Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2314: a few weirdos

   Chapter 2314 A few weird guys

  Lin Tian smiled at this man, "I advise you to give up, otherwise, you will regret it."

   "I never regret it." The figure believed in himself, but Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, and stared at this person and said, "Then let it go."

   This man frowned, but in the end he released arrows, and these arrows passed through the body one by one and hit Lin Tian's soul.

  But Lin Tian didn't do anything at all, he still stared at the other party and said with a smile, "You arrows, maybe against ordinary people, but against me, it's really useless."

   Hearing this, the man became serious and even wondered, "How is this possible."

   "If you don't believe me, you can try again." Lin Tian stared at this person and said, and this person naturally wanted to try, so he gathered his arrows again.

   But these arrows hit Lin Tian one by one, but Lin Tian was fine, and even smiled at him, "How is it? Do you believe it?"

  The man was in a hurry, and finally he stepped back step by step, wanting to leave this place, but the formation was arranged around here, and the other party could not leave at all.

   "Don't run away, it's useless." Lin Tian laughed, but the other party panicked and stared at Lin Tian and said, "What the **** are you trying to do?"

   "It's very simple, I just want to know, how long have you been in this Lingyou Valley, and where is Wang Xianfu?" Lin Tian asked him.

   When this person heard Wangxian Mansion, he immediately widened his eyes, "Are you looking for Wangxian Mansion?"


   "Then I advise you to give up." The man said coldly, while Lin Tian asked in confusion, "Oh? Why?"

   "Wang Xianfu, there is no return, this is the rule of Lingyougu."

   "The rules of Lingyougu? Are there many people here besides you?" Lin Tian asked back, and the person replied, "Yes, I'm just one of the loose cultivators."

   Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled and said, "Whether Wangxian Mansion is dangerous or not, you have to take me there."

   "Why?" The other party was alert, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Then, let me get your memory."

   "You are dreaming, you." The other party said contemptuously, but Lin Tian ignored it and released a ghost to start dealing with him.

   This man dodged everywhere, and his speed was very fast, even Lin Tian's ghost could not draw the divine pattern on the other's fairy soul.

   So Lin Tian sat down and said with a smile, "That's it, we are trapped in this formation together."

   "Boy, you." Seeing that Lin Tian was playing a rogue, the other party sighed.

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "I have time anyway."

   Hearing this, the other party was very angry, and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"I don't believe you are consuming energy."

"That's a waste of time." Lin Tian closed his eyes, and the other party was unwilling, so he naturally attacked there, but ghost techniques and soul techniques were ineffective against Lin Tian, ​​but other immortal techniques were all shadows. So angry that the other party had to sit down.

   But the man wondered in his heart, "This guy is too rascal."

   When the other party complained, Lin Tian sat cross-legged and said with a smile, "No matter how hard you try, you can't treat me like that."

   The other party was speechless and could only be sullen there, and Lin Tian continued, "I just want to go to the Xianfu route, and you, just tell me, I will let you out, isn't it good?"

   The other party thought about it and thought it made sense, so he stared at Lin Tian and said, "I will fulfill you if you want to die."

After   , the other party took out a wooden slip, recorded the route of Wangxian Mansion, and threw it to Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "That's fine."

  The man said anxiously, "Can the formation be unraveled?"

"of course."

   Lin Tian finished speaking, opened the formation, and walked out, and the man quickly followed.

  Not only that, the man quickly hid behind a tree and said, "Boy, let me tell you, that place can't be returned."

   "Thank you for reminding me." Lin Tian said this, then packed up and left, ignoring the other party's follow.

   I saw that person following in the dark, obviously wanting to see how Lin Tian died.

  Lin Tian walked through the woods along the route for most of the day, and he came to a mansion, which looked very old and surrounded by formations.

   Just as Lin Tian was about to go in, a lot of people suddenly appeared nearby, and these people were dressed strangely.

   Some people have mud on their faces, some have plants hanging on their bodies, and some people hold a dry tree root in one hand.

   The person who followed Lin Tianlai just now frowned, and someone shouted to him not far away, "Flower guest, how did you bring this kid here."

   "Flower guest, don't you know that this neighborhood is our territory?"

   "Flower guest, do you want to be killed by grandma?"

  Lin Tian muttered in his heart, "Flower guest, grandma?"

   The florist argued, "He came by himself. If you don't believe me, you can ask them."

   Those people didn't believe it, and some people said, "This Wangxian Mansion, not everyone can find it."

   "That's right, if it wasn't for your guidance, he might have come here?"

   "Flower guest, you are finished."

   The florist was not reconciled, "Why, it's me?"

  Those people ignored the flower guest's excuse, and the one who took the lead had a muddy face and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, my name is Mud King, if you don't want to die, get out!"

   "I'm going inside." Lin Tian said coldly, while the mud king laughed, "You want to go in? Who do you think you are?"

   "I really want to go in." Lin Tian explained, but the mud king was annoyed, "You kid, do you think I'm joking with you?"

   "I don't mean that." Lin Tian stared at the mud king and said, but the mud king was impatient, "You fellow, an immortal emperor, dare to be obsessed?"

   Someone also said, "Don't you have eyes?"

   "Want to die?" The man holding the dry tree trunk even stared at Lin Tian, ​​and stepped forward, pointing at Lin Tian with the trunk.

  Lin Tian stared at the tree trunk and said, "This thing is a treasure, are you not afraid of being taken away by me?"

   "You took it? It's ridiculous! It has been refined by me, how can you take it away?" The man laughed.

   Lin Tian waved his hand, the tree trunk reached Lin Tian, ​​and the man was anxious, "Return it to me."

  Lin Tian injected power, the trunk flashed green, and then leaves and vines grew.

   Not only that, but under the control of Lin Tian's consciousness, these vines went out and entangled the people in front of them.

   The mud king was annoyed and scolded, "Old tree trunk, what do you mean?"

   The owner of the magic weapon looked depressed, "I don't know how he controlled my magic weapon."

   "You." The mud king was furious, but Lin Tian stared at them and said, "I don't want to hear your nonsense."

After    finished speaking, Lin Tian planned to walk past them, but the mud king ran wild and shouted, breaking the vines, then stared at Lin Tian and hummed, "Want to leave? You are dreaming!"

   (end of this chapter)

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