Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2324: Misfortune comes out of the mouth

   Chapter 2324 Misfortune comes out of the mouth

  This grandma asked curiously after hearing Lin Tian's tone, "You, have you heard of it too?"

   "I didn't hear it, I was in Wangxian Mansion, and something happened, which was also caused by rumors." Lin Tian smiled bitterly.

   The grandma said with a sigh, "Then please!"

   Hearing the request, Lin Tian picked up his mood and said, "That's okay, let's do this first."

  Lin Tian took a leap and entered the mansion, and the grandma had a weird look, "It should be fine."

   At this moment, a red shadow rushed into the mansion, in addition to that, the mud king, and a group of other people.

   The grandma frowned when she saw this, "What's the situation?"

  However, these people have already entered, this grandma can't stop it, she can only be in a hurry and walk around.

   At this time, in this mansion, Lin Tian saw an ordinary house with courtyards, wing rooms, and attic.

   "Could it be that someone lived here before?" Lin Tian looked suspicious when he saw the mansion.

   At this moment, Lin Tian felt a few breaths behind him, and then the red-haired old man appeared with a group of people.

  Those people stood there as if they were evil, while the red-haired old man stared at Lin Tian and hummed, "Boy, I'm here again."

   "Why are you so obsessed with me?"

   "I want that picture of you." The red-haired old man said coldly, while Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "You want that picture too?"

   "Bullshit, otherwise what am I chasing after you?" The red-haired old man hummed, but Lin Tian laughed when he heard this, "Come here if you can, let me see how capable you are!"

   "Boy, I was in Wangxian Mansion before, and there was that wicked girl to help you, but I don't. I see how you fight with me!" The red-haired old man believed in himself.

  Lin Tian smiled and looked at those who were being controlled, "These people's cultivation bases have been abolished in half, what are you asking them to do?"

   "These people are naturally useful." After speaking, the red-haired old man suddenly controlled a person, and that person flew to Lin Tian and detonated Xiange.


  Lin Tian's area turned into a sea of ​​fire, and a deep pit appeared, and the red-haired old man said proudly, "This is a serious injury."

   "That's just my shadow, what are you worried about?" Lin Tian stood on a roof and smiled at the old Hong'an.

   The red-haired old man was startled immediately, and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"You, why is there nothing at all?"

   "I'm strong, how could something happen?" Lin Tianxiao asked the red-haired old man, but the red-haired old man didn't believe it, and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, I'm not afraid of you!"

   "Oh? Is that so? Then you come and let me see!"

   The red-haired old man continued to let the others fly out, and the effect was to detonate in front of Lin Tian.

   But all these explosions shattered Lin Tian's shadow, which had no effect on Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian smiled at the red-haired old man, "Is it okay?"

   "Whether it's okay, it's not up to you!" A red-haired old man got angry, and then let the last person out.

   The final result was still the same, everything was shattered, Lin Tian was still fine, and Lin Tian asked with a smile, "Is there anyone else?"

   The red-haired old man had to say, "Although it's gone, you can't help me."

   "Tell me, who are you, why are you able to enter and exit Wangxian Mansion freely, and this."

   The red-haired old man pretended to be stupid, "I don't know what you said."

   "Wangxian Mansion, not ordinary people can enter and exit, and it is said that no one has ever come out. Don't you think I should ask you a question?"

   The red-haired old man continued to fool and said, "I want to come in, I want to come out, I come out, and this is my secret, why should I tell you."

  Lin Tian's ghosts dispersed, and the red-haired old man didn't take it seriously, he still stared at these ghosts and said, "I know you are shadows."

   "Although they are shadows, you will be afraid of them." Lin Tian smiled confidently, but the other party didn't believe it, and even teased, "That evil girl is no more, I'm not afraid of anything!"

Lin Tian smiled, and then these ghosts attacked the red-haired old man, and the red-haired old man relied on his immortal soul barrier to be strong, so he proudly said, "Boy, I am the Seven Star Immortal Venerable, your attacks, even my immortal soul barrier You can't even break it, and you still want to attack me?"

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "Then wait, it will always be broken."

   "It's ridiculous, I just stand here and attack you, but you can't break it." The red-haired old man believed himself.

  But Lin Tian ignored him and continued to smile at him, while the red-haired old man let the shadows attack, and at the same time muttered in his heart, "What the **** is this guy doing?"

   When the red-haired old man was suspicious, Lin Tian said with satisfaction, "Okay."

   "Okay? What's up?" The red-haired old man didn't know what Lin Tian said, but the next moment, the red-haired old man had an ominous premonition.

   Sure enough, when Lin Tian threw countless immortal crystals, the red-haired old man felt a hint of danger, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "You still have a chance to repent."

   "I repent to your mother!" The other party scolded, and Lin Tian became cold, because he was very unfamiliar with the mother in his mind, but when someone scolded this, he was naturally a little unhappy.

   "If only I knew who my mother is." When Lin Tian said this, countless fairy crystals were like sparks blooming.

   The next moment, the red-haired old man's immortal soul barrier cracked and finally shattered, causing serious injuries to the opponent at the same time.

   "This, how is this possible!" The red-haired old man stared at Lin Tian in horror, and he never even dreamed that Lin Tian, ​​an immortal emperor, could smash his immortal soul barrier.

  Lin Tianze walked over step by step and stared at him, "Do you regret it?"

   The red-haired old man wanted to leave, but Lin Tian's water appeared, and a frozen, seriously injured red-haired old man was completely unbearable at this moment, and froze there on the spot.

  Lin Tian then revolved around him, "Originally, I didn't have any deep hatred with you, but you have to say my mother."

   "I, I didn't do it on purpose." The other party panicked, but Lin Tian sneered, "It's over without intention?"

   After Lin Tian finished speaking, he directly hooked out his immortal soul, while the immortal soul of the red-haired old man struggled frantically and shouted, "I was so wrong!"

   "No chance."

   "Emperor Lin, please!"

   "Begging me, it's no use." After speaking, Lin Tian entered the soul imprint, and found that the red-haired old man also had his memory erased.

   "I knew that you can't get rid of that person." Lin Tian became cold after finding out, and the red-haired old man panicked, "You, what do you want?"

"Restore your memory first, then." Although Lin Tian didn't say anything about the punishment, the red-haired old man had already sensed it, so he trembled and begged for mercy, but Lin Tian didn't take him seriously. Steal it, then seal him up like Tiangu, and then destroy his soul.

   But in Lin Tian, ​​when he was ready to read that memory, he felt movement around him.

   (end of this chapter)

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