Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2371: protector

   Chapter 2371 Guardian

  Phoneme would be mad at this Void Beast, but in order to get her own spear, she looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, I've already come here with you, should you give it to me?"

   "Don't worry, wait until I find the shrine and see her." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he took out his spear and stabbed it hard at a place.

   A crack appeared in an instant, and the phoneme was startled, "Are you crazy?"

  Lin Tian was not crazy, and he laughed, "Go on!"

   Then Lin Tian continued, and then a small tunnel was pierced by Lin Tian, ​​and then Lin Tian brought the Void Beast with him, and the phoneme had to accompany him.

   However, after traveling for a while, this phoneme felt that something was wrong, and he asked Lin Tian, ​​"Few people know about the passage of the Ice Sea God Palace. How did you know?"

  Lin Tian didn't expect her to find out the problem so quickly, so he laughed, "I asked."


   "If you have pictures for sale in your store, there will always be someone who will buy it, right? For those who buy it, I just need to inquire about it, okay?" Lin Tian made up a reason at will.

   But this phoneme didn't believe it, and he still stared at Lin Tiandao, "Just now from the surface of the water all the way to here, I can always find it accurately."

"so what?"

   "Explain that you have a picture."

   "Yes, it was given by someone else, how about it?" Lin Tian said this directly, but he couldn't believe it, and still stared at Lin Tiandao, "Don't lie, it's impossible!"

   "Believe it or not, I don't have time to take care of you right now." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he increased his speed and swam forward.

   Phoneme shouted, "You, you explain it to me clearly."

   The Void Beast smiled at her, "Keep up your strength, or it will get colder later."

  Phoneme gritted her teeth, but had no choice but to follow, until after entering the depths, the coldness became even heavier, so that Phoneme could only devote herself to protecting herself, not to mention embarrassing Lin Tian or asking Lin Tian.

   As for Lin Tian, ​​he is still fine, which makes the phoneme wonder secretly, "This guy is obviously just an immortal emperor, why is there nothing at all?"

For this question, Phoneme wanted to know, so he stared at Lin Tian silently until Lin Tian landed on a rock, which was floating in the water, and in front of Lin Tian, ​​there was an ice palace shining with blue light .

   "That's it." Lin Tian was very excited when he saw this Ice Palace, because he knew that he would be able to see Tian Luo soon.

  Yinsusu did not dare to go to the Ice Palace, because the rumors of the Ice Palace were terrible, so she said to Lin Tian, ​​"Look, you have arrived at the Ice Palace, can you return the spear to me?"

"Back to you?"

   "Yes!" The phoneme nodded and said, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "I said, I will give it to you when I find her. If I can't find her, I think you should stop dreaming."

   Phoneme was in a hurry, "This ice palace is so dangerous. If you can't get in but can't get out, what should you do?"

   Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled slightly, "Who made this thing mine."

After    finished speaking, Lin Tian took the Void Beast and flew to the Ice Palace, and the phoneme was depressed to the end, "Why is it so unlucky to meet such a bastard!"

   But that artifact is very important for phonemes, so she has no choice but to follow, and the closer to the Ice Palace, the stronger the cold air.

  Phoneme even felt very difficult to swim, so he could only slowly swing his body in depression until he came to the gate of the Ice Palace.

  I saw Lin Tian standing at the door, staring at the transparent ice wall, and then the spear pierced.

   Who knew that the spear pierced the ice wall, but the spear was sucked into it, and the phoneme was shocked, "My spear!"

   The Void Beast was even more surprised, "This, what's going on?"

  Lin Tian touched the ice wall and smiled, "This ice wall has a unique isolation effect, but it won't isolate magic weapons."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian put one hand on the ice wall, and after exerting force, he went through it, and the inside was empty.

  The Void Beast also rushed inside from the outside, and the phoneme was depressed, but in the end, he also followed in reluctantly.

  I saw Lin Tian put away his spear and stared around, "You said, she came here?"

The    phoneme felt that the water pressure was gone when he got here, so this person felt a little more comfortable. Even facing Lin Tian's question, she could quickly answer, "Yes, she said she was looking for this Ice Sea God Palace."

  Lin Tian understood, and then released countless ghosts and began to shuttle in this huge "Ice Palace".

  Phoneme looked weird after staring at so many "clones", "These are all your clones?"

   "It is."

   "Who the **** are you?" The phoneme became more and more strange, and Lin Tian smiled, "Who am I, is it so important?"

  Phoneme was speechless immediately, and could only stare at the spear, "Then give me my spear."

   "Wait, no hurry." Lin Tian continued to close his eyes to rest, and the phoneme was extremely depressed.

   But at this time, a cold air approached, and Lin Tian's ghost shadows were penetrated one by one, and the phoneme was puzzled, "What happened?"

  The Void Beast was even more suspicious, and stared at the dark place, and at this time, a cold air in the dark place turned into a water shadow.

   This water shadow looks like a man, and said coldly, "Who dares to trespass this place!"

  Lin Tian got up one by one, stared at the water shadow and said, "Are you here?"

   "I'm the guardian of this place!" The water shadow said coldly, while Lin Tian asked, "I'm here to find someone."

   "Here, there is no one you are looking for!" The water shadow said coldly, while Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "I haven't even said who to look for, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

   "We, there are no outsiders here, of course we don't have what you want." The Shuiying believed in himself, but Lin Tian said, "What if there is?"

   The other party was too lazy to explain, and just said, "I'll give you a chance to leave now, but if you don't leave after a while, then I'll do it!"

   Hearing this, the phoneme quickly said to Lin Tian, ​​"Let's go, let's go."

  But Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, but stared at the water shadow and said, "Going, it's impossible."

   "Don't go, right? Good! Then I'll send you to death!" After the other party finished speaking, he slapped his hand, and Lin Tian instantly turned into ice cubes and froze there.

   The phoneme was shocked, and the Void Beast knew that Lin Tian was okay, so it didn't take it seriously, and even said, "You're finished."

   That water shadow hummed, "Am I finished?"

   "Nonsense, you must be finished!" The Void Beast laughed, and the Water Shadow didn't believe it, but at this moment a little girl suddenly appeared and slapped it directly. The Water Shadow was hit and froze on the spot.

   This little girl who suddenly appeared shocked both the Void Beast and the phoneme, and Lin Tian appeared at this time, smiling at the little girl, "I haven't seen you for a long time, your skills have grown again!"

   That little girl was none other than Nangong Yan, and just now Nangong Yan felt the extreme cold outside, so she kept trying to come out, but Lin Tian had to let her out.

   As soon as Nangong Yan came out, he froze the other party.

   (end of this chapter)

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