Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2332: not small

   Chapter 2332 The background is not small

  Lin Tian took out the bag, "There are traces of your refining on it, and it's not the traces that immortals should have, so I guess you are from the realm of the gods."

   This person suddenly laughed, "It seems that you are indeed not simple, and this can't be hidden from you."

"Tell me, who, why did you come to the fairyland, and how did you come here!" Lin Tian knew that this was no small matter, because once people from the gods could only enter and leave the fairyland, then the fairyland would be over, and it was very likely that others would be reincarnated. "Slaughterhouse".

  Lin Tian has been to the realm of the gods after all, and the gods and men of the realm of the gods fight fiercely, and there is no bottom line for resources. Some people even often go to other planes of immortality and directly slaughter the people of that immortal world to get what they want.

   That's why, when Lin Tian saw someone from the God Realm, he would be on guard, but that person laughed and said, "Are you asking me a question?"

   "That's right."

   But the other party laughed, "Then don't ask, I won't tell you!"

"I came here so sincerely, but you didn't say anything? It's boring!" Lin Tian smiled at this golden light, but the voice in the golden light said, "You can submit to me, and I can bring You rule the Immortal Realm, but if you do not submit, then you will be killed by the people from the Immortal Realm Shrine, and I will not save you."

   "Do you think I need you to save me?" Lin Tian disapproved, and the man believed in himself, "With your strength, facing a powerful Immortal Venerable, you won't be able to, so in the end you have to rely on me."

   "Then you think too much." After Lin Tian finished speaking, a pen appeared in his right hand, but the man laughed when he saw Lin Tian's money, "What? Are you going to use the pen on me?"


   "My speed is not comparable to you." The man believed in himself, but Lin Tian didn't take it seriously and continued to use the soul painting technique.

   At this time, countless shackles entangled that golden light, but Jinguang didn't take Lin Tian seriously, and even said, "It's useless."

  Lin Tian tried, but he couldn't pull his soul out, but the other party smiled confidently, "What? Still want to struggle?"

Lin Tian had no choice but to put away the pen, condensed the emptiness, and then punched it out, and when the emptiness hit the golden light, the people inside groaned and said anxiously, "Why can you hurt me? "

   "As long as you are conscious, I can hurt you." Lin Tian believed in himself, but the other party didn't. "You are just an immortal, you can't have such a powerful soul power."

   "I don't have it, but you do." Lin Tian laughed, but the other party was startled, "You use my soul power?"

   "What do you say?"

   The other party laughed immediately, "It seems that you are getting more and more interesting."

   After he finished speaking, the surrounding sky changed, and it began to become dark and dark, as if a violent storm was coming, and the people present were frightened and stepped aside.

  Meng Patriarch was surprised, "How can this have such a powerful force."

   "To be able to call the wind and call the rain, that is something that a **** can easily do." Lin Tian was not overly shocked, but explained one by one.

   Meng Patriarch heard this and showed a suspicious look, "Isn't that scary?"

   "It's terrifying, but the gods, in the low plane, their strength will be bound, just like the immortals going to the mortal world, they will also be bound."

  Patriarch Meng said with confidence, "That's good."

   But the people in the dark laughed, "If you are bound, you can be easily dealt with."

   At this time, countless golden chains fell in the air, entangling Lin Tian, ​​Master Meng, and the ghost beast one by one.

After the    ghost beast was entangled, it couldn't move on the spot, and the Meng Patriarch couldn't open it, but Lin Tian said calmly, "Your strength is more than enough to deal with ordinary immortals, but if you meet me, you are unlucky!"

"Boy, like this, how can you break free? Do you think I'm a fool?" The other party asked back, but Lin Tian laughed when he heard this, "I know you're not a fool, but some things are not yours to say. ."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian began to devour in his body, the power of those golden chains was absorbed one by one, and then these golden chains were smashed one by one.

   Everyone was dumbfounded, unable to believe what they saw.

   "What the **** is going on here?" Some people stared in disbelief, and the goddess in the dark asked suspiciously, "Boy, how did you crack my attack?"

   "This is the fairy world, not the **** world, and you can't use the spirit, so you still use the fairy, but the power condensed by the fairy is flawed."


   "Yes, as long as I absorb it easily, they will all be scrapped." Lin Tian's words made the goddess look ugly.

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "What? Don't you believe me?"

   "It's not that you don't believe it, it's just that your ability is really good, but if you think you can defeat me like this, then you are naive." After the other party finished speaking, countless shackles appeared again, and the target was Lin Tian.

   The next moment, Lin Tian turned into a big golden zongzi, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "It's useless no matter how much you attack."

   "As long as you can be trapped here, I don't care about releasing more power." The other party said nothing seriously.

  Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "If this is the case, then I have to find you."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian closed his eyes, and then performed the space peeping technique, and the ghost and the clone flew to one place one after another.

   The goddess was startled, and then changed positions quickly, unable to concentrate on attacking Lin Tian at all.

  Li Ba and the others were stunned, and some even said, "Is there nothing you can do, my lord?"

   "Sir, it seems to be avoiding." Some people said as if they saw the clue, and some people said, "Will the lord lose?"

   "What do you lose? Your lord is a god, how can he be compared to an Immortal Emperor?" Li Ba shouted.

  Everyone thought it made sense, so they watched silently, until after a while, the golden light disappeared, and calm was restored everywhere.

  Everyone was dumbfounded, and Patriarch Meng gasped, "Sir, did you scare him away?"

   "He doesn't dare to stay, otherwise I will continue to serve Xu Mie." Lin Tian laughed, and the Meng Patriarch was curious, "Xu Mie? What is it?"

"A kind of soul method, when it is strong, it is strong. Anyway, it is not simple." Lin Tian said with a smile, and the Meng Patriarch sighed and said nothing, but at this time, Lin Tian stared at Li Ba and the others and said with a smile , "You guys, are you still running away?"

   As soon as these words came out, they scattered in fright, while Lin Tian put away his smile and pondered.

  Meng Patriarch asked curiously, "Sir, why are you unhappy that you drove him away?"

   "It's not a good thing for the gods to come to the Immortal Realm." After taking a deep breath, Lin Tian continued to let Master Meng lead the way to the Immortal Realm Shrine.

  For Li Ba and the others, after fleeing to a forest, that golden light appeared, and everyone hurried to pay homage, "Sir."

   "Didn't that guy come after him?" The person in the golden light asked suspiciously, and those people shook their heads one after another.

   (end of this chapter)

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