Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2375: unacceptable result

   Chapter 2375 Unacceptable Results

   "A formation might just trap you and not defeat you, but with this added, it's no problem." Lin Tian finished speaking and took out the Ghost Realm Trapped Beast Stick.

   Seeing this, the Void Beast had an inexplicable fear, but the Unicorn Snow Beast disagreed, and even traveled through the void beast's space.

   At the same time, Elder Xue, who was outside the formation, had a proud expression on his face and sneered, "Just like this, you still want to fight my snow beast? How naive!"

   At this time, in the formation, Lin Tian released countless ghosts, and these ghosts waved the trapping sticks one by one, and madly hit the unicorn snow beast.

   But the unicorn snow beast is not a big problem, so I don't take it seriously, and I continue to fly around very proudly.

   Void Beast sighed, "Poor fellow."

  The Unicorn Snow Beast didn't know what the Void Beast said, but it still flew happily, and Lin Tian stopped after attacking tens of thousands of times, and stared at the Unicorn Snow Beast, "It's almost there."

   "What's the matter?" The unicorn snow beast didn't know what Lin Tian said, but the next moment, when Lin Tian waved the beast stick again, the unicorn snow beast was completely sealed.

   "This, what's going on?" The Unicorn Snow Beast became anxious when he realized that his power was useless, and the Void Beast said proudly, "Is it sealed?"

   "Why?" This unicorn snow beast killed it, and it was impossible to believe that Lin Tian, ​​an immortal emperor, had trapped it.

   When Elder Xue, who was outside, noticed something was wrong, he shouted, "What's wrong?"

   "I, I can't move." The unicorn snow beast shouted, and the snow elder was startled, "This, how is this possible!"

  Lin Tian ignored their shock, but directly entered the soul seal and asked the Unicorn Snow Beast to make a contract with himself.

   The unicorn snow beast was in a hurry and obviously didn't want to make a contract with Lin Tian, ​​but now that it is in Lin Tian's hands, it has absolutely no ability to resist, so in the end it can only compromise obediently.

  When everything was done, Lin Tiantian unlocked the power of the Unicorn Snow Beast, and the Void Beast unlocked the void, and then smiled, "This is the same as me."

   The Unicorn Snow Beast was very depressed, but he had no choice but to stare at Lin Tian silently.

  Lin Tian walked out of the formation and stared at the elder Xue, "What else is there to do?"

  Elder Xue has already come up with the strongest move, but now that this move was broken by Lin Tian, ​​he was naturally not very happy, and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"I, I won't be afraid of you!"

   "Really?" Lin Tian released countless ghosts to surround that Elder Xue, and Elder Xue hummed, "Want to trap me? Dream!"

   After saying that, the elder Xue made a leap, rushed into a door, and disappeared in front of everyone.

  Lin Tian came back to his senses and untied Phoneme and Bai Xuefeng, and the two were relieved after they got out of the predicament.

   But the gaze of the Unicorn Snow Beast made the two of them tremble, while Lin Tian came to the door in front.

  I saw that there was a strong force on this door, and Bai Xuefeng explained, "This door has a strong freezing effect, so when it is not opened, anyone who touches it will be frozen in front of the door."

   When Nangongyan heard this, he immediately said vigorously, "Let me come!"

   Bai Xuefeng and the others stared at Nangong Yan strangely, but Nangongyan clapped both hands, and the Tianhan Pearl started to move, and the power on the wall poured into the Tianhan Pearl crazily.

  Lin Tian stared at him, but he was curious, "What the **** did this Tian Hanzhu do?"

  While Lin Tian was thinking about it, this Nangong Yan had absorbed the strength of the wall and pushed the door open easily.

   "Look, it's open." Nangongyan said proudly, but at this time, behind the dim stone gate, several afterimages suddenly appeared, and they stepped forward, and then touched Lin Tian and others, and then these people turned into ice sculptures.

   Only Nangongyan was fine, and she said in shock, "Who are you!"

   At this moment, a golden chain wrapped around Nangongyan, preventing her from moving, which made her yell, "Let me go!"

   Those afterimages returned to the dark place, and the elder Xue came out and smiled at the frozen people, "Everyone, now you know that the elders here are terrible."

  Nangongyan was in a hurry, "If you have the ability, let me go, I promise to repair you!"

   "What a promise!" That Elder Xue smiled evilly.

  Nangongyan was furious, but Elder Xue came to the ice sculpture Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, aren't you crazy?"

   "Are you talking about me?" At this moment, Lin Tian's voice came from not far away, so frightened Elder Xue looked over, just in time to see Lin Tian standing there, smiling at him.

  Elder Xue panicked and stared at Lin Tian with a strange expression, "How is this possible?"

  Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, still staring at Elder Xue, "Is there anything you want to say?"

  Elder Xue was in a hurry, and stared at Lin Tian strangely, "Boy, come back if you have the ability, our elder, promise to fix you!"

   "Really? Let me see then!" Lin Tian took a leap and reached the door, and Elder Xue immediately shouted behind him, "Everyone, he's here again."

   At this time, a few more afterimages appeared, and Lin Tian froze again, but Lin Tian released countless ghosts at once, and laughed together, "You have more people, but I have more people."

  Elder Xue was frightened, and at this moment, a long voice in the dark asked, "Young man, we Binghai Shengong and you have no injustice or enmity, why did you come to us to make trouble?"

   At this time, an old man's voice was heard, and when the elder Xue heard it, he immediately said respectfully to the dark place, "Palace Master."

  Lin Tian looked into the dark and smiled and said, "I just want to find someone, but your subordinates always interfere with me."

"Find someone?"

   "Yes, a woman." Lin Tian got Tianluo out, but the palace lord said, "Young man, you can't see this person."


   "She has become a god. If you want to see her, you probably have to go to the gods." The palace lord, but Lin Tian was stunned, "What? Become a god?"

   "What? Don't you believe it?" After seeing that Lin Tian didn't believe it, the other party played a picture in the air in front of Lin Tian.

   In this picture, Lin Tian saw Tian Luo sitting cross-legged, and then a crack appeared in front of him and sucked her into it.

   "That rift is the rift of the gods. Only people with extremely high talents will attract the guidance of the gods after their cultivation reaches a certain level."

  Lin Tian knew that this was indeed the guidance of the God Realm, but he still had a hard time accepting it, but that Nangong Yan said there, "Big brother, don't listen to him lie, what if he tricked us?"

   Lin Tianen said, "That's right, I can only know if it's true if I personally confirm it."

   "Confirm? Young man, how are you going to confirm?" The palace lord asked strangely, and Lin Tian explained, "I want your memory."

   The other party immediately became gloomy, "Young man, don't take an inch."

   "I don't have an inch, what I said is true!" Lin Tian insisted, but the other party was a little angry, "If you are really like this, then I have to let my people learn from you!"

   (end of this chapter)

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