Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2345: fake behind-the-scenes

   Chapter 2345 Counterfeit Behind the Scenes

   Not only that, but when Lin Tian consciously went in, he found that there was nothing inside, which made Lin Tian curious and walked in.

   But the door suddenly closed, and several elders outside looked at each other, and some elders muttered, "He, will he be okay?"

The elder    sighed, "It is estimated that the palace lord is waiting for him inside."

   At this moment in the temple, there is light everywhere, and these lights are emanating from some books.

  I saw that these books were colorful. At the beginning, there was no breath at all, but now after the light flashes, the breath also radiates.

   A smell of books filled the surroundings, but Lin Tian laughed, "Come out."

   "Don't come out, that's all." The voice said slightly.

   "If you don't come out, how do I know what you look like?"

   "That's fine, you don't need to know what I look like." The other party said coldly, while Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "Do you think I can't find you?"

   "You may be able to find me, but it will take time, but during this time, we can have a good conversation."


   "You tried so hard to find me, isn't it just to have a good conversation?" The man asked with a smile, but Lin Tian said, "That's the case, but I want to know more, who instructed you to do this."

   "I am the master of the top of the Immortal Realm, I don't need instructions from others, I am completely voluntary." The other party vowed.

  Lin Tian didn't believe it, and said, "I have no enmity with you, why are you targeting me?"

"Ten thousand years ago, you were a legendary figure in the fairyland, and I wanted to find you to discuss, but you have already gone to the gods, so I thought, if you want to destroy some of your people and destroy your alliance, you should Can attract you back, as expected, you are back." The other party said with a smile.

   "For your reason, it's okay to lie to a three-year-old, but it's okay to lie to me." Lin Tian laughed.

   "Whether you believe it or not, I did what I had to do anyway, how about you? Do you want to take revenge on me?"

  Lin Tian replied, "Whether you did it or not, I will defeat you first, and I will also let you experience the feeling that life is better than death."

   "It was rumored earlier that Emperor Lin was crazy, but when I saw it today, it really is." The other party laughed strangely.

   "Come out." Lin Tian turned around and stared at the dark place behind him. At this time, several books overlapped in the dark place, and then the books turned into a figure.

  Lin Tian stared at the figure, "Using a book to transform a person, it seems that your materialization technique is really good."

   "Materialization, you know everything?"

   "Materialization is one of the most common illusion techniques in the God Realm, and it doesn't require much energy, so it can be used in the Immortal Realm." Lin Tian stared at the other party with a wicked smile.

   "It seems that you know something." The other party was a little surprised, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Tell me, are you from the God Realm?"

   "So what?" The other party saw through and did not hide it, but Lin Tian asked suspiciously, "So, you came to trouble me from the realm of the gods?"

"Lin Di, when you made such a big noise in the realm of the gods, many gods were provoked and wanted to destroy you, but they knew that you were powerful, so people from all walks of life planned to start from the realm where you were, and I, the one of them."

   Hearing this, Lin Tian laughed, "Those tortoise grandsons, if you don't come by yourself, let you guys come and die."

   "Death? Not necessarily."

   "Oh? Don't believe it?"

"The major gods all know that you have rebuilt, and they also know that you haven't returned to the gods so soon, so the gods have issued your wanted orders everywhere, whoever kills you can get rich rewards, and I , good luck, wait here and wait until you finally show up, and you really only have the cultivation base of Immortal Emperor, not even Immortal Venerable!" The other party felt that he had picked up a big bargain.

  Lin Tian smiled after hearing this, "So, when you came to the Immortal Realm, it should be those old ghosts who shredded the space and protected you, right?"

"At that time, those gods did open up a few cracks, but tens of thousands of people went down to the fairyland, and there were only a few who could really reach this place, and I was lucky. When I got here, I created the top of the fairyland and smashed you. The alliance, and then slowly push you from the mortal world to the immortal world, and finally come here." This person thought that Lin Tian took his own steps and smiled proudly.

  Lin Tian suddenly laughed, and the other party asked suspiciously, "What are you laughing at?"

   "I'm laughing, the people who have been guiding me."

   "Did you talk about me?"

   "No, that voice is definitely not you, it may even be one of several great gods." Lin Tian said coldly, but was curious in his heart, "Which old guy is it?"

  However, the other party's voice was simulated so well that Lin Tian couldn't guess which old guy it was.

   "I don't know what you said."

   "There is a person who erased the memories of many people, and this person is definitely not you." Lin Tianbing said coldly.

   "Erase memory? Why can't it be me!"

   "You don't have the ability." Lin Tian was very straightforward, but the other party smiled strangely, "No ability? Then I'll let you see if I have the ability!"

After    finished speaking, the surrounding books suddenly turned into sharp attacks, and pages of books flew towards Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian was all a ghost, and the opponent hit the air one by one.

   That person sneered when he saw this, "It is rumored that Emperor Lin is so amazing, it seems that it is nothing more than that."

   "Your aggressive method has successfully attracted me." At this time, the shadow of Lin Tian scattered around, and at the same time, he also performed the Buddha's Sound Art.

   One after another voice and light flickered around the person transformed by the book, and the person smiled strangely, "You are an immortal emperor, do you still want to hurt me?"

   "How do you know if you don't try?"

   The other party despised, "Let me tell you, you can't help me at all."

   "Then see how long you can hold on." Lin Tian laughed, but the other party didn't believe that Lin Tian was capable, so he continued to let Lin Tian attack, and at the same time he continued to control the surrounding books to destroy those ghosts.

   But on the surface, it seems that no one can do anything, so this palace lord began to feel a little gloomy.

But when he thought that Lin Tian couldn't do anything to himself, the palace lord was relieved very quickly, and even laughed at Lin Tian, ​​"In those days, Emperor Lin was a powerful person in the God Realm, but now even a little **** like me can't deal with it. , how ridiculous!"

   "If I can't deal with you, then I don't deserve to be called Emperor Lin." Lin Tianxie smiled, and the man sneered, "Oh? Really? Then I'm afraid you really don't deserve it!"

  Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, until after a quarter of an hour, that person gradually felt that something was wrong, and even felt as if he had fallen into some kind of illusion.

   "Me, what's wrong with me?" The other party suddenly started to panic, but Lin Tian smiled strangely, "You, you've been tricked."

   The man was startled, and quickly roared, forcibly pulled himself back from the illusion, and left a pile of blood on the ground, and then the surrounding books fell one by one, and the other party disappeared.

  Lin Tian walked to the edge of the pile of blood, stared at the blood and said with a smile, "In order to escape from the illusion, even his own blood was burned!"

   (end of this chapter)

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