Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2384: multiple spaces

   Chapter 2384 Multiple Spaces

   Ma was shocked, "Oops!"

  Nie Dahai also became anxious, and at this time, Lin Tian was in the green poison gas, nothing happened, and he could release countless ghosts.

   Not only that, Lin Tian released the ghost king, and these carrion corpses moved slowly, so after being hit one by one, they stood there, like wooden men, motionless.

   Seeing this, Ma Lao and Nie Dahai were immediately dumbfounded, and Nangongyan said proudly, "Did you see it?"

   Ma Lao stammered, "Is this resolved?"

  Nie Dahai was also a little unbelievable, and at this time, the carrion dissipated one by one, leaving only some motionless dead souls.

  Lin Tian took a look and found that these dead souls had no memory, so Lin Tian used the immortality technique to restore the memories of these people one by one.

   It turns out that these dead souls arrived here from the ghost realm, then turned into carrion, and finally lost their memory.

   What makes Lin Tian a little puzzled is why the dead soul will become a carrion when it arrives here, and what is the principle of this.

   Just when Lin Tian was wondering, the old Ma came over and stared at the dead souls wondering, "Is the body just gone?"

  Nie Dahai was also puzzled, "Is that done?"

   "Let's go, go to that cemetery." Lin Tian, ​​who couldn't figure it out, could only want to hurry to the cemetery to get that magical technique.

  Old Ma was very happy when he saw that Lin Tian had a way to deal with these carrion, and then quickly led the way.

   At this time, a carrion appeared in front of him, but he was still easily controlled by Lin Tian's ghost king, so he could easily walk through this empty tomb.

  But after walking for a long time, Ma Lao suddenly stopped, with an ugly face, "Strange."

   "What's the matter?" Lin Tian asked curiously, while Nangong Yan and the others also stared at Old Ma in confusion.

   For Ma Lao, he pointed to a hill in front of him, "Before, under this hill, there was a huge stone gate, and then there was a cemetery inside, but now the stone gate is gone, and there is only one mountain."

  Nie Dahai asked curiously, "Did you remember it wrong?"

  Nangongyan and others also stared at this old Ma with doubts, and Ma Lao explained, "Really remembered correctly, this is it, I can guarantee it."

  Lin Tian confirmed the memory of this old man one by one at this time, and then said, "He, did not lie."

   When everyone heard this, they were all puzzled, and when Ma Lao saw that Lin Tian believed in him, he let out a sigh of relief, "Sir, what the **** is going on here."

   "Let me take a look." Lin Tian closed his eyes and began to sense the surrounding space, and found that there are many incomplete spaces here and there, and multiple spaces overlap.

   "So it is." Lin Tian opened his eyes and muttered, while Ma Lao asked curiously, "Sir, what's the matter?"

   "There are multiple spaces here, and you probably entered one of them by mistake last time." Lin Tian explained.

  Old Ma was startled when he heard this, "Multiple spaces?"

  Nie Dahai and a few people also looked at Lin Tian strangely, but Lin Tian didn't explain much, and started to crack the multiple space entrances in front of him.

  So after a while, everyone saw countless afterimages flashing before their eyes, and under these afterimages, the pictures they saw were different.

  There are hills in some places, plains in some places, a pile of tombs in some places, and a mountain with many openings.

   But now Lin Tian wants to find old Ma who has been there, so he solved them one by one, until he found one, the old Ma said excitedly, "That's it."

   "Then let's go through the entrance of this space." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he directly led the crowd over.

   Then appeared in front of everyone was a hill with a stone gate, the old Ma said happily, "It's finally here."

  Nie Dahai wondered, "Why does this place have so much space?"

   This question attracted Nangongyan and others, especially the Void Beast, who was also surprised, "No, what's the point of so much space?"

  Old Ma wondered, "Will other spaces be used to confuse people, and this space is what really allows everyone to enter."

The possibility of    is there, but everyone is curious, who created these dimensions, and who has the ability to do so, and all of a sudden, countless dimensions overlapped together.

   So everyone started talking, and Lin Tian muttered to himself, "It's difficult for even the gods to overlap in multiple spaces."

  Everyone didn't know what Lin Tian was thinking, so they guessed that it was made by the gods, but Lin Tian said, "Don't talk about the gods, even the strongest gods, it is difficult for more than ten spaces to overlap."

   Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, and Nangongyan even more puzzled, "Big brother, who is that person?"

   "Let's leave it alone, let's go in and talk about it." Lin Tian didn't have time to think about this at the moment, so he directly brought everyone to the side of the stone gate.

   "I'm coming." Ma Lao saw the familiar place, stepped forward with excitement, and then groped on the stone door. After confirming several buttons, he directly hit a stream of air, and hit the buttons at the same time.

   The next moment, the stone gate slowly opened, but there was a group of carrion inside, everyone was scared and retreated, but Lin Tian released the ghost king.

   But there were too many carrion corpses, and when the Ghost King shuttled fast, some still escaped.

   I saw that these corpses were going to attack Lin Tian and others, but Lin Tian took out the Tianyin Qin, and then under the sound of the piano, these corpses were quiet one by one.

The    Ghost King continued to control them until the bodies of these carrion disappeared, and the old man stammered in fright, "I, when I came here before, there weren't so many such strange things."

  Nie Dahai joked, "It is estimated that last time, you attracted them, then ran out and left them here."

   Hearing this, the old Ma said embarrassedly, "You, I agree a little bit. After all, when I escaped, I quickly closed the stone gate, and what happened next, I don't know."

  Nie Dahai asked suspiciously after hearing this explanation, "Is there anything else in the cemetery?"

   "This, I don't know. After all, I only walked a short distance from this tomb, and I didn't continue." The old Ma said embarrassedly.

  Nie Dahai was about to complain about him, but Lin Tian stood there, staring at the painting on the wall, and then looked down a little bit.

   This old Ma explained, "This is the magic of dreaming."

   Lin Tianen said, "I see."

  Old Ma saw that Lin Tian was so serious, and he didn't want to disturb him, so he had to retreat to Nangong Yan and the others.

   This Nie Dahai was suspicious, "What is the magic trick?"

   "It's on the wall. I came here from the beginning. After recording some, I took it back to practice, but I didn't expect that even if I learned a little, it would be so powerful." The old Ma said embarrassedly.

   "Is that great?"

   "That must be amazing!" Ma Lao affirmed, but he was worried that something would pop up from the depths.

   But Lin Tian was very calm, and rubbed the things on the wall one by one.

  Old Ma asked curiously, "Sir, do you want to write it down?"

   (end of this chapter)

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