Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2407: half-human half-demon

   Chapter 2407 Half-man, half-demon

   When Ye Lao heard this, he stared at Lin Tian strangely, "You, do you really want me to inform them?"


   Ye Lao hesitated, "Okay, I'll try my best."

After   , Ye Lao turned around and disappeared, and the cat demon asked curiously, "Sir, why do you want to know the origin of these guardians?"

Lord Wolf was also puzzled, but Lin Tian said, "Don't you think it's strange that someone has so many ancient books and is guarded by humans?"

  The cat demon said embarrassedly, "It's strange, but everyone is used to it."

  Lord Wolf nodded, "No, I'm used to it, so I didn't think about it."

  Lin Tian is not used to it, and for him, he just wants to figure out how this ancient demon temple came, and how these guardians came.

   But at this moment, in the secret room of the ancient demon temple, the old Ye asked the other four in the dark, "Everyone, what do you think?"

   The people in the dark whispered, until someone said, "This is a secret that concerns us. If we just reveal it to him like this, wouldn't we expose it?"

   "But he can break the seals of those strange books, and maybe he can also unlock our seals." This old Ye Ye suddenly said this, and the other four immediately rejoiced. Obviously, this matter is no trivial matter.

   So after some discussion, the five people finally asked Ye Lao to invite Lin Tian, ​​and Ye Lao left here and came to Lin Tian's place.

  Lin Tian saw Ye Lao coming and asked, "How is it? Have you decided yet?"

   "It's decided." The Ye Lao nodded, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "Let's talk."

   "Come with me alone." After that, Ye Lao took Lin Tian away, and after Lin Tian let the two demons stay, he left.

  Lord Wolf looked at the cat demon, "I said the cat demon, how sacred is this lord, why is it so difficult to deal with?"

   "Say it, you may not believe it."

   "Oh? Let's talk about it." Lord Wolf was very curious, and the cat demon explained one by one. When Lord Wolf heard it, he took a deep breath and said, "Has the gods been cleaned up by him?"

   "You think I'm joking?" The cat demon asked back, and Lord Wolf shook his head, "No."

   "That's right, he is a terrible person anyway." After the cat demon finished speaking, he continued to wait and did not dare to escape from here.

  For Lin Tian, ​​he was taken to a secret room in this ancient demon temple, and it was dark everywhere.

   Ye Lao closed the door of the secret room, and then said to everyone, "Four, come out."

   At this time, the surrounding lights flickered, and then four human beings came out, and they were all human beings like Ye Lao, but they looked different.

   "You, can you really break the seals of those books on the top floor?" Some people couldn't help asking, and some people looked forward to it, "Little guy, is this true?"

  Lin Tianen smiled and asked, "You guys seem to be very interested in my breaking the seal?"

   Ye Lao sighed on the side, "Actually, to be honest, we also have a seal on our bodies, and this seal is similar to the seals of those books."

"Oh? What the **** is going on?" Lin Tian asked, and the old Ye explained, "A long time ago, in the demon world, there was a terrifying powerhouse, and although he was a demon, he had human blood, but in order to make the demon world The demon learned more knowledge, so he created the ancient demon temple, but in order to prevent others from making trouble, that guy arrested the five of us again, and blessed us with the wind and cloud, once we left the ancient demon temple, the soul will be devastated."

   After hearing this, Lin Tian smiled and said, "So, are you forced to stay here?"

   Ye Lao and others nodded, and Ye Lao also said, "We are humans, we have long wanted to leave this place, but have been unable to do so, and you gave us hope."

   At this moment, the other four were also staring at Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian smiled and said, "If I break your seal, wouldn't you be very scary?"

   Ye Lao immediately said, "Little brother, as long as you unlock our seal, we will promise you whatever conditions are needed."

   The other four also nodded wildly, obviously hoping that Lin Tian would help them, but Lin Tian looked at the five and laughed.

   These five people didn't understand what Lin Tian was laughing at until Ye Lao asked again, "Little brother, you really don't think about it?"

   "I'm thinking about unlocking you, what's the benefit of me." Lin Tian stared at the five people.

   Ye Lao was anxious, "As long as you untie us, you can do anything."

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "Are you sure?"


   So Lin Tian smiled and said, "That's fine, who comes first."

   Ye Lao said immediately, "I'll come."

   The other four were looking forward to watching, while Lin Tian called Ye Lao over, put one hand on his shoulder, and invaded his consciousness.

  In the consciousness space of Ye Lao, there is a huge seal, and this seal is similar to the one on the book.

Before Lin Tian broke the seal, he first came to Ye Lao's soul, and Ye Lao thought that Lin Tian was going to talk to him, but Lin Tian suddenly struck a soul imprint on his soul.

   Ye Lao Soul said urgently, "What do you mean?"

   "To be on the safe side, I want to check if you are lying." Lin Tian smiled at Ye Lao, who became anxious, "You."

   "Why? Don't you dare?"

   Ye Lao was secretly shocked at this moment, because he found that Lin Tian's soul was too powerful, and Lin Tian stole his memory one by one and asked, "Tell me, that strong man, why did he arrest the five of you if he didn't arrest others."

   "I, we are special." Ye Lao pretended to be stupid, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "If you are like this, I can't help you."

   Ye Lao knew that he had been controlled by Lin Tian, ​​and it was useless to hide it, so he quickly explained, "That's it, the five of us are here to catch that half-human half-demon."

   "Oh? Why arrest him?"

"It is rumored that the blood of this half-human, half-demon can make people directly into gods, so the five of us came together, but they were cleaned up by him instead, and then became his slaves, and we could only stay in this ancient demon temple. "The old night explained depressedly.

  Lin Tian smiled when he understood, "You should have told me earlier, wouldn't it be fine? Why bother?"

   Ye Lao said depressedly, "I see, even if I tell you, you will take the opportunity to take me down."

  Lin Tian smiled slightly, "I understand people."

   Ye Lao was speechless immediately, and Lin Tian looked at the seals everywhere, "You have to be lucky, I can break these seals."

After    finished speaking, Lin Tian started to break the seal, and halfway through the solution, a phantom appeared, and it was very burly, but he couldn't see his face clearly, but he wondered, "Who are you, why did you break my seal."

   "You are that half-human half-demon?" Lin Tian was a little surprised, and the other party responded, "That's right."

  Lin Tian smiled after hearing this, "I want to untie them."

   "These people are very vicious. If you let them go, they will probably destroy demons everywhere and destroy the demon world."

  Lin Tian heard this and said, "Don't worry, I will untie them, naturally I won't let them mess up."

   "Are you sure?" The other party was dubious.

   (end of this chapter)

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