Chapter 303 100% scheduling

  Even though the two have been entangled with each other mentally many times, even there have been many intimate acts between the two.

   But at this moment, Su Ruan's face was still uncontrollably red.

   The redness climbed up the ears and spread to the neck, turning the exposed skin pink and red.

  Su Ruan turned her head slightly, too shy to look at Lu Shinian.

   It was Lu Shinian who stared straight at her.

   Mental power spread out from him, brushed Su Ruan's hair gently, and stayed between her eyebrows.

   "Now?" he said.

  Su Ruan responded indistinctly with a "hmm".

   She released her mental power and hooked up with Lu Shinian's mental power.

   As soon as the spiritual powers of the two people blended, a sense of soul blending spread in their hearts.

  Su Ruan's body was inexplicably weak, but she couldn't support herself and fell to one side.

   Fortunately, Lu Shinian supported her.

  Su Ruan was hugged by him, her voice was a little more flattering than before, "It's different from the previous feeling."

   The feeling that even her soul trembled, almost pierced through her.

  Lu Shinian pursed his lips tightly, and there was a thin layer of fine sweat on his forehead.

   "There are some differences." His voice was a little hoarse, "Maybe it's because Ruan Ruan, your mental power is stronger."

  Perhaps, the closer the level of spiritual power between the two is, the stronger the strange feeling that this kind of spiritual power entanglement brings to their bodies.

   But this is just a guess by Lu Shinian. It will take a while to confirm it.


   In Su Hu's room, Su Hu was already sound asleep.

  Linger still maintained his animal shape, leaning close to the wall, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

   Just when he was drowsy, Ringo's companion beast suddenly ran out.

   "Dear?" Ringo looked at his companion beast in a low voice, "Why did it suddenly run out?"

The    Companion Beast ignored it, and floated straight out of the door.

  Linger noticed that his companion beast was in a wrong state, so he quickly turned into a humanoid, put on a set of clothes at will, and opened the door to go out.

  The companion beast floated straight to the outside of the control room and stopped.

   It seems that something is blocking its progress, so it can only stop outside.

  Linger hurried over and said in a low voice, "My dear, what's the matter?"

The    Companion Beast didn't look at him, it just stared inside, its short tail twitching constantly.

  Linger stood at the door, carefully feeling the state of his companion beast.

   Seems… Excited?

   But what is it excited about? Is there anything here that excites it?

   And why doesn't it go in?

   "My dear, why don't you go in?" Ringo asked in a low voice.

  Although he can't go in, the companion beast can pass through this so-called hatch at will.

   obediently tilted his head slightly and glanced at him, with a little contempt in his red eyes, as if saying "if I can get in, I'll still be standing here"?

  Linger touched his nose and coughed softly.

   "My dear, why are you looking at me like that?"

   Obediently stopped looking at Ringo, it stared straight at the hatch again, and the little one behind him trembled even more.

  Linger couldn't figure out what his companion beast was thinking for a while, so he could only stand here with it.

  In the cockpit, Su Ruan's body was completely lying on the reclining chair.

   It's not that she wanted to do something, but that her body became numb with the entanglement of her mental strength, and she couldn't raise any strength.

   The exposed skin was crimson, as if it had been smothered by heat.

   The top button of Lu Shinian's shirt was untied, and the raised Adam's apple could be faintly seen.

   A drop of sweat ran down the Adam's apple, and as the Adam's apple rolled up and down, it slowly slipped under the collar and was completely invisible.

  Lu Shinian rested on the armrest of the reclining chair with one hand, and held Su Ruan's small hand with the other hand, pursing his lips tightly.

   "Okay?" He said slowly, his voice was hoarse, the simple words were very difficult to say.

  Su Ruan's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she raised her eyes to look at Lu Shinian. There was a faint mist in her cat-like pupils, the tip of her nose was a touch of red, and her originally pink lips now showed a coquettish color.


   At this moment, outside the door, Ringo's companion animal seemed to sense something, its long ears stood up high, and the tail behind him trembled even more.

  Linger was a little worried about his companion beast, so he quickly turned on his light brain and prepared to check the state of his companion beast.

   But because of worry and panic, my finger accidentally touched the option of [Co-scheduling Test].

   In just a second, a prompt popped up on his brain.

  【Total scheduling: 100%】

  【Total scheduling: 70%】

  Linger's pupils shrank.

   100% of the total scheduling? !

   There are two people in this world who are 100% dispatched?

  This... how is this possible!

   It must be the light brain is broken, yes, the light brain must be broken.

  Ringer took a deep breath and slowly calmed down.

   He is the only one here who has a companion beast. Su Ruan, who is most likely to have a companion beast, did not summon his own companion beast, so this data must be false.

   It may be that his brain is exhausted. After all, he has been far away from the empire and has been in the insect territory for so long. Maybe the magnetic field or some data have changed, which has led to the existence of 100% total scheduling.

   This 100% co-scheduling was so shocking to Ringer that he subconsciously ignored the 70% co-scheduling underneath.

   He knocked on the light brain and cleared the data, thinking that if he could return to the empire alive, he must buy a better light brain.

   At this time, Ringo didn't know that even if he cleared the data, if there was a total scheduling of 100% such data, he would directly transmit this data to the head of the Empire without any consent.

  Although the transmission takes about a day due to the distance, the data has already been transmitted.

   Soon, the Empire will know that there is 100% of the total dispatch.

   And now, after convincing himself, Ringo whispered: "My dear, we have to leave, it would be bad if others found out."

   obediently withdrew his gaze, and the tail Xiao Gugu behind him also stopped shaking.

   It seemed to be a little lost, and it seemed to be a little aggrieved, it plunged directly into Ringo's spiritual sea, and could not come out.

  Linger was stunned for a moment, always feeling that obediently's mood suddenly turned bad.

   is really weird. He muttered in his heart, and quickly left here.

  In the cockpit, Su Ruan withdrew his mental strength, and lightly rubbed Lu Shinian's palm with his small face.

"Feel much better."

   Her voice was surprisingly sweet, with a hint of coquettishness.

   "I feel my mental power has stabilized."

   "It's much more solid than before."

   "Brother Lu, what about yours?"

   she asked curiously.

  Lu Shinian lowered his eyes slowly, the light and shadow fell, and the darkness was unclear.

   (end of this chapter)

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