Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2350: Bald Mountain

   Chapter 2350 Bald Mountain

  I saw Lin Tian put one hand on the ground and began to absorb the power of the ground, and the arcane stone merged with the ground, so he and the surrounding were one.

   But this kind of magic has a disadvantage, that is, once someone absorbs the power of the earth, his power will also be affected.

   So when Lin Tian devoured it, that Oshi suddenly felt wrong, then jumped in fright, ran out from below, turned into a huge body again, and said angrily, "You bastard!"

  Everyone was curious about what happened, why this Ao Shi had such a big reaction just now, but Lin Tian stared at this Ao Shi, "Are you afraid?"

   "You." Ao Shi was so angry that he couldn't speak, and the old wooden ghost asked, "Ao Shi, what's wrong?"

   "This guy, I don't know what skills he used, he broke my magic, and he wanted to **** my power." This Ao Shi was annoyed in his heart.

  The gods around him were talking, "This kid is amazing, so amazing."

   Lin Tian picked up his mood and smiled, "Are you still coming?"

  Oshi glared, "I won't come with you!"

   After finishing speaking, Ao Shi was going to leave, but when Ao Shi was about to turn around, he found that his body was stiff, and everyone was curious about what happened.

  Oshi immediately said anxiously, "What's going on here?"

  Lin Tian laughed, "When I attacked you just now, something was injected into your body."

   "Something? What?" Ao Shi was in a panic, and Lin Tian waved his hand at this time, and the ghost king appeared and returned to Lin Tian.

   Everyone was curious about what the black shadow was just now and why it was so magical, but Lin Tian smiled at Aoshi, "Do you regret it?"

  Ao Shi panicked and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"You, what do you want to do?"

   "Give me, take down those two guys." Lin Tian gave an order, Ao Shi's body was out of control, and countless boulders smashed directly at Mu Laogui and Su Zhao.

   The two scolded on the spot, and then fled with serious injuries, while everyone gasped. As for the Ao Shi, he was in a hurry, "You, please let me go!"

   "It's impossible to let you go!" Lin Tian took a leap and landed on the giant's shoulders, and then tapped his huge stone with one hand.

  I saw that Lin Tian asked him to open the protective layer of consciousness space in his body, and this Aoshi obediently opened it, and then nervously said, "You, what do you want?"

   "Soon, you will know." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he punched the soul seal with one hand, and then the other party's soul was completely controlled by Lin Tian.

  Oshi said nervously, "You."

   "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, I just want to chat with you." Lin Tian smiled at Aoshi, but Aoshi panicked, "You, what do you want?"

   "I didn't think about it, I just wanted you to stop making trouble for me." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he sorted out his memories one by one.

  Aoshi stood there in a panic, until Lin Tian jumped down, and the other gods and people onlookers were curious about what Lin Tian did to Aoshi, so that Ao Shi, such a big behemoth, respected Lin Tian.

   "Let's go." Lin Tian looked at Tie Gu and the others, and brought this mysterious stone with him.

  Oshi was following behind these people depressed at the moment, and the earth trembled. As for the nearby gods, seeing this, they no longer dared to provoke Lin Tian and the others.

   However, the old wooden ghost who escaped, was sitting cross-legged in a place to rest at the moment, while that Su Zhao said depressedly, "Damn it."

   "This guy, why is it so difficult to deal with." This old wooden ghost was very depressed. Su Zhao was helpless about this question, and could only say, "It must be that magic weapon."

   "What kind of magic weapon is this? Even Ao Shi can be defeated by him." This old wooden ghost felt more and more wrong.

  Su Zhao was depressed, "If I knew, I would have it for myself, and I wouldn't tell you."

  The old ghost of wood thought it was reasonable, but when he thought that he was injured like this and didn't get any benefit, he said, "No matter what, I will definitely clean up this guy."

   "Don't rush."

   "What do you mean?" Mu Laogui stared at that Su Zhao curiously, and Su Zhao explained, "Look at it first."

  Mu Lao Gui was suspicious, "Look at it?"

   "This guy, who came to the mountain for no reason, must have some purpose, and we had to follow in secret and find an opportunity before starting." That Su Zhao explained.

  Mu old ghost thought it made sense, so he nodded and said, "Okay, this is a good way!"

  Su Zhao said, "Go, let's go!"


   The next moment, they left here together, then listened to the giant's footsteps, and finally followed silently.


  About half a day later, the people in the mountain had already heard about such a weird Immortal Emperor Lin Tian, ​​especially the surrender of Ao Shi, which made these people puzzled, so they all followed and peeped secretly.

   Tie Gu, who was beside Lin Tian, ​​said, "Lord, look, there are many people nearby."

   "Just follow along." Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, but continued to move forward. As for Tie Gu's voice, he didn't say much.

   After about a while, they came to a mountain, and this mountain was different from other mountains.

  Because other mountains have at least trees, or some vegetation, and this mountain is bare, except for stones or stones.

  Everyone was curious about why Lin Tian came here, but that Oishi couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing here on the Bald Mountain?"

   "Bald Mountain?"

   "Yes, this mountain is very strange. Once people stand on it, they will not be able to exert their power, so it is called Bald Mountain." The mysterious stone explained.

   Hearing this, Tie Gu also deliberately stepped forward and came to the foot of the mountain, and was startled when he found that he couldn't use all his strength, "I really can't use any strength."

  Lin Tian also walked over curiously, and sure enough, his whole body was restrained, and he couldn't even move his fairy energy.


  The palace lord said anxiously, "Every time I come here, it's always like this."

  Lin Tian knew what the Palace Master meant, so he said to Aoshi and the others, "You guys watch first, I'll go up the mountain by myself."

  I saw Lin Tian started to hike up the mountain, while everyone was watching from the side, but the gods and people who were watching were curious.

   "Why is this guy going to Bald Mountain?"

   "Who knows what he's up to."

   Not only these people, but also the old ghost Mu, who was following in the dark, wondered, "Did you see clearly?"

  Su Zhao was puzzled, "What is he doing?"

   "Does this Bald Mountain have what he wants?" Mu Laogui asked, and this Su Zhao also wanted to know, so he hesitated, "Maybe, it is possible!"

   At this moment, Lin Tian was halfway up the mountain and encountered a strange thing.

  I saw Lin Tian staring at a pile of stones and laughing after walking around among the stones, "It's really fun to make such a big array."

   Everyone didn't know what Lin Tian meant, but at this time, Lin Tian started to move the surrounding stones one by one.

   Not only that, Lin Tian also took out some immortal stones and hit some places, and then everyone saw an incredible side.

   (end of this chapter)

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