Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2515: heart of the gods

   Chapter 2515 Heart of Divine Veins

"What about you? The purpose of keeping the soul here is to guard it?" Lin Tian asked, and the Nantian old man said helplessly, "My body, when creating the formation, is integrated with the formation, and My soul can only stay here, and be integrated with this spiritual vein to ensure that the fairyland will not fall into the hands of others."

  Lin Tian hesitated and looked at the old man Nantian, "Then, aren't you afraid that my heart of the gods will be taken?"

   "If it's you who won, then I'm relieved." The old man Nan Tian laughed, while Lin Tian asked in confusion, "Why?"

   "Because you are Emperor Lin, the legend of the fairyland."

"This, you also know?" Lin Tian was suspicious, and the old Nantian explained, "Although my body is integrated with the Great Array, my soul can wander around, and even some clones are wandering outside, and I have heard of it. Your legend, so if you want to say who doesn't want the immortal world to be destroyed the most, you should count it as one."

  Lin Tian laughed after hearing this, "I really don't like the destruction of the fairyland."

   "That's right, if you can master the heart of the divine veins, then you are the master of this ancient battlefield, and the fairy world only recognizes you."

   "I understand." Lin Tian said, while that Nangong Yan was confused, "Big brother, what is the recognition of the immortal world?"

Lin Tian looked at Nangongyan, "Simply put, if the fairy world is now compared to a magic weapon, it is a magic weapon without a master, and the people from the **** world come to be its masters. If they control it, then , you should understand."

  Nangongyan suddenly realized, "So that's what happened."

The old man Nan Tian stared at Lin Tian, ​​"If you really want to get the heart of the divine vein, then you have to go down. Outside the heart of the divine vein, there are many seals and ghosts of the divine veins. You should know how terrible the ghosts of the divine veins are. ."

   "The ghost of the divine vein is a kind of special attack on the soul. If there is no strong soul, it is difficult to resist." Lin Tian explained.

   "Yes, so, you must be careful." The old Nantian reminded Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian smiled, "I see."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian took Nangongyan into the magic weapon, while Lin Tian himself went out of the body, and put away his body, made a leap, and penetrated directly into the ground.

  The old man Nantian also disappeared from the wall after blinking.

When   Lin Tian reappeared, he had already come to this underground, and here, there were wandering ghosts everywhere.

   These ghosts are similar to ghosts in the ghost realm, but they are some unique spiritual bodies of the gods, and the stronger the ghost, the stronger the consciousness.

   Those who are in front of Lin Tian at the moment are some powerful ghosts, so they swarmed around, and the leader said coldly, "You are too weak, get out."

  Lin Tian muttered to himself, "It seems that this divine vein can actually brew such a powerful ghost."

   "What are you looking at? Believe it or not, we killed you?" A ghost shouted, but Lin Tian returned to his senses and smiled, "I'm here to find the heart of this divine vein."

   "It's ridiculous, the heart of this divine vein can only be touched by a capable person, and you are just a waste who is not even a god." A ghostly soul despised.

   There is also a ghost who said, "Yes, you are a garbage."

  Lin Tian said with a smile, "This is the spiritual vein, which not only produces spirit, but also immortal energy. Why can't I come here if I am an immortal."

   "The Divine Vein is the top existence in the Divine Vein, and the Heart of the Divine Vein, naturally, has higher requirements for the master you choose." The leading ghost said coldly.

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "I can surrender it."

   "Stop bragging." The leader who took the lead, and the other ghosts, also despised them one by one, but Lin Tian ignored them and walked inside.

   These ghosts were immediately unhappy, and some even stared at Lin Tian, ​​"If you want to die, you will be fulfilled."

   "Yes, if you want to die, just die."

   I saw that these ghosts started to attack Lin Tian, ​​but these attacks hit Lin Tian and had no effect on Lin Tian at all.

   This made those ghosts startled, and some ghosts muttered, "This guy, why is there nothing at all?"

   "Is he still a fairy?"

"who knows."

   These ghosts were all blinded, and after Lin Tian passed through them, he saw a dense fog mixed with immortal energy and aura.

  Lin Tian sat down immediately, took out his body, and warned, "You'd better not mess with me, otherwise, I won't mind letting you all go to pieces."

   These ghosts were startled, and Lin Tian began to frantically absorb the surrounding immortal energy, only to see that the shadow of the immortal statue changed little by little.

  200,000, 300,000, until 800,000 was absorbed by Lin Tian's devouring.

  Because the immortal energy here is less, but the air is still very strong, and Lin Tian opened his eyes and continued to move forward.

   After a while, Lin Tian saw a white light floating there.

   "This is the heart of the Divine Vein." Lin Tian muttered while staring at the white light, but the ghosts warned Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, you'd better not touch it."

   "Yes, the Heart of Divine Vein, but it is very powerful."

   "If you penetrate your flesh, then you are dead."

   As a result, Lin Tian said, "Don't you wish I died? Why do you still care if I die?"

   These ghosts were immediately speechless, while Lin Tianxie laughed and stretched out his hand, but the heart of this divine vein quickly avoided and prevented Lin Tian from touching it.

  Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "I still have a little temper."

   The heart of this divine vein flashed, as if it had a strong consciousness, but Lin Tian said, "From today, you are mine."

The heart of    Shenmai, obviously looked down on Lin Tian, ​​and immediately avoided Lin Tian, ​​just like a child hiding from an uncle.

  Lin Tian smiled strangely after seeing it, "You look down on me so much."

   "You're too weak, I don't want to be controlled by you." The heart of the gods spoke directly, but Lin Tian laughed after hearing it, "So he still talks to people."

   "Don't come any closer." Seeing that Lin Tian was about to move again, the other party hurriedly warned, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "What if I continue?"

   "I will burn you." After saying that, a white light enveloped Lin Tian's body, and with the help of the surrounding air, Lin Tian's body couldn't hold it anymore.

  Lin Tian quickly split into countless shadows and said with a smile, "So what?"

   "Small tricks of carving insects." The heart of that divine vein once again emitted countless white lights, and these white lights sprinkled on Lin Tian's shadows one after another.

   For a moment, these shadows dissipated one by one, but Lin Tian was nothing at all.

   The heart of the gods was startled, and those ghosts were even more surprised, and Lin Tianxiao looked at the heart of the gods, "Today, you can't escape from the palm of my hand."

   "No, you definitely won't be able to take me." After the other party finished speaking, he immediately wrapped himself in a ball of air, and then turned into an egg and fell to the ground.

  Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "What does this mean?"

   (end of this chapter)

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