Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2401: God's Purpose

   Chapter 2401 The purpose of the **** operator

The words   Cat Bone said made the Moon Demon look bad on one side, and said to her, "It's your business."

   "I'll tell him in advance so that he can prepare himself." The cat bone complained, and the moon demon glared, "Prepare in your heart? You are scaring people."

   "Am I wrong?" Cat Bone asked back, and the Moon Demon was immediately speechless, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, take me to see the God Count."

  Yue Yao didn't expect that after Lin Tian didn't get angry, he was a little surprised, and even stared at Lin Tian strangely, "That, aren't you afraid?"

   "If I'm afraid, I won't chase after him." Lin Tian's eyes flashed coldly, and the demons wondered what Lin Tian meant. As for Lin Tian, ​​they packed up their mood and walked forward by themselves.

  The Moon Demon hurriedly led the way, while the other demons followed slowly, especially Cat Bone drooling as he walked.

   After a while, he came to the gate of the great hall, and the hall was locked, and at the same time there was still a strong demonic aura on it.

  The Moon Demon came to the door and bowed, "Demon Kings, people, brought it here."

   At this time, the door of the main hall opened, and there were eight demon stone statues in front of them. At the same time, the demon stone statues exuded a demonic energy. As for the **** operator, he sat in the center of these demons, and at first glance, he looked like he was not low.

  The demons behind Lin Tian started talking, but Lin Tian walked over step by step, and smiled at the gods, "You're doing well, you came to the demon world and made a fortune."

  Shen Shuan stared at Lin Tian with a sneer, "You know it's me, and you still have the guts to come?"

   "I'm worried that I can't find you. You send someone to look for me. Of course I want to come and see." Lin Tianxiao looked at Shenshouzi, and the demons knew from the two voices that the two seemed to have a deep hatred.

   Not only that, Shen Shuan also said, "You shouldn't chase after him."

   "No matter where you run, I will chase you until I get you." Lin Tian smiled at Shenshouzi, and Shenshouzi smiled strangely, "You are too crazy."

   "Crazy? I'm afraid you know me more than that."

"Yes, I know everything about you in the God Realm, but I didn't expect that you are still so crazy." The **** operator said with a weird smile, but Lin Tian explained, "If you want to blame, you will be blamed. You lied to me and made me treat you as a friend."

   "I really didn't intend to lie to you about the Void City, and I also helped you find the person you were looking for, didn't I?" Shen Shuan explained one by one, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "Didn't lie to me?"

   "Did I lie to you?" Shen Shuan stared at Lin Tian with a strange smile.

  Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "You've calculated it all, it's probably useless what I say to you."

   "Then you are here now, isn't it also my plan? Then you dare to come?" Shen Shuzi said with a smile, but Lin Tian said, "Then have you calculated, can you escape?"

   "Escape? No plans, but it's very possible that you will die." After that, the **** operator said to the eight stone statues, "Everyone, I'll leave it to you."

   The eight demons immediately moved, but the cat bone suddenly shouted, "Major demon kings, do you want to kill him?"

   "Yes, is there a problem?" A demon king said, and the cat bone said excitedly, "Leave it to me, I want to eat him."

  The other demons also expressed their willingness to take action, and the **** operator laughed, "Then leave it to you."

   When these demons heard it, they jumped over one by one, but the moon demon had no choice but to close the door of the hall to prevent Lin Tian from escaping.

  The **** operator smiled at Lin Tian, ​​"Lin Di, it seems that you are not domineering enough, even these little monsters want to take your life."

   Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled and said, "Do you think they can take me down?"

   "I can't take you down, but I can disgust you, right?" Shenshunzi smiled weirdly, and those little demons didn't even know how strong Lin Tian was, but Lin Tian and these phantoms were troublesome enough.

   So the cat bone complained, "I said boy, can you stop being rude!"


   "Bullshit, don't you think you are doing this?" The cat bone complained, but Lin Tian laughed. As for the cat bone, he wondered, "What are you laughing at?"

   "I'm laughing, you are very ignorant." Lin Tian smiled at her, but the cat was so angry that he even stared at Lin Tian, ​​"You are really hateful."

  Lin Tian was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he took out the Tianyin Qin, and the sound of the piano made these little monsters scream one by one, and the cat bone was even more depressed, "Aren't you a talented Immortal Emperor? Why is it so difficult to deal with."

"Didn't this **** operator tell you that he was afraid of me, so he came here to take refuge?" Lin Tian's words shocked all the demons, especially the little demons, but the **** operator laughed, "Lin Di , Do you think I'm really afraid of you?"

   "You're not afraid of me, so you're still running?"

   "I brought you here, of course, to use your body to help me realize a wish." The god-counter laughed strangely.

After speaking, the Eight Demons appeared, like eight powerful figures, surrounded by Lin Tian, ​​and these demons were very strong, and the Eight Demons released eight chains, directly surrounding Lin Tian and his ghost in an area .

   Not only that, an abyss suddenly appeared in this underground, and countless thick demonic energy floated up from the abyss.

   Those demons were shocked when they saw these reddish demonic energy, and the moon demon even gasped, "It's the soul-devouring demonic energy in the ground."

   I saw these demonic qi come up one by one and devour Lin Tian's ghostly shadows, and after the ghostly shadows disappeared, these demonic qi invaded Lin Tian's body again.

  Shen Shuan said with a smile, "Emperor Lin, when these demonic energy enters your body, it will devour your soul, and your physical body will naturally be useless."

   "You bring humans here every thousand years, just to feed the things below?" Lin Tian could feel that there was something strange under the abyss at this moment.

  Shen Shuan smiled strangely, "Emperor Lin really deserves to be Emperor Lin, you can see it clearly."

   "You dare to feed this thing, are you really afraid that it will eat you?" Lin Tianxiao asked, but Shen Shuan shook his head and said, "I have been feeding it for hundreds of thousands of years, and it has already obeyed me."

   "Really? Then let it come out."

   "No, it still lacks a powerful soul, and you are just right. That's why I led you here to make the best soul sacrifice." After the **** operator finished speaking, he laughed.

Those little demons didn't know what was going on at all, they could only stare at the red demons strangely, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "I don't need you to sacrifice, I'll go down myself and play with it, I hope you don't run away. ."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he took a leap and broke into the abyss directly, and the eight demons were stunned and looked at each other in dismay. Whoever you want to clean up, clean up who?"

   (end of this chapter)

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