Lu Shinian had a fight in this hall.

   If you want to restore the truth, this quarrel naturally cannot be changed.

  Although Lu Shinian and Su Ruan have both fallen into a dream now, they cannot control their bodies in their dreams.

   This is also to better restore the truth.

   Not long after, someone entered the hall to report the Zerg invasion.

  According to what Cheng Qingye knew, Lu Shinian set out to defend against the Zerg, while Su Ruan took the opportunity to escape.

   This turning point came after Su Ruan returned to the palace.

   It wasn't until time passed here that Cheng Qingye removed the control of the two bodies and carefully observed the dynamics of the two parties.

   He did not believe that he could not find the truth.

  Although my sister and Lu Shinian were talking about things he didn’t understand, it was more likely that they were playing dumb riddles, but with his strength and intelligence, he wanted to restore the truth, didn’t he come easily?

   (end of this chapter)

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